Source code for Orange.evaluation.scoring

Methods for scoring prediction results (CA, AUC, ...).

>>> import Orange
>>> data ='iris')
>>> learner = Orange.classification.LogisticRegressionLearner(solver="liblinear")
>>> results = Orange.evaluation.TestOnTrainingData(data, [learner])


import math
import warnings

import numpy as np
import sklearn.metrics as skl_metrics
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix

from import DiscreteVariable, ContinuousVariable, Domain
from Orange.misc.wrapper_meta import WrapperMeta
from Orange.util import OrangeDeprecationWarning

__all__ = ["CA", "Precision", "Recall", "F1", "PrecisionRecallFSupport", "AUC",
           "MSE", "RMSE", "MAE", "MAPE", "R2", "LogLoss", "MatthewsCorrCoefficient"]

class ScoreMetaType(WrapperMeta):
    Maintain a registry of non-abstract subclasses and assign the default
    value of `name`.

    The existing meta class Registry cannot be used since a meta class cannot
    have multiple inherited __new__ methods."""
    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dict_, **kwargs):
        cls = WrapperMeta.__new__(mcs, name, bases, dict_)
        # Essentially `if cls is not Score`, except that Score may not exist yet
        if hasattr(cls, "registry"):
            if not kwargs.get("abstract"):
                # Don't use inherited names, look into dict_
       = dict_.get("name", name)
                cls.long_name = dict_.get("long_name",
                cls.registry[name] = cls
            cls.registry = {}
        return cls

    def __init__(cls, *args, **_):
        WrapperMeta.__init__(cls, *args)

class Score(metaclass=ScoreMetaType):
    results : Orange.evaluation.Results
        Stored predictions and actual data in model testing.
    __wraps__ = None

    separate_folds = False
    is_scalar = True
    is_binary = False  #: If true, compute_score accepts `target` and `average`
    #: If the class doesn't explicitly contain `abstract=True`, it is not
    #: abstract; essentially, this attribute is not inherited
    abstract = True
    class_types = ()
    name = None
    long_name = None  #: A short user-readable name (e.g. a few words)

    default_visible = True
    priority = 100

    def __new__(cls, results=None, **kwargs):
        self = super().__new__(cls)
        if results is not None:
            return self(results, **kwargs)
            return self

    def __call__(self, results, **kwargs):
        if self.separate_folds and results.score_by_folds and results.folds:
            scores = self.scores_by_folds(results, **kwargs)
            return self.average(scores)

        return self.compute_score(results, **kwargs)

    def average(self, scores):
        if self.is_scalar:
            return np.mean(scores, axis=0)
        return NotImplementedError

    def scores_by_folds(self, results, **kwargs):
        nfolds = len(results.folds)
        nmodels = len(results.predicted)
        if self.is_scalar:
            scores = np.empty((nfolds, nmodels), dtype=np.float64)
            scores = [None] * nfolds
        for fold in range(nfolds):
            fold_results = results.get_fold(fold)
            scores[fold] = self.compute_score(fold_results, **kwargs)
        return scores

    def compute_score(self, results):
        wraps = type(self).__wraps__  # self.__wraps__ is invisible
        if wraps:
            return self.from_predicted(results, wraps)
            return NotImplementedError

    def from_predicted(results, score_function, **kwargs):
        return np.fromiter(
            (score_function(results.actual, predicted, **kwargs)
             for predicted in results.predicted),
            dtype=np.float64, count=len(results.predicted))

    def is_compatible(domain: Domain) -> bool:
        raise NotImplementedError

class ClassificationScore(Score, abstract=True):
    class_types = (DiscreteVariable, )

    def is_compatible(domain: Domain) -> bool:
        return domain.has_discrete_class

class RegressionScore(Score, abstract=True):
    class_types = (ContinuousVariable, )

    def is_compatible(domain: Domain) -> bool:
        return domain.has_continuous_class

