Source code for Orange.evaluation.testing

# __new__ methods have different arguments
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
from warnings import warn
from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import chain
from time import time

import numpy as np

import sklearn.model_selection as skl

from import Domain, ContinuousVariable, DiscreteVariable
from import get_unique_names

__all__ = ["Results", "CrossValidation", "LeaveOneOut", "TestOnTrainingData",
           "ShuffleSplit", "TestOnTestData", "sample", "CrossValidationFeature"]

_MpResults = namedtuple('_MpResults', ('fold_i', 'learner_i', 'model',
                                       'failed', 'n_values', 'values',
                                       'probs', 'train_time', 'test_time'))

def _identity(x):
    return x

def _mp_worker(fold_i, train_data, test_data, learner_i, learner,
    predicted, probs, model, failed = None, None, None, False
    train_time, test_time = None, None
        if not train_data or not test_data:
            raise RuntimeError('Test fold is empty')
        # training
        t0 = time()
        model = learner(train_data)
        train_time = time() - t0
        t0 = time()
        # testing
        class_var = train_data.domain.class_var
        if class_var and class_var.is_discrete:
            predicted, probs = model(test_data, model.ValueProbs)
            predicted = model(test_data, model.Value)
        test_time = time() - t0
    # Different models can fail at any time raising any exception
    except Exception as ex:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        failed = ex
    return _MpResults(fold_i, learner_i, store_models and model,
                      failed, len(test_data), predicted, probs,
                      train_time, test_time)

[docs] class Results: """ Class for storing predictions in model testing. Attributes: data (Optional[Table]): Data used for testing. models (Optional[List[Model]]): A list of induced models. row_indices (np.ndarray): Indices of rows in `data` that were used in testing, stored as a numpy vector of length `nrows`. Values of `actual[i]`, `predicted[i]` and `probabilities[i]` refer to the target value of instance, that is, the i-th test instance is `data[row_indices[i]]`, its actual class is `actual[i]`, and the prediction by m-th method is `predicted[m, i]`. nrows (int): The number of test instances (including duplicates); `nrows` equals the length of `row_indices` and `actual`, and the second dimension of `predicted` and `probabilities`. actual (np.ndarray): true values of target variable in a vector of length `nrows`. predicted (np.ndarray): predicted values of target variable in an array of shape (number-of-methods, `nrows`) probabilities (Optional[np.ndarray]): predicted probabilities (for discrete target variables) in an array of shape (number-of-methods, `nrows`, number-of-classes) folds (List[Slice or List[int]]): a list of indices (or slice objects) corresponding to testing data subsets, that is, `row_indices[folds[i]]` contains row indices used in fold i, so `data[row_indices[folds[i]]]` is the corresponding testing data train_time (np.ndarray): training times of batches test_time (np.ndarray): testing times of batches """ def __init__(self, data=None, *, nmethods=None, nrows=None, nclasses=None, domain=None, row_indices=None, folds=None, score_by_folds=True, learners=None, models=None, failed=None, actual=None, predicted=None, probabilities=None, store_data=None, store_models=None, train_time=None, test_time=None): """ Construct an instance. The constructor stores the given data, and creates empty arrays `actual`, `predicted` and `probabilities` if ther are not given but sufficient data is provided to deduct their shapes. The function - set any attributes specified directly through arguments. - infers the number of methods, rows and classes from other data and/or check their overall consistency. - Prepare empty arrays `actual`, `predicted`, `probabilities` and `failed` if the are not given. If not enough data is available, the corresponding arrays are `None`. Args: data ( stored data from which test was sampled nmethods (int): number of methods; can be inferred (or must match) the size of `learners`, `models`, `failed`, `predicted` and `probabilities` nrows (int): number of