Source code for Orange.widgets.widget

from orangewidget.gui import OWComponent
from orangewidget.utils.signals import (
    InputSignal, OutputSignal,
    Default, NonDefault, Single, Multiple, Dynamic, Explicit
from orangewidget.widget import (
    OWBaseWidget, Message, Msg, StateInfo, Input, Output, MultiInput

from Orange.widgets.utils.progressbar import ProgressBarMixin
from import DataReport as Report
from Orange.widgets.utils.signals import AttributeList

# import this to register auto_summary functions
import Orange.widgets.utils.state_summary  # pylint: disable=unused-import

__all__ = [
    "OWWidget", "Input", "Output", "MultiInput", "AttributeList", "Message",
    "Msg", "StateInfo",

    # these are re-exported here for legacy reasons. Use Input/Output instead.
    "InputSignal", "OutputSignal",
    "Default", "NonDefault", "Single", "Multiple", "Dynamic", "Explicit"

# these are included in this namespace but are not in __all__
OWComponent = OWComponent
WidgetSignalsMixin = WidgetSignalsMixin

WidgetMetaClass = type(OWBaseWidget)

[docs] class OWWidget(OWBaseWidget, ProgressBarMixin, Report, openclass=True): """ :class:`~orangewidget.widget.OWBaseWidget` extended with `` related report methods (:class:`.Report`) """
#: Input/Output flags (Deprecated). #: -------------------------------- #: #: The input/output is the default for its type. #: When there are multiple IO signals with the same type the #: one with the default flag takes precedence when adding a new #: link in the canvas. Default = Default NonDefault = NonDefault #: Single input signal (default) Single = Single #: Multiple outputs can be linked to this signal. #: Signal handlers with this flag have (object, id: object) -> None signature. Multiple = Multiple #: Applies to user interaction only. #: Only connected if specifically requested (in a dedicated "Links" dialog) #: or it is the only possible connection. Explicit = Explicit #: Dynamic output type. #: Specifies that the instances on the output will in general be #: subtypes of the declared type and that the output can be connected #: to any input signal which can accept a subtype of the declared output #: type. Dynamic = Dynamic