Source code for

import operator
import os
import sys
import threading
import warnings
import weakref
import zlib
from import Iterable, Sequence, Sized
from contextlib import contextmanager
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import reduce
from itertools import chain
from numbers import Real, Integral
from threading import Lock
from typing import List, TYPE_CHECKING, Union

import bottleneck as bn
import numpy as np

from scipy import sparse as sp
from scipy.sparse import issparse, csc_matrix

import  # import for
from import (
    _contingency, _valuecount,
    Domain, Variable, Storage, StringVariable, Unknown, Value, Instance,
    ContinuousVariable, DiscreteVariable, MISSING_VALUES,
from import SharedComputeValue, \
    assure_array_dense, assure_array_sparse, \
    assure_column_dense, assure_column_sparse, get_unique_names_duplicates
from Orange.misc.collections import frozendict
from Orange.statistics.util import bincount, countnans, contingency, \
    stats as fast_stats, sparse_has_implicit_zeros, sparse_count_implicit_zeros, \
from Orange.util import deprecated, OrangeDeprecationWarning, dummy_callback
    # import just for type checking - avoid circular import
    from import OrangeTableGroupBy

__all__ = ["dataset_dirs", "get_sample_datasets_dir", "RowInstance", "Table"]

def get_sample_datasets_dir():
    orange_data_table = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    dataset_dir = os.path.join(orange_data_table, '..', 'datasets')
    return os.path.realpath(dataset_dir)

dataset_dirs = ['', get_sample_datasets_dir()]

class _ThreadLocal(threading.local):
    def __init__(self):
        # Domain conversion cache used in Table.from_table. It is defined
        # here instead of as a class variable of a Table so that caching also works
        # with descendants of Table.
        self.conversion_cache = None
        self.domain_cache = None

_thread_local = _ThreadLocal()

def _idcache_save(cachedict, keys, value):
    cachedict[tuple(map(id, keys))] = \
        value, [weakref.ref(k) for k in keys]

def _idcache_restore(cachedict, keys):
    shared, weakrefs = cachedict.get(tuple(map(id, keys)), (None, []))
    for r in weakrefs:
        if r() is None:
            return None
    return shared

class DomainTransformationError(Exception):

[docs] class RowInstance(Instance): sparse_x = None sparse_y = None sparse_metas = None _weight = None def __init__(self, table, row_index): """ Construct a data instance representing the given row of the table. """ self.table = table self._domain = table.domain self.row_index = row_index = table.ids[row_index] self._x = table.X[row_index] if sp.issparse(self._x): self.sparse_x = sp.csr_matrix(self._x) self._x = np.asarray(self._x.todense())[0] self._y = table._Y[row_index] if sp.issparse(self._y): self.sparse_y = sp.csr_matrix(self._y) self._y = np.asarray(self._y.todense())[0] self._y = np.atleast_1d(self._y) self._metas = table.metas[row_index] if sp.issparse(self._metas): self.sparse_metas = sp.csr_matrix(self._metas) self._metas = np.asarray(self._metas.todense())[0] @property def weight(self): if not self.table.has_weights(): return 1 return self.table.W[self.row_index] @weight.setter def weight(self, weight): if not self.table.has_weights(): self.table.set_weights() self.table.W[self.row_index] = weight
[docs] def set_class(self, value): # pylint: disable=protected-access self._check_single_class() if not isinstance(value, Real): value = self.table.domain.class_var.to_val(value) if self.sparse_y: self.table._Y[self.row_index, 0] = value else: self.table._Y[self.row_index] = value if self.table._Y.ndim == 1: # if _y is not a view self._y[0] = value
def __setitem__(self, key, value): if not isinstance(key, Integral): key = self._domain.index(key) if isinstance(value, str): var = self._domain[key] value = var.to_val(value) if key >= 0: if not isinstance(value, Real): raise TypeError("Expected primitive value, got '%s'" % type(value).__name__) if key < len(self._x): # write to self.table.X to support table unlocking for live instances self.table.X[self.row_index, key] = value if self.sparse_x is not None: self._x[key] = value else: if self.sparse_y is not None: self.table._Y[self.row_index, key - len(self._x)] = value else: self.table._Y[self.row_index] = value if self.table._Y.ndim == 1: # if _y is not a view self._y[0] = value else: self.table.metas[self.row_index, -1 - key] = value if self.sparse_metas is not None: self._metas[-1 - key] = value def _str(self, limit): def sp_values(row, variables, sparsity=None): if sparsity is None: return Instance.str_values(row, variables, limit) # row is sparse row_entries, idx = [], 0 while idx < len(variables): # Make sure to stop printing variables if we limit the output if limit and len(row_entries) >= 5: break var = variables[idx] if var.is_discrete or row[idx]: row_entries.append("%s=%s" % (, var.str_val(row[idx]))) idx += 1 s = ", ".join(row_entries) if limit and idx < len(variables): s += ", ..." return s domain = self._domain s = "[" + sp_values(self._x, domain.attributes, self.sparse_x) if domain.class_vars: s += " | " + sp_values(self._y, domain.class_vars, self.sparse_y) s += "]" if domain.metas: s += " {" + sp_values(self._metas, domain.metas, self.sparse_metas) + "}" return s def __str__(self): return self._str(False) def __repr__(self): return self._str(True)
