Source code for Orange.widgets.gui

Wrappers for controls used in widgets
import logging
import sys
import warnings
import weakref
from import Sequence

import math
import numpy as np

from AnyQt import QtWidgets, QtCore, QtGui
from AnyQt.QtCore import Qt, QSize, QItemSelection, QSortFilterProxyModel
from AnyQt.QtGui import QColor, QWheelEvent
from AnyQt.QtWidgets import QWidget, QListView, QComboBox

from orangewidget.utils.itemdelegates import (
    BarItemDataDelegate as _BarItemDataDelegate
# re-export relevant objects
from orangewidget.gui import (
    OWComponent, OrangeUserRole, TableView, resource_filename,
    miscellanea, setLayout, separator, rubber, widgetBox, hBox, vBox,
    comboBox as gui_comboBox,
    indentedBox, widgetLabel, label, spin, doubleSpin, checkBox, lineEdit,
    button, toolButton, radioButtons, radioButtonsInBox, appendRadioButton,
    hSlider, labeledSlider, valueSlider, auto_commit, auto_send, auto_apply,

    # ItemDataRole's
    BarRatioRole, BarBrushRole, SortOrderRole, LinkRole,

    IndicatorItemDelegate, BarItemDelegate, LinkStyledItemDelegate,
    ColoredBarItemDelegate, HorizontalGridDelegate, VerticalItemDelegate,
    VerticalLabel, tabWidget, createTabPage, table, tableItem,
    checkButtonOffsetHint, toolButtonSizeHint, FloatSlider,
    CalendarWidgetWithTime, DateTimeEditWCalendarTime,
    ControlGetter, VerticalScrollArea, ProgressBar,
    ControlledCallback, ControlledCallFront, ValueCallback, connectControl,
from orangewidget.utils.itemmodels import PyTableModel

    # Some Orange widgets might expect this here
    # pylint: disable=unused-import
    from Orange.widgets.utils.webview import WebviewWidget
except ImportError:
    pass  # Neither WebKit nor WebEngine are available

from Orange.widgets.utils import getdeepattr, vartype
from import \
    ContinuousVariable, StringVariable, TimeVariable, DiscreteVariable, \
    Variable, Value

__all__ = [
    # Re-exported
    "OWComponent", "OrangeUserRole", "TableView", "resource_filename",
    "miscellanea", "setLayout", "separator", "rubber",
    "widgetBox", "hBox", "vBox", "indentedBox",
    "widgetLabel", "label", "spin", "doubleSpin",
    "checkBox", "lineEdit", "button", "toolButton", "comboBox",
    "radioButtons", "radioButtonsInBox", "appendRadioButton",
    "hSlider", "labeledSlider", "valueSlider",
    "auto_commit", "auto_send", "auto_apply", "ProgressBar",
    "VerticalLabel", "tabWidget", "createTabPage", "table", "tableItem",
    "VisibleHeaderSectionContextEventFilter", "checkButtonOffsetHint",
    "toolButtonSizeHint", "FloatSlider", "ControlGetter",  "VerticalScrollArea",
    "CalendarWidgetWithTime", "DateTimeEditWCalendarTime",
    "BarRatioRole", "BarBrushRole", "SortOrderRole", "LinkRole",
    "BarItemDelegate", "IndicatorItemDelegate", "LinkStyledItemDelegate",
    "ColoredBarItemDelegate", "HorizontalGridDelegate", "VerticalItemDelegate",
    "ValueCallback", 'is_macstyle',
    # Defined here
    "createAttributePixmap", "attributeIconDict", "attributeItem",
    "listView", "ListViewWithSizeHint", "listBox", "OrangeListBox",
    "TableValueRole", "TableClassValueRole", "TableDistribution",
    "TableVariable", "TableBarItem", "palette_combo_box", "BarRatioTableModel"

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def palette_combo_box(initial_palette):
    from Orange.widgets.utils import itemmodels
    cb = QComboBox()
    model = itemmodels.ContinuousPalettesModel()
    cb.setIconSize(QSize(64, 16))
    return cb