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] class CA(ClassificationScore): __wraps__ = skl_metrics.accuracy_score name = "CA" long_name = "Classification accuracy" priority = 20
[docs] class PrecisionRecallFSupport(ClassificationScore): __wraps__ = skl_metrics.precision_recall_fscore_support is_scalar = False
class TargetScore(ClassificationScore): """ Base class for scorers that need a target value (a "positive" class). Parameters ---------- results : Orange.evaluation.Results Stored predictions and actual data in model testing. target : int, optional (default=None) Target class value. When None: - if averaging is specified, use all classes and average results - if average is 'binary' and class variable has exactly 2 values, use the value '1' as the positive class average: str, method for averaging (default='binary') Default requires a binary class or target to be set. Options: 'weighted', 'macro', 'micro', None """ is_binary = True abstract = True __wraps__ = None # Subclasses should set the scoring function def compute_score(self, results, target=None, average='binary'): if average == 'binary': if target is None: if len(results.domain.class_var.values) > 2: raise ValueError( "Multiclass data: specify target class or select " "averaging ('weighted', 'macro', 'micro')") target = 1 # Default: use 1 as "positive" class average = None labels = None if target is None else [target] return self.from_predicted( results, type(self).__wraps__, labels=labels, average=average)
[docs] class Precision(TargetScore): __wraps__ = skl_metrics.precision_score name = "Prec" long_name = "Precision" priority = 40
[docs] class Recall(TargetScore): __wraps__ = skl_metrics.recall_score name = long_name = "Recall" priority = 50
[docs] class F1(TargetScore): __wraps__ = skl_metrics.f1_score name = long_name = "F1" priority = 30
[docs] class AUC(ClassificationScore): """ ${sklpar} Parameters ---------- results : Orange.evaluation.Results Stored predictions and actual data in model testing. target : int, optional (default=None) Value of class to report. """ __wraps__ = skl_metrics.roc_auc_score separate_folds = True is_binary = True name = "AUC" long_name = "Area under ROC curve" priority = 10 @staticmethod def calculate_weights(results): classes = np.unique(results.actual) class_cases = [sum(results.actual == class_) for class_ in classes] N = results.actual.shape[0] weights = np.array([c * (N - c) for c in class_cases]) wsum = np.sum(weights) if wsum == 0: raise ValueError("Class variable has less than two values") else: return weights / wsum @staticmethod def single_class_auc(results, target): y = np.array(results.actual == target, dtype=int) return np.fromiter( (skl_metrics.roc_auc_score(y, probabilities[:, int(target)]) for probabilities in results.probabilities), dtype=np.float64, count=len(results.predicted)) def multi_class_auc(self, results): classes = np.unique(results.actual) weights = self.calculate_weights(results) auc_array = np.array([self.single_class_auc(results, class_) for class_ in classes]) return np.sum(auc_array.T * weights, axis=1) def compute_score(self, results, target=None, average=None): domain = results.domain n_classes = len(domain.class_var.values) if n_classes < 2: raise ValueError("Class variable has less than two values") elif n_classes == 2: return self.single_class_auc(results, 1) else: if target is None: return self.multi_class_auc(results) else: return self.single_class_auc(results, target)
[docs] class LogLoss(ClassificationScore): """ ${sklpar} Parameters ---------- results : Orange.evaluation.Results Stored predictions and actual data in model testing. eps : float Log loss is undefined for p=0 or p=1, so probabilities are clipped to max(eps, min(1 - eps, p)). normalize : bool, optional (default=True) If true, return the mean loss per sample. Otherwise, return the sum of the per-sample losses. sample_weight : array-like of shape = [n_samples], optional Sample weights. Examples -------- >>> Orange.evaluation.LogLoss(results) array([0.3...]) """ __wraps__ = skl_metrics.log_loss priority = 120 name = "LogLoss" long_name = "Logistic loss" default_visible = False def compute_score(self, results, eps="auto", normalize=True, sample_weight=None): if eps != "auto": # eps argument will be removed in scikit-learn 1.5 warnings.warn( ( "`LogLoss.compute_score`: eps parameter is unused. " "It will always have value of `np.finfo(y_pred.dtype).eps`." ), OrangeDeprecationWarning, ) return np.fromiter( (skl_metrics.log_loss(results.actual, probabilities, normalize=normalize, sample_weight=sample_weight) for probabilities in results.probabilities), dtype=np.float64, count=len(results.probabilities))
class Specificity(ClassificationScore): is_binary = True priority = 110 name = "Spec" long_name = "Specificity" default_visible = False @staticmethod def calculate_weights(results): classes, counts = np.unique(results.actual, return_counts=True) n = np.array(results.actual).shape[0] return counts / n, classes @staticmethod def specificity(y_true, y_pred): tn, fp, _, _ = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred).ravel() return tn / (tn + fp) def single_class_specificity(self, results, target): y_true = (np.array(results.actual) == target).astype(int) return np.fromiter( (self.specificity(y_true, np.array(predicted == target, dtype=int)) for predicted in results.predicted), dtype=np.float64, count=len(results.predicted)) def multi_class_specificity(self, results): weights, classes = self.calculate_weights(results) scores = np.array([self.single_class_specificity(results, class_) for class_ in classes]) return np.sum(scores.T * weights, axis=1) def compute_score(self, results, target=None, average="binary"): domain = results.domain n_classes = len(domain.class_var.values) if target is None: if average == "weighted": return self.multi_class_specificity(results) elif average == "binary": # average is binary if n_classes != 2: raise ValueError( "Binary averaging needs two classes in data: " "specify target class or use " "weighted averaging.") return self.single_class_specificity(results, 1) else: raise ValueError( "Wrong parameters: For averaging select one of the " "following values: ('weighted', 'binary')") elif target is not None: return self.single_class_specificity(results, target) class MatthewsCorrCoefficient(ClassificationScore): __wraps__ = skl_metrics.matthews_corrcoef name = "MCC" long_name = "Matthews correlation coefficient" # Regression scores
[docs] class MSE(RegressionScore): __wraps__ = skl_metrics.mean_squared_error name = "MSE" long_name = "Mean square error" priority = 20
class RMSE(RegressionScore): name = "RMSE" long_name = "Root mean square error" def compute_score(self, results): return np.sqrt(MSE(results)) priority = 30
[docs] class MAE(RegressionScore): __wraps__ = skl_metrics.mean_absolute_error name = "MAE" long_name = "Mean absolute error" priority = 40
class MAPE(RegressionScore): __wraps__ = skl_metrics.mean_absolute_percentage_error name = "MAPE" long_name = "Mean absolute percentage error" priority = 45 # pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] class R2(RegressionScore): __wraps__ = skl_metrics.r2_score name = "R2" long_name = "Coefficient of determination" priority = 50
class CVRMSE(RegressionScore): name = "CVRMSE" long_name = "Coefficient of variation of the RMSE" priority = 110 default_visible = False def compute_score(self, results): mean = np.nanmean(results.actual) if mean < 1e-10: raise ValueError("Mean value is too small") return RMSE(results) / mean * 100