class Columns: def __init__(self, domain): for v in chain(domain.variables, domain.metas): setattr(self," ", "_"), v) def _compute_column(func, *args, **kwargs): col = func(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(col, np.ndarray) and col.ndim != 1: err = f"{type(col)} must return a column, not {col.ndim}d array" if col.ndim == 2: warnings.warn(err) col = col.reshape(-1) else: raise ValueError(err) return col class _ArrayConversion: def __init__(self, target, src_cols, variables, is_sparse, source_domain): = target self.src_cols = src_cols self.is_sparse = is_sparse self.results_inplace = not is_sparse self.subarray_from = self._can_copy_all(src_cols, source_domain) self.variables = variables dtype = np.float64 if any(isinstance(var, StringVariable) for var in self.variables): dtype = object self.dtype = dtype self.row_selection_needed = any(not isinstance(x, Integral) for x in src_cols) def _can_copy_all(self, src_cols, source_domain): n_src_attrs = len(source_domain.attributes) if all(isinstance(x, Integral) and 0 <= x < n_src_attrs for x in src_cols): return "X" if all(isinstance(x, Integral) and x < 0 for x in src_cols): return "metas" if all(isinstance(x, Integral) and x >= n_src_attrs for x in src_cols): return "Y" def get_subarray(self, source, row_indices): n_rows = _selection_length(row_indices, len(source)) if not len(self.src_cols): if self.is_sparse: return sp.csr_matrix((n_rows, 0), dtype=source.X.dtype) else: return np.zeros((n_rows, 0), dtype=source.X.dtype) match_density = assure_array_sparse if self.is_sparse else assure_array_dense n_src_attrs = len(source.domain.attributes) if self.subarray_from == "X": arr = match_density(_subarray(source.X, row_indices, self.src_cols)) elif self.subarray_from == "metas": arr = match_density(_subarray(source.metas, row_indices, [-1 - x for x in self.src_cols])) elif self.subarray_from == "Y": Y = source.Y if source.Y.ndim == 2 else source.Y[:, None] arr = match_density(_subarray( Y, row_indices, [x - n_src_attrs for x in self.src_cols])) else: assert False if arr.dtype != self.dtype: arr = arr.astype(self.dtype) assert arr.ndim == 2 or self.subarray_from == "Y" and arr.ndim == 1 return arr def get_columns(self, source, row_indices, out=None, target_indices=None): n_rows = _selection_length(row_indices, len(source)) n_src_attrs = len(source.domain.attributes) data = [] match_density = ( assure_column_sparse if self.is_sparse else assure_column_dense ) # converting to csc before instead of each column is faster # do not convert if not required if any(isinstance(x, int) for x in self.src_cols): X = source.X Y = source.Y if Y.ndim == 1: Y = Y[:, None] if self.is_sparse: X = csc_matrix(X) Y = csc_matrix(Y) if self.row_selection_needed: if row_indices is ...: sourceri = source else: sourceri = source[row_indices] shared_cache = _thread_local.conversion_cache for i, col in enumerate(self.src_cols): if col is None: col_array = match_density( np.full((n_rows, 1), self.variables[i].Unknown) ) elif not isinstance(col, Integral): if isinstance(col, SharedComputeValue): shared = _idcache_restore(shared_cache, (col.compute_shared, source)) if shared is None: shared = col.compute_shared(sourceri) _idcache_save(shared_cache, (col.compute_shared, source), shared) col_array = match_density( _compute_column(col, sourceri, shared_data=shared)) else: col_array = match_density(_compute_column(col, sourceri)) elif col < 0: col_array = match_density( source.metas[row_indices, -1 - col] ) elif col < n_src_attrs: col_array = match_density(X[row_indices, col]) else: col_array = match_density( Y[row_indices, col - n_src_attrs] ) if self.results_inplace: out[target_indices, i] = col_array else: data.append(col_array) if self.results_inplace: return out else: return self.join_columns(data) def join_columns(self, data): if self.is_sparse: # creating csr directly would need plenty of manual work which # would probably slow down the process - conversion coo to csr # is fast coo_data = [] coo_col = [] coo_row = [] for i, col_array in enumerate(data): coo_data.append( coo_col.append(np.full(len(, i)) coo_row.append(col_array.indices) # row indices should be same n_rows = col_array.shape[0] # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable out = sp.coo_matrix( (np.hstack(coo_data), (np.hstack(coo_row), np.hstack(coo_col))), shape=(n_rows, len(self.src_cols)), dtype=self.dtype ) return out.tocsr() def join_partial_results(self, parts): if self.is_sparse: return sp.vstack(parts) else: return parts def init_partial_results(self, n_rows): if not self.results_inplace: return [] # list to store partial results else: # a dense numpy array # F-order enables faster writing to the array while accessing and # matrix operations work with same speed (e.g. dot) return np.zeros((n_rows, len(self.src_cols)), order="F", dtype=self.dtype) def add_partial_result(self, parts, part): if