data instances; can be inferred (or must match) `data`, `row_indices`, `actual`, `predicted` and `probabilities` nclasses (int): number of class values (`None` if continuous); can be inferred (or must match) from `domain.class_var` or `probabilities` domain ( data domain; can be inferred (or must) match `data.domain` row_indices (np.ndarray): see class documentation folds (np.ndarray): see class documentation score_by_folds (np.ndarray): see class documentation learners (np.ndarray): see class documentation models (np.ndarray): see class documentation failed (list of str): see class documentation actual (np.ndarray): see class documentation predicted (np.ndarray): see class documentation probabilities (np.ndarray): see class documentation store_data (bool): ignored; kept for backward compatibility store_models (bool): ignored; kept for backward compatibility """ # Set given data directly from arguments = data self.domain = domain self.row_indices = row_indices self.folds = folds self.score_by_folds = score_by_folds self.learners = learners self.models = models self.actual = actual self.predicted = predicted self.probabilities = probabilities self.failed = failed self.train_time = train_time self.test_time = test_time # Guess the rest -- or check for ambguities def set_or_raise(value, exp_values, msg): for exp_value in exp_values: if exp_value is False: continue if value is None: value = exp_value elif value != exp_value: raise ValueError(msg) return value domain = self.domain = set_or_raise( domain, [data is not None and data.domain], "mismatching domain") self.nrows = nrows = set_or_raise( nrows, [actual is not None and len(actual), row_indices is not None and len(row_indices), predicted is not None and predicted.shape[1], probabilities is not None and probabilities.shape[1]], "mismatching number of rows") if domain is not None and domain.has_continuous_class: if nclasses is not None: raise ValueError( "regression results cannot have non-None 'nclasses'") if probabilities is not None: raise ValueError( "regression results cannot have 'probabilities'") nclasses = set_or_raise( nclasses, [domain is not None and domain.has_discrete_class and len(domain.class_var.values), probabilities is not None and probabilities.shape[2]], "mismatching number of class values") nmethods = set_or_raise( nmethods, [learners is not None and len(learners), models is not None and models.shape[1], failed is not None and len(failed), predicted is not None and predicted.shape[0], probabilities is not None and probabilities.shape[0]], "mismatching number of methods") # Prepare empty arrays if actual is None \ and nrows is not None: self.actual = np.empty(nrows) if predicted is None \ and nmethods is not None and nrows is not None: self.predicted = np.empty((nmethods, nrows)) if probabilities is None \ and nmethods is not None and nrows is not None \ and nclasses is not None: self.probabilities = \ np.empty((nmethods, nrows, nclasses)) if failed is None \ and nmethods is not None: self.failed = [False] * nmethods def get_fold(self, fold): results = Results() = if self.folds is None: raise ValueError("This 'Results' instance does not have folds.") if self.models is not None: results.models = self.models[fold] results.row_indices = self.row_indices[self.folds[fold]] results.actual = self.actual[self.folds[fold]] results.predicted = self.predicted[:, self.folds[fold]] results.domain = self.domain if self.probabilities is not None: results.probabilities = self.probabilities[:, self.folds[fold]] return results
[docs] def get_augmented_data(self, model_names, include_attrs=True, include_predictions=True, include_probabilities=True): """ Return the test data table augmented with meta attributes containing predictions, probabilities (if the task is classification) and fold indices. Args: model_names (list of str): names of models include_attrs (bool): if set to `False`, original attributes are removed include_predictions (bool): if set to `False`, predictions are not added include_probabilities (bool): if set to `False`, probabilities are not added Returns: augmented_data ( data augmented with predictions, probabilities and fold indices """ assert self.predicted.shape[0] == len(model_names) data =[self.row_indices] domain = data.domain class_var = domain.class_var classification = class_var and