Violin Plot =========== Visualize the distribution of feature values in a violin plot. **Inputs** - Data: input dataset **Outputs** - Selected Data: instances selected from the plot - Data: data with an additional column showing whether a point is selected The **Violin Plot** widget plays a similar role as a [Box Plot]( It shows the distribution of quantitative data across several levels of a categorical variable such that those distributions can be compared. Unlike the Box Plot, in which all of the plot components correspond to actual data points, the Violin Plot features a kernel density estimation of the underlying distribution. ![](images/ViolinPlot-stamped.png) 1. Select the variable you want to plot. Tick *Order by relevance to subgroups* to order variables by Chi2 or ANOVA over the selected subgroup. 2. Choose *Subgroups* to see [violin plots]( displayed by a discrete subgroup. Tick *Order by relevance to variable* to order subgroups by Chi2 or ANOVA over the selected variable. 3. *Box plot*: Tick to show the underlying box plot. ![](images/ViolinPlot-boxplot.png) *Strip plot*: Tick to show the underlying data represented by points. *Rug plot*: Tick to show the underlying data represented by lines. *Order subgroups*: Tick to order violins by *median* (ascending). *Orientation*: Determine violin orientation. 4. *Kernel*: Select the kernel used to estimate the density. Possible kernels are: *Normal*, *Epanechnikov* and *Linear*. *Scale*: Select the method used to scale the width of each violin. If *area* is selected, each violin will have the same area. If *count* is selected, the width of the violins will be scaled by the number of observations in that bin. If *width* is selected, each violin will have the same width. Examples -------- The **Violin Plot** widget is most commonly used immediately after the [File](../data/ widget to observe the statistical properties of a dataset. In the first example, we have used *heart-disease* data to inspect our variables. ![](images/ViolinPlot-example1.png) The **Violin Plot** could also be used for *outlier detection*. In the next example we eliminate the outliers by selecting only instances that fall inside the [Q1 − 1.5 and Q3 + 1.5 IQR]( ![](images/ViolinPlot-example2.png)