not self.results_inplace: parts.append(part) class _FromTableConversion: max_rows_at_once = 5000 def __init__(self, source, destination): conversion = DomainConversion(source, destination) self.X = _ArrayConversion("X", conversion.attributes, destination.attributes, conversion.sparse_X, source) self.Y = _ArrayConversion("Y", conversion.class_vars, destination.class_vars, conversion.sparse_Y, source) self.metas = _ArrayConversion("metas", conversion.metas, destination.metas, conversion.sparse_metas, source) self.subarray = [] self.columnwise = [] for part in [self.X, self.Y, self.metas]: if part.subarray_from is None: self.columnwise.append(part) else: self.subarray.append(part) def convert(self, source, row_indices, clear_cache_after_part): n_rows = _selection_length(row_indices, len(source)) res = {} for array_conv in self.subarray: out = array_conv.get_subarray(source, row_indices) res[] = out parts = {} for array_conv in self.columnwise: parts[] = array_conv.init_partial_results(n_rows) if n_rows <= self.max_rows_at_once: for array_conv in self.columnwise: out = array_conv.get_columns(source, row_indices, parts[], ...) res[] = out else: i_done = 0 while i_done < n_rows: target_indices = slice(i_done, min(n_rows, i_done + self.max_rows_at_once)) source_indices = _select_from_selection(row_indices, target_indices, len(source)) for array_conv in self.columnwise: # dense arrays are populated in-place out = array_conv.get_columns(source, source_indices, parts[], target_indices) array_conv.add_partial_result(parts[], out) i_done += self.max_rows_at_once # clear cache after a part is done if clear_cache_after_part: _thread_local.conversion_cache = {} for array_conv in self.columnwise: res[] = \ array_conv.join_partial_results(parts[]) return res["X"], res["Y"], res["metas"] # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] class Table(Sequence, Storage): LOCKING = None """ If the class attribute LOCKING is True, tables will throw exceptions on in-place modifications unless unlocked explicitly. LOCKING is supposed to be set to True for testing to help us find bugs. If set to False or None, no safeguards are in place. Two different values are used for the same behaviour to distinguish the unchanged default (None) form explicit deactivation (False) that some add-ons might need. """ __file__ = None name = "untitled" domain = Domain([]) _X = _Y = _metas = _W = np.zeros((0, 0)) # pylint: disable=invalid-name ids = np.zeros(0) ids.setflags(write=False) attributes = frozendict() _Unlocked_X_val, _Unlocked_Y_val, _Unlocked_metas_val, _Unlocked_W_val = 1, 2, 4, 8 _Unlocked_X_ref, _Unlocked_Y_ref, _Unlocked_metas_ref, _Unlocked_W_ref = 16, 32, 64, 128 _unlocked = 0xff # pylint: disable=invalid-name @property def columns(self): """ A class whose attributes contain attribute descriptors for columns. For a table `table`, setting `c = table.columns` will allow accessing the table's variables with, for instance `c.gender`, `c.age` ets. Spaces are replaced with underscores. """ return Columns(self.domain) _next_instance_id = 0 _next_instance_lock = Lock() def _check_unlocked(self, partflag): if not self._unlocked & partflag: raise ValueError("Table is read-only unless unlocked") @property def X(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name return self._X @X.setter def X(self, value): self._check_unlocked(self._Unlocked_X_ref) self._X = _dereferenced(value) self._update_locks() @property def Y(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name return self._Y @Y.setter def Y(self, value): self._check_unlocked(self._Unlocked_Y_ref) if sp.issparse(value) and len(self) != value.shape[0]: value = value.T if sp.issparse(value): value = _dereferenced(value.toarray()) if value.ndim == 2 and value.shape[1] == 1: value = value[:, 0].copy() # no views! self._Y = value self._update_locks() @property def metas(self): return self._metas @metas.setter def metas(self, value): self._check_unlocked(self._Unlocked_metas_ref) self._metas = _dereferenced(value) self._update_locks() @property def W(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name return self._W @W.setter def W(self, value): self._check_unlocked(self._Unlocked_W_ref) self._W = value self._update_locks() def __setstate__(self, state): # Backward compatibility with pickles before table locking def no_view(x): # Some arrays can be unpickled as views; ensure they are not if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and x.base is not None: return x.copy() return x self._initialize_unlocked() # __dict__ seems to be cleared before calling __setstate__ with self.unlocked_reference(): for k in ("X", "W", "metas"): if k in state: setattr(self, k, no_view(state.pop(k))) if "_Y" in state: setattr(self, "Y", no_view(state.pop("_Y"))) # state["_Y"] is a 2d array self.__dict__.update(state) self._init_ids(self) def __getstate__(self): # Compatibility with pickles before table locking: # return the same state as before table lock state = self.