class_var.is_discrete new_meta_attr = [] new_meta_vals = np.empty((len(data), 0)) names = [ for var in chain(domain.attributes, domain.metas, domain.class_vars)] if classification: # predictions if include_predictions: uniq_new, names = self.create_unique_vars(names, model_names, class_var.values) new_meta_attr += uniq_new new_meta_vals = np.hstack((new_meta_vals, self.predicted.T)) # probabilities if include_probabilities: proposed = [f"{name} ({value})" for name in model_names for value in class_var.values] uniq_new, names = self.create_unique_vars(names, proposed) new_meta_attr += uniq_new for i in self.probabilities: new_meta_vals = np.hstack((new_meta_vals, i)) elif include_predictions: # regression uniq_new, names = self.create_unique_vars(names, model_names) new_meta_attr += uniq_new new_meta_vals = np.hstack((new_meta_vals, self.predicted.T)) # add fold info if self.folds is not None: values = [str(i + 1) for i in range(len(self.folds))] uniq_new, names = self.create_unique_vars(names, ["Fold"], values) new_meta_attr += uniq_new fold = np.empty((len(data), 1)) for i, s in enumerate(self.folds): fold[s, 0] = i new_meta_vals = np.hstack((new_meta_vals, fold)) # append new columns to meta attributes new_meta_attr = list(data.domain.metas) + new_meta_attr new_meta_vals = np.hstack((data.metas, new_meta_vals)) attrs = data.domain.attributes if include_attrs else [] domain = Domain(attrs, data.domain.class_vars, metas=new_meta_attr) predictions = data.transform(domain) with predictions.unlocked(predictions.metas): predictions.metas = new_meta_vals = return predictions
def create_unique_vars(self, names, proposed_names, values=()): unique_vars = [] for proposed in proposed_names: uniq = get_unique_names(names, proposed) if values: unique_vars.append(DiscreteVariable(uniq, values)) else: unique_vars.append(ContinuousVariable(uniq)) names.append(uniq) return unique_vars, names
[docs] def split_by_model(self): """ Split evaluation results by models. The method generates instances of `Results` containing data for single models """ data = nmethods = len(self.predicted) for i in range(nmethods): res = Results() = data res.domain = self.domain res.learners = [self.learners[i]] res.row_indices = self.row_indices res.actual = self.actual res.folds = self.folds res.score_by_folds = self.score_by_folds res.test_time = self.test_time[i] res.train_time = self.train_time[i] res.predicted = self.predicted[(i,), :] if getattr(self, "probabilities", None) is not None: res.probabilities = self.probabilities[(i,), :, :] if self.models is not None: res.models = self.models[:, i:i + 1] res.failed = [self.failed[i]] yield res
class Validation: """ Base class for different testing schemata such as cross validation and testing on separate data set. If `data` is some data table and `learners` is a list of learning algorithms. This will run 5-fold cross validation and store the results in `res`. cv = CrossValidation(k=5) res = cv(data, learners) If constructor was given data and learning algorithms (as in `res = CrossValidation(data, learners, k=5)`, it used to automagically call the instance after constructing it and return `Results` instead of an instance of `Validation`. This functionality is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Attributes: store_data (bool): a flag defining whether the data is stored store_models (bool): a flag defining whether the models are stored """ score_by_folds = False def __new__(cls, data=None, learners=None, preprocessor=None, test_data=None, *, callback=None, store_data=False, store_models=False, n_jobs=None, **kwargs): self = super().__new__(cls) if (learners is None) != (data is None): raise ValueError( "learners and train_data must both be present or not") if learners is None: if preprocessor is not None: raise ValueError("preprocessor cannot be given if learners " "and train_data are omitted") if callback is not None: raise ValueError("callback cannot be given if learners " "and train_data are omitted") return self warn("calling Validation's constructor with data and learners " "is deprecated;\nconstruct an instance and call it", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) # Explicitly call __init__ because Python won't self.