[docs] def createAttributePixmap(char,, color=Qt.white): """ Create a QIcon with a given character. The icon is 13 pixels high and wide. :param char: The character that is printed in the icon :type char: str :param background: the background color (default: black) :type background: QColor :param color: the character color (default: white) :type color: QColor :rtype: QIcon """ icon = QtGui.QIcon() for size in (13, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 28, 32, 64): pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(size, size) pixmap.fill(Qt.transparent) painter = QtGui.QPainter() painter.begin(pixmap) painter.setRenderHints(painter.Antialiasing | painter.TextAntialiasing | painter.SmoothPixmapTransform) painter.setPen(background) painter.setBrush(background) margin = 1 + size // 16 text_margin = size // 20 rect = QtCore.QRectF(margin, margin, size - 2 * margin, size - 2 * margin) painter.drawRoundedRect(rect, 30.0, 30.0, Qt.RelativeSize) painter.setPen(color) font = painter.font() # type: QtGui.QFont font.setPixelSize(size - 2 * margin - 2 * text_margin) painter.setFont(font) painter.drawText(rect, Qt.AlignCenter, char) painter.end() icon.addPixmap(pixmap) return icon
class __AttributeIconDict(dict): def __getitem__(self, key): if not self: for tpe, char, col in ((vartype(ContinuousVariable("c")), "N", (202, 0, 32)), (vartype(DiscreteVariable("d")), "C", (26, 150, 65)), (vartype(StringVariable("s")), "S", (0, 0, 0)), (vartype(TimeVariable("t")), "T", (68, 170, 255)), (-1, "?", (128, 128, 128))): self[tpe] = createAttributePixmap(char, QtGui.QColor(*col)) if key not in self: key = vartype(key) if isinstance(key, Variable) else -1 return super().__getitem__(key) #: A dict that returns icons for different attribute types. The dict is #: constructed on first use since icons cannot be created before initializing #: the application. #: #: Accepted keys are variable type codes and instances #: of :obj:``: `attributeIconDict[var]` will give the #: appropriate icon for variable `var` or a question mark if the type is not #: recognized attributeIconDict = __AttributeIconDict()
[docs] def attributeItem(var): """ Construct a pair (icon, name) for inserting a variable into a combo or list box :param var: variable :type var: :rtype: tuple with QIcon and str """ return attributeIconDict[var],
class ListViewWithSizeHint(QListView): def __init__(self, *args, preferred_size=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(preferred_size, tuple): preferred_size = QSize(*preferred_size) self.preferred_size = preferred_size def sizeHint(self): return self.preferred_size if self.preferred_size is not None \ else super().sizeHint() def listView(widget, master, value=None, model=None, box=None, callback=None, sizeHint=None, *, viewType=ListViewWithSizeHint, **misc): if box: bg = vBox(widget, box, addToLayout=False) else: bg = widget view = viewType(preferred_size=sizeHint) if isinstance(view.model(), QSortFilterProxyModel): view.model().setSourceModel(model) else: view.setModel(model) if value is not None: connectControl(master, value, callback, view.selectionModel().selectionChanged, CallFrontListView(view), CallBackListView(model, view, master, value)) misc.setdefault('uniformItemSizes', True) miscellanea(view, bg, widget, **misc) return view
[docs] def listBox(widget, master, value=None, labels=None, box=None, callback=None, selectionMode=QtWidgets.QListWidget.SingleSelection, enableDragDrop=False, dragDropCallback=None, dataValidityCallback=None, sizeHint=None, **misc): """ Insert a list box. The value with which the box's value synchronizes (`master.<value>`) is a list of indices of selected items. :param widget: the widget into which the box is inserted :type widget: QWidget or None :param master: master widget :type master: OWWidget or OWComponent :param value: the name of the master's attribute with which the value is synchronized (list of ints - indices of selected items) :type value: str :param labels: the name of the master's attribute with the list of items (as strings or tuples with icon and string) :type labels: str :param box: tells whether the widget has a border, and its label :type box: int or str or None :param callback: a function that is called when the selection state is changed :type callback: function :param selectionMode: selection mode - single, multiple etc :type selectionMode: QAbstractItemView.SelectionMode :param enableDragDrop: flag telling whether drag and drop is available :type enableDragDrop: bool :param dragDropCallback: callback function on drop event :type dragDropCallback: function :param dataValidityCallback: function that check the validity on enter and move event; it should return either `ev.accept()` or `ev.ignore()`. :type dataValidityCallback: function :param sizeHint: size hint :type sizeHint: QSize :rtype: OrangeListBox """ if box: bg = hBox(widget, box, addToLayout=False) else: bg = widget lb = OrangeListBox(master, enableDragDrop, dragDropCallback, dataValidityCallback, sizeHint, bg) lb.setSelectionMode(selectionMode) lb.ogValue = value lb.ogLabels = labels lb.ogMaster = master if labels is not None: setattr(master, labels, getdeepattr(master, labels)) master.connect_control(labels, CallFrontListBoxLabels(lb)) if value is not None: clist = getdeepattr(master, value) if not isinstance(clist, (int, ControlledList)): clist = ControlledList(clist, lb) master.