__dict__.copy() for k in ["X", "metas", "W"]: if "_" + k in state: # Check existence; SQL tables do not contain them state[k] = state.pop("_" + k) # before locking, _Y was always a 2d array: save it as such if "_Y" in state: y = state.pop("_Y") y2d = y.reshape(-1, 1) if y.ndim == 1 else y state["_Y"] = y2d state.pop("_unlocked", None) return state def _lock_parts_val(self): return ((self._X, self._Unlocked_X_val, "X"), (self._Y, self._Unlocked_Y_val, "Y"), (self._metas, self._Unlocked_metas_val, "metas"), (self._W, self._Unlocked_W_val, "weights")) def _lock_parts_ref(self): return ((self._X, self._Unlocked_X_ref, "X"), (self._Y, self._Unlocked_Y_ref, "Y"), (self._metas, self._Unlocked_metas_ref, "metas"), (self._W, self._Unlocked_W_ref, "weights")) def _initialize_unlocked(self): if Table.LOCKING: self._unlocked = 0 else: self._unlocked = sum(f for _, f, _ in (self._lock_parts_val() + self._lock_parts_ref())) def _update_locks(self, force=False, lock_bases=()): if not Table.LOCKING: return def sync(*xs): for x in xs: # no need to make empty arrays writable, as nothing can get written if writeable and x.size == 0: continue try: undo_on_fail.append((x, x.flags.writeable)) x.flags.writeable = writeable except ValueError: if force \ and writeable \ and x.base is not None \ and not x.base.flags.writeable: x.base.flags.writeable = writeable x.flags.writeable = writeable forced_bases.append(x.base) else: raise forced_bases = [] undo_on_fail = [] for base in lock_bases: base.flags.writeable = False try: for part, flag, _ in self._lock_parts_val(): if part is None: continue writeable = bool(self._unlocked & flag) if sp.isspmatrix_csr(part) or sp.isspmatrix_csc(part): sync(, part.indices, part.indptr) elif sp.isspmatrix_coo(part): sync(, part.row, part.col) elif sp.issparse(part): raise ValueError("Unsupported sparse data type") else: sync(part) except: for part, flag in undo_on_fail: part.flags.writeable = flag raise return tuple(forced_bases) def __unlocked(self, *parts, force=False, reference_only=False): prev_state = self._unlocked if reference_only: lock_parts = self._lock_parts_ref() else: lock_parts = self._lock_parts_val() + self._lock_parts_ref() for part, flag, _ in lock_parts: if not parts or any(ppart is part for ppart in parts): self._unlocked |= flag try: forced_bases = self._update_locks(force) yield finally: self._unlocked = prev_state self._update_locks(lock_bases=forced_bases) def force_unlocked(self, *parts): """ Unlocking without any checks. Use with extreme caution. This is meant primarily for 3rd party functions in Cython that expect read-write buffer, but do not actually modify it. the given parts (default: all parts) of the table. The function will still fail to unlock and raise an exception if the table contains view to another table. """ return contextmanager(self.__unlocked)(*parts, force=True) def unlocked_reference(self, *parts): """ Unlock references to the given parts (default: all parts) of the table. The caller must ensure that the table is safe to modify. """ return contextmanager(self.__unlocked)(*parts, reference_only=True) def unlocked(self, *parts): """ Unlock the given parts (default: all parts) of the table. The caller must ensure that the table is safe to modify. The function will raise an exception if the table contains view to other table. """ def can_unlock(x): if sp.issparse(x): return can_unlock( return x.flags.writeable or x.flags.owndata or x.size == 0 for part, flag, name in self._lock_parts_val(): if not flag & self._unlocked \ and (not parts or any(ppart is part for ppart in parts)) \ and part is not None and not can_unlock(part): raise ValueError(f"'{name}' is a view into another table " "and cannot be unlocked") return contextmanager(self.__unlocked)(*parts) def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): def warn_deprecated(method): warnings.warn("Direct calls to Table's constructor are deprecated " "and will be removed. Replace this call with " f"Table.{method}", OrangeDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3) if not args: if not kwargs: return super().__new__(cls) else: raise TypeError("Table() must not be called directly") if isinstance(args[0], str): if len(args) > 1: raise TypeError("Table(name: str) expects just one argument") if args[0].startswith('https://') or args[0].startswith('http://'): return cls.from_url(args[0], **kwargs) else: return cls.from_file(args[0], **kwargs) elif isinstance(args[0], Table): if len(args) > 1: raise TypeError("Table(table: Table) expects just one argument") return cls.from_table(args[0].domain, args[0], **kwargs) elif isinstance(args[0], Domain): domain, args = args[0], args[1:] if not args: warn_deprecated("from_domain") return cls.from_domain(domain, **kwargs) if isinstance(args[0], Table): warn_deprecated("from_table") return cls.from_table(domain, *args, **kwargs) elif isinstance(args[0], list): warn_deprecated("from_list") return cls.from_list(domain, *args, **kwargs) else: warnings.warn("Omitting domain in a call to Table(X, Y, metas), is " "deprecated and will be removed. " "Call Table.from_numpy(None, X, Y, metas) instead.", OrangeDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) domain = None return cls.from_numpy(domain, *args, **kwargs) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument self._initialize_unlocked() self._update_locks()