__init__(store_data=store_data, store_models=store_models, **kwargs) if test_data is not None: test_data_kwargs = {"test_data": test_data} else: test_data_kwargs = {} return self(data, learners=learners, preprocessor=preprocessor, callback=callback, **test_data_kwargs) # Note: this will be called only if __new__ doesn't have data and learners def __init__(self, *, store_data=False, store_models=False): self.store_data = store_data self.store_models = store_models def fit(self, *args, **kwargs): warn(" is deprecated; use the call operator", DeprecationWarning) return self(*args, **kwargs) def __call__(self, data, learners, preprocessor=None, *, callback=None): """ Args: data ( data to be used (usually split) into training and testing learners (list of Orange.Learner): a list of learning algorithms preprocessor (Orange.preprocess.Preprocess): preprocessor applied on training data callback (Callable): a function called to notify about the progress Returns: results (Result): results of testing """ if preprocessor is None: preprocessor = _identity if callback is None: callback = _identity indices = self.get_indices(data) folds, row_indices, actual = self.prepare_arrays(data, indices) data_splits = ( (fold_i, preprocessor(data[train_i]), data[test_i]) for fold_i, (train_i, test_i) in enumerate(indices)) args_iter = ( (fold_i, data, test_data, learner_i, learner, self.store_models) for (fold_i, data, test_data) in data_splits for (learner_i, learner) in enumerate(learners)) part_results = [] parts = np.linspace(.0, .99, len(learners) * len(indices) + 1)[1:] for progress, part in zip(parts, args_iter): part_results.append(_mp_worker(*(part + ()))) callback(progress) callback(1) results = Results( data=data if self.store_data else None, domain=data.domain, nrows=len(row_indices), learners=learners, row_indices=row_indices, folds=folds, actual=actual, score_by_folds=self.score_by_folds, train_time=np.zeros((len(learners),)), test_time=np.zeros((len(learners),))) if self.store_models: results.models = np.tile(None, (len(indices), len(learners))) self._collect_part_results(results, part_results) return results @classmethod def prepare_arrays(cls, data, indices): """Prepare `folds`, `row_indices` and `actual`. The method is used by `__call__`. While functional, it may be overriden in subclasses for speed-ups. Args: data ( data use for testing indices (list of vectors): indices of data instances in each test sample Returns: folds: (np.ndarray): see class documentation row_indices: (np.ndarray): see class documentation actual: (np.ndarray): see class documentation """ folds = [] row_indices = [] ptr = 0 for _, test in indices: folds.append(slice(ptr, ptr + len(test))) row_indices.append(test) ptr += len(test) row_indices = np.concatenate(row_indices, axis=0) return folds, row_indices, data[row_indices].Y @staticmethod def get_indices(data): """ Return a list of arrays of indices of test data instance For example, in k-fold CV, the result is a list with `k` elements, each containing approximately `len(data) / k` nonoverlapping indices into `data`. This method is abstract and must be implemented in derived classes unless they provide their own implementation of the `__call__` method. Args: data ( test data Returns: indices (list of np.ndarray): a list of arrays of indices into `data` """ raise NotImplementedError() def _collect_part_results(self, results, part_results): part_results = sorted(part_results) ptr, prev_fold_i, prev_n_values = 0, 0, 0 for res in part_results: if res.fold_i != prev_fold_i: ptr += prev_n_values prev_fold_i = res.fold_i result_slice = slice(ptr, ptr + res.n_values) prev_n_values = res.n_values if res.failed: results.failed[res.learner_i] = res.failed continue if len(res.values.shape) > 1 and res.values.shape[1] > 1: msg = "Multiple targets are not supported." results.failed[res.learner_i] = ValueError(msg) continue if self.store_models: results.models[res.fold_i][res.learner_i] = res.model results.predicted[res.learner_i][result_slice] = res.values results.train_time[res.learner_i] += res.train_time results.test_time[res.learner_i] += res.test_time if res.probs is not None: results.probabilities[res.learner_i][result_slice, :] = \ res.probs