__setattr__(value, clist) setattr(master, value, clist) connectControl(master, value, callback, lb.itemSelectionChanged, CallFrontListBox(lb), CallBackListBox(lb, master)) miscellanea(lb, bg, widget, **misc) return lb
class OrangeListBox(QtWidgets.QListWidget): """ List box with drag and drop functionality. Function :obj:`listBox` constructs instances of this class; do not use the class directly. .. attribute:: master The widget into which the listbox is inserted. .. attribute:: ogLabels The name of the master's attribute that holds the strings with items in the list box. .. attribute:: ogValue The name of the master's attribute that holds the indices of selected items. .. attribute:: enableDragDrop A flag telling whether drag-and-drop is enabled. .. attribute:: dragDropCallback A callback that is called at the end of drop event. .. attribute:: dataValidityCallback A callback that is called on dragEnter and dragMove events and returns either `ev.accept()` or `ev.ignore()`. .. attribute:: defaultSizeHint The size returned by the `sizeHint` method. """ def __init__(self, master, enableDragDrop=False, dragDropCallback=None, dataValidityCallback=None, sizeHint=None, *args): """ :param master: the master widget :type master: OWWidget or OWComponent :param enableDragDrop: flag telling whether drag and drop is enabled :type enableDragDrop: bool :param dragDropCallback: callback for the end of drop event :type dragDropCallback: function :param dataValidityCallback: callback that accepts or ignores dragEnter and dragMove events :type dataValidityCallback: function with one argument (event) :param sizeHint: size hint :type sizeHint: QSize :param args: optional arguments for the inherited constructor """ self.master = master super().__init__(*args) self.drop_callback = dragDropCallback self.valid_data_callback = dataValidityCallback if not sizeHint: self.size_hint = QtCore.QSize(150, 100) else: self.size_hint = sizeHint if enableDragDrop: self.setDragEnabled(True) self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.setDropIndicatorShown(True) def sizeHint(self): return self.size_hint def minimumSizeHint(self): return self.size_hint def dragEnterEvent(self, event): super().dragEnterEvent(event) if self.valid_data_callback: self.valid_data_callback(event) elif isinstance(event.source(), OrangeListBox): event.setDropAction(Qt.MoveAction) event.accept() else: event.ignore() def dropEvent(self, event): event.setDropAction(Qt.MoveAction) super().dropEvent(event) items = self.update_master() if event.source() is not self: event.source().update_master(exclude=items) if self.drop_callback: self.drop_callback() def update_master(self, exclude=()): control_list = [self.item(i).data(Qt.UserRole) for i in range(self.count()) if self.item(i).data(Qt.UserRole) not in exclude] if self.ogLabels: master_list = getattr(self.master, self.ogLabels) if master_list != control_list: setattr(self.master, self.ogLabels, control_list) return control_list def updateGeometries(self): # A workaround for a bug in Qt # (see: if getattr(self, "_updatingGeometriesNow", False): return self._updatingGeometriesNow = True try: return super().updateGeometries() finally: self._updatingGeometriesNow = False
[docs] class ControlledList(list): """ A class derived from a list that is connected to a :obj:`QListBox`: the list contains indices of items that are selected in the list box. Changing the list content changes the selection in the list box. """ def __init__(self, content, listBox=None): super().__init__(content if content is not None else []) # Controlled list is created behind the back by gui.listBox and # commonly used as a setting which gets synced into a GLOBAL # SettingsHandler and which keeps the OWWidget instance alive via a # reference in listBox (see gui.listBox) if listBox is not None: self.listBox = weakref.ref(listBox) else: self.listBox = lambda: None def __reduce__(self): # cannot pickle self.listBox, but can't discard it # (ControlledList may live on) import copyreg return copyreg._reconstructor, (list, list, ()), None, self.