[docs] @classmethod def from_domain(cls, domain, n_rows=0, weights=False): """ Construct a new `Table` with the given number of rows for the given domain. The optional vector of weights is initialized to 1's. :param domain: domain for the `Table` :type domain: :param n_rows: number of rows in the new table :type n_rows: int :param weights: indicates whether to construct a vector of weights :type weights: bool :return: a new table :rtype: """ self = cls() self.domain = domain self.n_rows = n_rows with self.unlocked(): self.X = np.zeros((n_rows, len(domain.attributes))) if len(domain.class_vars) != 1: self.Y = np.zeros((n_rows, len(domain.class_vars))) else: self.Y = np.zeros(n_rows) if weights: self.W = np.ones(n_rows) else: self.W = np.empty((n_rows, 0)) self.metas = np.empty((n_rows, len(self.domain.metas)), object) cls._init_ids(self) self.attributes = {} return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_table(cls, domain, source, row_indices=...): """ Create a new table from selected columns and/or rows of an existing one. The columns are chosen using a domain. The domain may also include variables that do not appear in the source table; they are computed from source variables if possible. The resulting data may be a view or a copy of the existing data. :param domain: the domain for the new table :type domain: :param source: the source table :type source: :param row_indices: indices of the rows to include :type row_indices: a slice or a sequence :return: a new table :rtype: """ new_cache = _thread_local.conversion_cache is None try: if new_cache: _thread_local.conversion_cache = {} _thread_local.domain_cache = {} else: cached = _idcache_restore(_thread_local.conversion_cache, (domain, source)) if cached is not None: return cached if domain is source.domain: table = cls.from_table_rows(source, row_indices) # assure resulting domain is the instance passed on input table.domain = domain # since sparse flags are not considered when checking for # domain equality, fix manually. with table.unlocked_reference(): table = assure_domain_conversion_sparsity(table, source) return table # avoid boolean indices; also convert to slices if possible row_indices = _optimize_indices(row_indices, len(source)) self = cls() self.domain = domain table_conversion = \ _idcache_restore(_thread_local.domain_cache, (domain, source.domain)) if table_conversion is None: table_conversion = _FromTableConversion(source.domain, domain) _idcache_save(_thread_local.domain_cache, (domain, source.domain), table_conversion) # if an array can be a subarray of the input table, this needs to be done # on the whole table, because this avoids needless copies of contents with self.unlocked_reference(): self.X, self.Y, self.metas = \ table_conversion.convert(source, row_indices, clear_cache_after_part=new_cache) self.W = source.W[row_indices] = getattr(source, 'name', '') self.ids = source.ids[row_indices] self.attributes = deepcopy(getattr(source, 'attributes', {})) _idcache_save(_thread_local.conversion_cache, (domain, source), self) return self finally: if new_cache: _thread_local.conversion_cache = None _thread_local.domain_cache = None
def transform(self, domain): """ Construct a table with a different domain. The new table keeps the row ids and other information. If the table is a subclass of :obj:`Table`, the resulting table will be of the same type. In a typical scenario, an existing table is augmented with a new column by :: domain = Domain(old_domain.attributes + [new_attribute], old_domain.class_vars, old_domain.metas) table = data.transform(domain) table[:, new_attribute] = new_column Args: domain (Domain): new domain Returns: A new table """ return type(self).from_table(domain, self)
[docs] @classmethod def from_table_rows(cls, source, row_indices): """ Construct a new table by selecting rows from the source table. :param source: an existing table :type source: :param row_indices: indices of the rows to include :type row_indices: a slice or a sequence :return: a new table :rtype: """ self = cls() self.domain = source.domain with self.unlocked_reference(): self.X = source.X[row_indices] if self.X.ndim == 1: self.X = self.X.reshape(-1, len(self.domain.attributes)) self.Y = source.Y[row_indices] self.metas = source.metas[row_indices] if self.metas.ndim == 1: self.metas = self.metas.reshape(-1, len(self.domain.metas)) self.W = source.W[row_indices] = getattr(source, 'name', '') self.ids = source.ids[row_indices] self.attributes = deepcopy(getattr(source, 'attributes', {})) return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_numpy(cls, domain, X, Y=None, metas=None, W=None, attributes=None, ids=None): """ Construct a table from numpy arrays with the given domain. The number of variables in the domain must match the number of columns in the corresponding arrays. All arrays must have the same number of rows. Arrays may be of different numpy types, and may be dense or sparse. :param domain: the domain for the new table :type domain: :param X: array with attribute values :type X: np.array :param Y: array