[docs] class CrossValidation(Validation): """ K-fold cross validation Attributes: k (int): number of folds (default: 10) random_state (int): seed for random number generator (default: 0). If set to `None`, a different seed is used each time stratified (bool): flag deciding whether to perform stratified cross-validation. If `True` but the class sizes don't allow it, it uses non-stratified validataion and adds a list `warning` with a warning message(s) to the `Result`. """ # TODO: list `warning` contains just repetitions of the same message # replace with a flag in `Results`? def __init__(self, k=10, stratified=True, random_state=0, store_data=False, store_models=False, warnings=None): super().__init__(store_data=store_data, store_models=store_models) self.k = k self.stratified = stratified self.random_state = random_state self.warnings = [] if warnings is None else warnings
[docs] def get_indices(self, data): if self.stratified and data.domain.has_discrete_class: try: splitter = skl.StratifiedKFold( self.k, shuffle=True, random_state=self.random_state ) splitter.get_n_splits(data.X, data.Y) return list(splitter.split(data.X, data.Y)) except ValueError: self.warnings.append("Using non-stratified sampling.") splitter = skl.KFold( self.k, shuffle=True, random_state=self.random_state) splitter.get_n_splits(data) return list(splitter.split(data))
[docs] class CrossValidationFeature(Validation): """ Cross validation with folds according to values of a feature. Attributes: feature ( the feature defining the folds """ def __init__(self, feature=None, store_data=False, store_models=False, warnings=None): super().__init__(store_data=store_data, store_models=store_models) self.feature = feature
[docs] def get_indices(self, data): data = data.transform(Domain([self.feature], None)) values = data[:, self.feature].X indices = [] for v in range(len(self.feature.values)): test_index = np.where(values == v)[0] train_index = np.where((values != v) & (~np.isnan(values)))[0] if test_index.size and train_index.size: indices.append((train_index, test_index)) if not indices: raise ValueError( f"'{}' does not have at least two distinct " "values on the data") return indices
[docs] class LeaveOneOut(Validation): """Leave-one-out testing""" score_by_folds = False
[docs] def get_indices(self, data): splitter = skl.LeaveOneOut() splitter.get_n_splits(data) return list(splitter.split(data))
[docs] @staticmethod def prepare_arrays(data, indices): # sped up version of super().prepare_arrays(data) row_indices = np.arange(len(data)) return row_indices, row_indices, data.Y.flatten()
[docs] class ShuffleSplit(Validation): """ Test by repeated random sampling Attributes: n_resamples (int): number of repetitions test_size (float, int, None): If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the test split. If int, represents the absolute number of test samples. If None, the value is set to the complement of the train size. By default, the value is set to 0.1. The default will change in version 0.21. It will remain 0.1 only if ``train_size`` is unspecified, otherwise it will complement the specified ``train_size``. (from documentation of scipy.sklearn.StratifiedShuffleSplit) train_size : float, int, or None, default is None If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the train split. If int, represents the absolute number of train samples. If None, the value is automatically set to the complement of the test size. (from documentation of scipy.sklearn.StratifiedShuffleSplit) stratified (bool): flag deciding whether to perform stratified cross-validation. random_state (int): seed for random number generator (default: 0). If set to `None`, a different seed is used each time """ def __init__(self, n_resamples=10, train_size=None, test_size=0.1, stratified=True, random_state=0, store_data=False, store_models=False): super().__init__(store_data=store_data, store_models=store_models) self.n_resamples = n_resamples self.train_size = train_size self.test_size = test_size self.stratified = stratified self.random_state = random_state
[docs] def get_indices(self, data): if self.stratified and data.domain.has_discrete_class: splitter = skl.StratifiedShuffleSplit( n_splits=self.n_resamples, train_size=self.train_size, test_size=self.test_size, random_state=self.random_state ) splitter.get_n_splits(data.X, data.Y) return list(splitter.split(data.X, data.Y)) splitter = skl.ShuffleSplit( n_splits=self.n_resamples, train_size=self.train_size, test_size=self.test_size, random_state=self.random_state ) splitter.get_n_splits(data) return list(splitter.split(data))