__iter__() # TODO ControllgedList.item2name is probably never used def item2name(self, item): item = self.listBox().labels[item] if isinstance(item, tuple): return item[1] else: return item def __setitem__(self, index, item): def unselect(i): try: item = self.listBox().item(i) except RuntimeError: # Underlying C/C++ object has been deleted item = None if item is None: # Labels changed before clearing the selection: clear everything self.listBox().selectionModel().clear() else: item.setSelected(0) if isinstance(index, int): unselect(self[index]) item.setSelected(1) else: for i in self[index]: unselect(i) for i in item: self.listBox().item(i).setSelected(1) super().__setitem__(index, item) def __delitem__(self, index): if isinstance(index, int): self.listBox().item(self[index]).setSelected(0) else: for i in self[index]: self.listBox().item(i).setSelected(0) super().__delitem__(index) def append(self, item): super().append(item) item.setSelected(1) def extend(self, items): super().extend(items) for i in items: self.listBox().item(i).setSelected(1) def insert(self, index, item): item.setSelected(1) super().insert(index, item) def pop(self, index=-1): i = super().pop(index) self.listBox().item(i).setSelected(0) def remove(self, item): item.setSelected(0) super().remove(item)
[docs] def comboBox(widget, master, value, box=None, label=None, labelWidth=None, orientation=Qt.Vertical, items=(), callback=None, sendSelectedValue=None, emptyString=None, editable=False, contentsLength=None, searchable=False, *, model=None, tooltips=None, **misc): if "valueType" in misc: del misc["valueType"] warnings.warn("Argument 'valueType' is deprecated and ignored", DeprecationWarning) return gui_comboBox( widget, master, value, box, label, labelWidth, orientation, items, callback, sendSelectedValue, emptyString, editable, contentsLength, searchable, model=model, tooltips=tooltips, **misc)
comboBox.__doc__ = gui_comboBox.__doc__ class CallBackListView(ControlledCallback): def __init__(self, model, view, widget, attribute): super().__init__(widget, attribute) self.model = model self.view = view # triggered by selectionModel().selectionChanged() def __call__(self, *_): # This must be imported locally to avoid circular imports from Orange.widgets.utils.itemmodels import PyListModel selection = self.view.selectionModel().selection() if isinstance(self.view.model(), QSortFilterProxyModel): selection = self.view.model().mapSelectionToSource(selection) values = [i.row() for i in selection.indexes()] # set attribute's values if isinstance(self.model, PyListModel): values = [self.model[i] for i in values] if self.view.selectionMode() == self.view.SingleSelection: assert len(values) <= 1 values = values[0] if values else None self.acyclic_setattr(values) class CallBackListBox: def __init__(self, control, widget): self.control = control self.widget = widget self.disabled = 0 def __call__(self, *_): # triggered by selectionChange() if not self.disabled and self.control.ogValue is not None: clist = getdeepattr(self.widget, self.control.ogValue) control = self.control selection = [i for i in range(control.count()) if control.item(i).isSelected()] if isinstance(clist, int): self.widget.__setattr__( self.control.ogValue, selection[0] if selection else None) else: list.__setitem__(clist, slice(0, len(clist)), selection) self.widget.__setattr__(self.control.ogValue, clist) ############################################################################## # call fronts (change of the attribute value changes the related control) class CallFrontListView(ControlledCallFront): def action(self, values): view = self.control model = view.model() if isinstance(view.model(), QSortFilterProxyModel): model = model.sourceModel() sel_model = view.selectionModel() if not isinstance(values, Sequence): values = [values] selection = QItemSelection() for value in values: index = None if not isinstance(value, int): if value is None or isinstance(value, Variable): search_role = TableVariable else: search_role = Qt.DisplayRole value = str(value) for i in range(model.rowCount()): if, search_role) == value: index = i break else: index = value if index is not None:, model.index(index)) if isinstance(view.model(), QSortFilterProxyModel): selection = view.model().mapSelectionFromSource(selection), sel_model.ClearAndSelect) class CallFrontListBox(ControlledCallFront): def action(self, value): if value is not None: if isinstance(value, int): for i in range(self.control.count()): self.control.item(i).setSelected(i == value) else: if not isinstance(value, ControlledList): setattr(self.control.ogMaster, self.control.ogValue, ControlledList(value, self.control)) for i in range(self.control.count()): shouldBe = i in value if shouldBe != self.control.item(i).isSelected(): self.control.item(i).setSelected(shouldBe) class CallFrontListBoxLabels(ControlledCallFront): unknownType = None def action(self, values): self.control.clear() if values: for value in values: if isinstance(value, tuple): text, icon = value if isinstance(icon, int): item = QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem(attributeIconDict[icon], text) else: item = QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem(icon, text) elif isinstance(value, Variable): item = QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem(*attributeItem(value)) else: item = QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem(value) item.setData(Qt.UserRole, value) self.control.addItem(item) #: Role to retrieve TableValueRole = next(OrangeUserRole) #: Role to retrieve class value for a row TableClassValueRole = next(OrangeUserRole) # Role to retrieve distribution of a column TableDistribution = next(OrangeUserRole) #: Role to retrieve the column's variable TableVariable = next(OrangeUserRole) class TableBarItem(_BarItemDataDelegate): BarRole = next(OrangeUserRole) BarColorRole = next(OrangeUserRole) __slots__ = ("color_schema",) def __init__( self, parent=None, color=QColor(255, 170, 127), width=5, barFillRatioRole=BarRole, barColorRole=BarColorRole, color_schema=None, **kwargs ): """ :param QObject parent: Parent object. :param QColor color: Default color of the distribution bar. :param color_schema: If not None it must be an instance of :class:`OWColorPalette.ColorPaletteGenerator` (note: this parameter, if set, overrides the ``color``) :type color_schema: :class:`OWColorPalette.ColorPaletteGenerator` """ super().__init__( parent, color=color, penWidth=width, barFillRatioRole=barFillRatioRole, barColorRole=barColorRole, **kwargs ) self.color_schema = color_schema def barColorData(self, index): class_ = self.cachedData(index, TableClassValueRole) if self.color_schema is not None \ and isinstance(class_, Value) \ and isinstance(class_.variable, DiscreteVariable) \ and not math.isnan(class_): return self.color_schema[int(class_)] return self.cachedData(index, self.BarColorRole) from Orange.widgets.utils.colorpalettes import patch_variable_colors patch_variable_colors() class HScrollStepMixin: """ Overrides default TableView horizontal behavior (scrolls 1 page at a time) to a friendlier scroll speed akin to that of vertical scrolling. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.horizontalScrollBar().setSingleStep(20) def wheelEvent(self, event: QWheelEvent): if hasattr(event, "source") and \ event.source() == Qt.MouseEventNotSynthesized and \ (event.modifiers() & Qt.ShiftModifier and sys.platform == 'darwin' or event.modifiers() & Qt.AltModifier and sys.platform != 'darwin'): new_event = QWheelEvent( event.pos(), event.globalPos(), event.pixelDelta(), event.angleDelta(), event.buttons(), Qt.NoModifier, event.phase(), event.inverted(), Qt.MouseEventSynthesizedByApplication ) event.accept() super().wheelEvent(new_event) else: super().wheelEvent(event) class BarRatioTableModel(PyTableModel): """A model for displaying python tables. Adds a BarRatioRole that returns Data, normalized between the extremes. NaNs are listed last when sorting.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._extremes = {} def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole): if role == BarRatioRole and index.isValid(): value = super().data(index, Qt.EditRole) if not isinstance(value, float): return None vmin, vmax = self._extremes.get(index.column(), (-np.inf, np.inf)) value = (value - vmin) / ((vmax - vmin) or 1) return value if role == Qt.DisplayRole and index.column() != 0: role = Qt.EditRole value = super().data(index, role) # Display nothing for non-existent attr value counts in column 1 if role == Qt.EditRole \ and index.column() == 1 and np.isnan(value): return '' return value def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=Qt.DisplayRole): if role == Qt.InitialSortOrderRole: return Qt.DescendingOrder if section > 0 else Qt.AscendingOrder return super().headerData(section, orientation, role) def setExtremesFrom(self, column, values): """Set extremes for column's ratio bars from values""" try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", ".*All-NaN slice encountered.*", RuntimeWarning) vmin = np.nanmin(values) if np.isnan(vmin): raise TypeError except TypeError: vmin, vmax = -np.inf, np.inf else: vmax = np.nanmax(values) self._extremes[column] = (vmin, vmax) def resetSorting(self, yes_reset=False): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """We don't want to invalidate our sort proxy model everytime we wrap a new list. Our proxymodel only invalidates explicitly (i.e. when new data is set)""" if yes_reset: super().resetSorting() def _argsortData(self, data, order): if data.dtype not in (float, int): data = np.char.lower(data) indices = np.argsort(data, kind='mergesort') if order == Qt.DescendingOrder: indices = indices[::-1] if data.dtype == float: # Always sort NaNs last return np.roll(indices, -np.isnan(data).sum()) return indices