with class values :type Y: np.array :param metas: array with meta attributes :type metas: np.array :param W: array with weights :type W: np.array :return: """ X, Y, W = _check_arrays(X, Y, W, dtype='float64') metas, = _check_arrays(metas, dtype=object, shape_1=X.shape[0]) ids, = _check_arrays(ids, dtype=int, shape_1=X.shape[0]) if domain is None: domain = Domain.from_numpy(X, Y, metas) if Y is None: if not domain.class_vars or sp.issparse(X): Y = np.empty((X.shape[0], 0), dtype=np.float64) else: own_data = X.flags.owndata and X.base is None Y = X[:, len(domain.attributes):] X = X[:, :len(domain.attributes)] if own_data: Y = Y.copy() X = X.copy() if metas is None: metas = np.empty((X.shape[0], 0), object) if W is None or W.size == 0: W = np.empty((X.shape[0], 0)) elif W.shape != (W.size, ): W = W.reshape(W.size).copy() if X.shape[1] != len(domain.attributes): raise ValueError( "Invalid number of variable columns ({} != {})".format( X.shape[1], len(domain.attributes)) ) if Y.ndim == 1: if not domain.class_var: raise ValueError( "Invalid number of class columns " f"(1 != {len(domain.class_vars)})") elif Y.shape[1] != len(domain.class_vars): raise ValueError( "Invalid number of class columns ({} != {})".format( Y.shape[1], len(domain.class_vars)) ) if metas.shape[1] != len(domain.metas): raise ValueError( "Invalid number of meta attribute columns ({} != {})".format( metas.shape[1], len(domain.metas)) ) if not X.shape[0] == Y.shape[0] == metas.shape[0] == W.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "Parts of data contain different numbers of rows.") self = cls() with self.unlocked_reference(): self.domain = domain self.X = X self.Y = Y self.metas = metas self.W = W self.n_rows = self.X.shape[0] if ids is None: cls._init_ids(self) else: self.ids = ids self.attributes = {} if attributes is None else attributes return self
@classmethod def from_list(cls, domain, rows, weights=None): if weights is not None and len(rows) != len(weights): raise ValueError("mismatching number of instances and weights") self = cls.from_domain(domain, len(rows), weights is not None) all_vars = domain.variables + domain.metas nattrs = len(domain.attributes) nattrscls = len(domain.variables) with self.unlocked(): for i, row in enumerate(rows): if isinstance(row, Instance): row = row.list vals = [var.to_val(val) for var, val in zip(all_vars, row)] if self.X.size: self.X[i] = vals[:nattrs] if self.Y.size: if self._Y.ndim == 1: self._Y[i] = vals[nattrs] if nattrs < len(vals) else np.nan else: self._Y[i] = vals[nattrs:nattrscls] # for backward compatibility: allow omittine some (or all) metas if self.metas.size: self.metas[i, :len(vals) - nattrscls] = vals[nattrscls:] if weights is not None: self.W = np.array(weights) self.attributes = {} return self @classmethod def _init_ids(cls, obj): length = int(obj.X.shape[0]) with cls._next_instance_lock: nid = cls._next_instance_id cls._next_instance_id += length obj.ids = np.arange(nid, nid + length, dtype=int) @classmethod def new_id(cls): with cls._next_instance_lock: id = cls._next_instance_id cls._next_instance_id += 1 return id def to_pandas_dfs(self): return @staticmethod def from_pandas_dfs(xdf, ydf, mdf): return, ydf, mdf) @property def X_df(self): return self, orange_role=Role.Attribute ) @X_df.setter def X_df(self, df): self, df, role=Role.Attribute ) @property def Y_df(self): return self, orange_role=Role.ClassAttribute ) @Y_df.setter def Y_df(self, df): self, df, role=Role.ClassAttribute ) @property def metas_df(self): return self, orange_role=Role.Meta ) @metas_df.setter def metas_df(self, df): self, df, role=Role.Meta ) def save(self, filename): """ Save a data table to a file. The path can be absolute or relative. :param filename: File name :type filename: str """ ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] from import FileFormat writer = FileFormat.writers.get(ext) if not writer: desc = FileFormat.names.get(ext) if desc: raise IOError( "Writing of {}s is not supported".format(desc.lower())) else: raise IOError("Unknown file name extension.") writer.write_file(filename, self)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename, sheet=None): """ Read a data table from a file. The path can be absolute or relative. :param filename: File name :type filename: str :param sheet: Sheet in a file (optional) :type sheet: str :return: a new data table :rtype: """ from import FileFormat absolute_filename = FileFormat.locate(filename, dataset_dirs) reader = FileFormat.get_reader(absolute_filename) reader.select_sheet(sheet) data = # no need to call _init_ids as fuctions from .io already # construct a table with .ids data.__file__ = absolute_filename return data
