Source code for orangewidget.utils.widgetpreview

import sys
import logging
import gc
import signal

from AnyQt.QtWidgets import QApplication

[docs] class WidgetPreview: """ A helper class for widget previews. Attributes: widget (OWBaseWidget): an instance of the widget or `None` widget_cls (type): the widget class """ def __init__(self, widget_cls): self.widget_cls = widget_cls self.widget = None logging.basicConfig() # Allow termination with CTRL + C signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)
[docs] def run(self, input_data=None, *, no_exec=False, no_exit=False, **kwargs): """ Run a preview of the widget; It first creates a widget, unless it exists from the previous call. This can only happen if `no_exit` was set to `True`. Next, it passes the data signals to the widget. Data given as positional argument must be of a type for which there exist a single or a default handler. Signals can also be given by keyword arguments, where the name of the argument is the name of the handler method. If the data is a list of tuples, the sequence of tuples is sent to the same handler. Next, the method shows the widget and starts the event loop, unless `no_exec` argument is set to `True`. Finally, unless the argument `no_exit` is set to `True`, the method tears down the widget, deletes the reference to the widget and calls Python's garbage collector, as an effort to catch any crashes due to widget members (typically :obj:`QGraphicsScene` elements) outliving the widget. It then calls :obj:`sys.exit` with the exit code from the application's main loop. If `no_exit` is set to `True`, the `run` keeps the widget alive. In this case, subsequent calls to `run` or other methods (`send_signals`, `exec_widget`) will use the same widget. Args: input_data: data used for the default input signal of matching type no_exec (bool): if set to `True`, the widget is not shown and the event loop is not started no_exit (bool): if set to `True`, the widget is not torn down **kwargs: data for input signals """ if self.widget is None: self.create_widget() self.send_signals(input_data, **kwargs) if not no_exec: exit_code = self.exec_widget() else: exit_code = 0 if not no_exit: self.tear_down() sys.exit(exit_code)
[docs] def create_widget(self): """ Initialize :obj:`QApplication` and construct the widget. """ global app # pylint: disable=global-variable-undefined app = QApplication(sys.argv) self.widget = self.widget_cls()
[docs] def send_signals(self, input_data=None, **kwargs): """Send signals to the widget""" def call_handler(handler_name, data): handler = getattr(self.widget, handler_name) for chunk in self._data_chunks(data): handler(*chunk) if input_data is not None: handler_name = self._find_handler_name(input_data) call_handler(handler_name, input_data) for handler_name, data in kwargs.items(): call_handler(handler_name, data) self.widget.handleNewSignals()
def _find_handler_name(self, data): chunk = next(self._data_chunks(data))[0] chunk_type = type(chunk).__name__ inputs = [signal for signal in self.widget.get_signals("inputs") if isinstance(chunk, signal.type)] if not inputs: raise ValueError(f"no signal handlers for '{chunk_type}'") if len(inputs) > 1: inputs = [signal for signal in inputs if signal.default] if len(inputs) != 1: raise ValueError( f"multiple signal handlers for '{chunk_type}'") return inputs[0].handler @staticmethod def _data_chunks(data): if isinstance(data, list) \ and data \ and all(isinstance(x, tuple) for x in data): yield from iter(data) elif isinstance(data, tuple): yield data else: yield (data,)
[docs] def exec_widget(self): """Show the widget and start the :obj:`QApplication`'s main loop.""" self.widget.raise_() return app.exec()
[docs] def tear_down(self): """Save settings and delete the widget.""" from AnyQt import sip self.widget.saveSettings() self.widget.onDeleteWidget() sip.delete(self.widget) #: pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member self.widget = None gc.collect() app.processEvents()