[docs] class TestOnTestData(Validation): """ Test on separately provided test data Note that the class has a different signature for `__call__`. """ # get_indices is not needed in this class, pylint: disable=abstract-method def __new__(cls, data=None, test_data=None, learners=None, preprocessor=None, **kwargs): if "train_data" in kwargs: if data is None: data = kwargs.pop("train_data") else: raise ValueError( "argument 'data' is given twice (once as 'train_data')") return super().__new__( cls, data=data, learners=learners, preprocessor=preprocessor, test_data=test_data, **kwargs) def __call__(self, data, test_data, learners, preprocessor=None, *, callback=None): """ Args: data ( training data test_data ( test_data learners (list of Orange.Learner): a list of learning algorithms preprocessor (Orange.preprocess.Preprocess): preprocessor applied on training data callback (Callable): a function called to notify about the progress Returns: results (Result): results of testing """ if preprocessor is None: preprocessor = _identity if callback is None: callback = _identity train_data = preprocessor(data) part_results = [] for (learner_i, learner) in enumerate(learners): part_results.append( _mp_worker(0, train_data, test_data, learner_i, learner, self.store_models)) callback((learner_i + 1) / len(learners)) callback(1) results = Results( data=test_data if self.store_data else None, domain=test_data.domain, nrows=len(test_data), learners=learners, row_indices=np.arange(len(test_data)), folds=(Ellipsis, ), actual=test_data.Y, score_by_folds=self.score_by_folds, train_time=np.zeros((len(learners),)), test_time=np.zeros((len(learners),))) if self.store_models: results.models = np.tile(None, (1, len(learners))) self._collect_part_results(results, part_results) return results
[docs] class TestOnTrainingData(TestOnTestData): """Test on training data""" # get_indices is not needed in this class, pylint: disable=abstract-method # signature is such as on the base class, pylint: disable=signature-differs def __new__(cls, data=None, learners=None, preprocessor=None, **kwargs): return super().__new__( cls, data, test_data=data, learners=learners, preprocessor=preprocessor, **kwargs) def __call__(self, data, learners, preprocessor=None, *, callback=None, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("test_data", data) # if kwargs contains anything besides test_data, this will be detected # (and complained about) by super().__call__ return super().__call__( data=data, learners=learners, preprocessor=preprocessor, callback=callback, **kwargs)
[docs] def sample(table, n=0.7, stratified=False, replace=False, random_state=None): """ Samples data instances from a data table. Returns the sample and a dataset from input data table that are not in the sample. Also uses several sampling functions from `scikit-learn <>`_. table : data table A data table from which to sample. n : float, int (default = 0.7) If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represents the proportion of data instances in the resulting sample. If int, n is the number of data instances in the resulting sample. stratified : bool, optional (default = False) If true, sampling will try to consider class values and match distribution of class values in train and test subsets. replace : bool, optional (default = False) sample with replacement random_state : int or RandomState Pseudo-random number generator state used for random sampling. """ if isinstance(n, float): n = int(n * len(table)) if replace: if random_state is None: rgen = np.random else: rgen = np.random.mtrand.RandomState(random_state) a_sample = rgen.randint(0, len(table), n) o = np.ones(len(table)) o[a_sample] = 0 others = np.nonzero(o)[0] return table[a_sample], table[others] n = len(table) - n if stratified and table.domain.has_discrete_class: test_size = max(len(table.domain.class_var.values), n) splitter = skl.StratifiedShuffleSplit( n_splits=1, test_size=test_size, train_size=len(table) - test_size, random_state=random_state) splitter.get_n_splits(table.X, table.Y) ind = splitter.split(table.X, table.Y) else: splitter = skl.ShuffleSplit( n_splits=1, test_size=n, random_state=random_state) splitter.get_n_splits(table) ind = splitter.split(table) ind = next(ind) return table[ind[0]], table[ind[1]]