@classmethod def from_url(cls, url): from import UrlReader reader = UrlReader(url) data = return data # Helper function for __setitem__: # Set the row of table data matrices # noinspection PyProtectedMember def _set_row(self, example, row): # pylint: disable=protected-access domain = self.domain if isinstance(example, Instance): if example.domain == domain: self.X[row] = example._x if self._Y.ndim == 1: self._Y[row] = float(example._y) else: self._Y[row] = np.atleast_1d(example._y) self.metas[row] = example._metas return self.X[row], self._Y[row], self.metas[row] = \ self.domain.convert(example) try: self.ids[row] = except: with type(self)._next_instance_lock: self.ids[row] = type(self)._next_instance_id type(self)._next_instance_id += 1 else: attrs = domain.attributes if len(example) != len(domain.variables): raise ValueError("invalid length") if self._X.size: self._X[row] = [var.to_val(val) for var, val in zip(attrs, example)] if self._Y.size: if self._Y.ndim == 1: self._Y[row] = domain.class_var.to_val(example[len(attrs)]) else: self._Y[row] = [var.to_val(val) for var, val in zip(domain.class_vars, example[len(attrs):])] if self._metas.size: self.metas[row] = np.array([var.Unknown for var in domain.metas], dtype=object) def _check_all_dense(self): return all(x in (Storage.DENSE, Storage.MISSING) for x in (self.X_density(), self.Y_density(), self.metas_density())) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, Integral): return RowInstance(self, key) if not isinstance(key, tuple): return self.from_table_rows(self, key) if len(key) != 2: raise IndexError("Table indices must be one- or two-dimensional") row_idx, col_idx = key if isinstance(row_idx, Integral): if isinstance(col_idx, (str, Integral, Variable)): col_idx = self.domain.index(col_idx) var = self.domain[col_idx] if 0 <= col_idx < len(self.domain.attributes): val = self.X[row_idx, col_idx] elif col_idx == len(self.domain.attributes) and self._Y.ndim == 1: val = self._Y[row_idx] elif col_idx >= len(self.domain.attributes): val = self._Y[row_idx, col_idx - len(self.domain.attributes)] else: val = self.metas[row_idx, -1 - col_idx] if isinstance(col_idx, DiscreteVariable) and var is not col_idx: val = col_idx.get_mapper_from(var)(val) return Value(var, val) else: row_idx = [row_idx] # multiple rows OR single row but multiple columns: # construct a new table attributes, col_indices = self.domain._compute_col_indices(col_idx) if attributes is not None: n_attrs = len(self.domain.attributes) r_attrs = [attributes[i] for i, col in enumerate(col_indices) if 0 <= col < n_attrs] r_classes = [attributes[i] for i, col in enumerate(col_indices) if col >= n_attrs] r_metas = [attributes[i] for i, col in enumerate(col_indices) if col < 0] domain = Domain(r_attrs, r_classes, r_metas) else: domain = self.domain return self.from_table(domain, self, row_idx) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if not isinstance(key, tuple): if isinstance(value, Real): self.X[key, :] = value return self._set_row(value, key) return if len(key) != 2: raise IndexError("Table indices must be one- or two-dimensional") row_idx, col_idx = key # single row if isinstance(row_idx, Integral): if isinstance(col_idx, slice): col_idx = range(*slice.indices(col_idx, self.X.shape[1])) if not isinstance(col_idx, str) and isinstance(col_idx, Iterable): col_idx = list(col_idx) if not isinstance(col_idx, str) and isinstance(col_idx, Sized): if isinstance(value, (Sequence, np.ndarray)): values = value elif isinstance(value, Iterable): values = list(value) else: raise TypeError("Setting multiple values requires a " "sequence or numpy array") if len(values) != len(col_idx): raise ValueError("Invalid number of values") else: col_idx, values = [col_idx], [value] if isinstance(col_idx, DiscreteVariable) \ and self.domain[col_idx] != col_idx: values = self.domain[col_idx].get_mapper_from(col_idx)(values) for val, col_idx in zip(values, col_idx): if not isinstance(val, Integral): val = self.domain[col_idx].to_val(val) if not isinstance(col_idx, Integral): col_idx = self.domain.index(col_idx) if col_idx >= 0: if col_idx < self.X.shape[1]: self.X[row_idx, col_idx] = val elif self._Y.ndim == 1 and col_idx == self.X.shape[1]: self._Y[row_idx] = val else: self._Y[row_idx, col_idx - self.X.shape[1]] = val else: self.metas[row_idx, -1 - col_idx] = val # multiple rows, multiple columns attributes, col_indices = self.domain._compute_col_indices(col_idx) if col_indices is ...: col_indices = range(len(self.domain.variables)) n_attrs = self.X.shape[1] if isinstance(value, str): if not attributes: attributes = self.domain.attributes for var, col in zip(attributes, col_indices): val = var.to_val(value) if 0 <= col < n_attrs: self.X[row_idx, col] = val elif col >= n_attrs: if self._Y.ndim == 1 and col == n_attrs: self._Y[row_idx] = val else: self._Y[row_idx, col - n_attrs] = val else: self.metas[row_idx, -1 - col] = val else: attr_cols = np.fromiter( (col for col in col_indices if 0 <= col < n_attrs), int) class_cols = np.fromiter( (col - n_attrs for col in col_indices if col >= n_attrs), int) meta_cols = np.fromiter( (-1 - col for col in col_indices if col < 0), int) if value is None: value = Unknown if not isinstance(value, (Real, np.ndarray)) and \ (len(attr_cols) or len(class_cols)): raise TypeError( "Ordinary attributes can only have primitive values") if len(attr_cols): if self.X.size: self.X[row_idx, attr_cols] = value if len(class_cols): if self._Y.size: if self._Y.ndim == 1 and np.all(class_cols == 0): if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): yshape = self._Y[row_idx].shape if value.shape != yshape: value = value.reshape(yshape) self._Y[row_idx] = value else: self._Y[row_idx, class_cols] = value if len(meta_cols): if self._metas.size: self.metas[row_idx, meta_cols] = value def __len__(self): return self.X.shape[0] def __str__(self): return "[" + ",\n ".join(str(ex) for ex in self) + "]" def __repr__(self): head = 5 if self.is_sparse(): head = min(self.X.shape[0], head) s = "[" + ",\n ".join(repr(ex) for ex in self[:head]) if len(self) > head: s += ",\n ..." s += "\n]" return s @classmethod def concatenate(cls, tables, axis=0, *, ignore_domains=None): """ Concatenate tables into a new table, either vertically or horizontally. If axis=0 (vertical concatenate), all tables must have the same domain. If axis=1 (horizontal), - all variable names must be unique. - ids are copied from the first table. - weights are copied from the first table in which they are defined. - the dictionary of table's attributes are merged. If the same attribute appears in multiple dictionaries, the earlier are used. Args: tables (Table): tables to be joined Returns: table (Table) """ if axis not in (0, 1): raise ValueError("invalid axis") if ignore_domains is not None and axis != 0: raise ValueError("'ignore_domains' is incompatible with 'axis=1'") if not tables: raise ValueError('need at least one table to concatenate') if len(tables) == 1: return tables[0].copy() if axis == 0: conc = cls._concatenate_vertical(tables, bool(ignore_domains)) else: conc = cls._concatenate_horizontal(tables) # TODO: Add attributes = {} to __init__ conc.attributes = getattr(conc, "attributes", {}) for table in reversed(tables): conc.attributes.update(table.attributes) names = [ for table in tables if != "untitled"] if names: = names[0] return conc @classmethod def _concatenate_vertical(cls, tables, ignore_domains=False): def vstack(arrs): return [np, sp][any(sp.issparse(arr) for arr in arrs)].vstack(arrs) def merge1d(arrs): arrs = list(arrs) ydims = {arr.ndim for arr in arrs} if ydims == {1}: return np.hstack(arrs) else: return vstack([ arr if arr.ndim == 2 else np.atleast_2d(arr).T for arr in arrs ]) def collect(attr): return [getattr(arr, attr) for arr in tables] domain = tables[0].domain if not ignore_domains \ and any(table.domain != domain for table in tables): raise ValueError('concatenated tables must have the same domain') conc = cls.from_numpy( domain, vstack(collect("X")), merge1d(collect("Y")), vstack(collect("metas")), merge1d(collect("W")) ) conc.ids = np.hstack([t.ids for t in tables]) return conc @classmethod def _concatenate_horizontal(cls, tables): """ """ def all_of(objs, names): return (tuple(getattr(obj, name) for obj in objs) for name in names) def stack(arrs): non_empty = tuple(arr if arr.ndim == 2 else arr[:, np.newaxis] for arr in arrs if arr is not None and arr.size > 0) return np.hstack(non_empty) if non_empty else None doms, Ws = all_of(tables, ("domain", "W")) Xs, Ys, Ms = map(stack, all_of(tables, ("X", "Y", "metas"))) # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable for W in Ws: if W.size: break parts = all_of(doms, ("attributes", "class_vars", "metas")) domain = Domain(*(tuple(chain(*lst)) for lst in parts)) return cls.from_numpy(domain, Xs, Ys, Ms, W, ids=tables[0].ids) def add_column(self, variable, data, to_metas=None): """ Create a new table with an additional column Column's name must be unique Args: variable (Variable): variable for the new column data (np.ndarray): data for the new column to_metas (bool, optional): if `True` the column is added as meta column. Otherwise, primitive variables are added to attributes and non-primitive to metas. Returns: table (Table): a new table with the additional column """ dom = self.domain attrs, classes, metavars = dom.attributes, dom.class_vars, dom.metas to_metas = to_metas or not variable.is_primitive() if to_metas: metavars += (variable, ) else: attrs += (variable, ) domain = Domain(attrs, classes, metavars) new_table = self.transform(domain) with new_table.unlocked(new_table.metas if to_metas else new_table.X): new_table.set_column(variable, data) return new_table def is_sparse(self): """ Return `True` if the table stores data in sparse format """ return any(sp.issparse(i) for i in [self._X, self._Y, self._metas])
[docs] def ensure_copy(self): """ Ensure that the table owns its data; copy arrays when necessary. """ def is_view(x): if not sp.issparse(x): return x.base is not None else: return is not None if is_view(self._X): self._X = self._X.copy() if is_view(self._Y): self._Y = self._Y.copy() if is_view(self._metas): self._metas = self._metas.copy() if is_view(self._W): self._W = self._W.copy() if is_view(self.ids): self.ids = self.ids.copy()
def copy(self): """ Return a copy of the table """ t = self.__class__(self) t.ensure_copy() return t @staticmethod def __determine_density(data): if data is None: return Storage.Missing if data is not None and sp.issparse(data): return Storage.SPARSE_BOOL if ( == 1).all() else Storage.SPARSE else: return Storage.DENSE def X_density(self): if not hasattr(self, "_X_density"): self._X_density = self.__determine_density(self.X) return self._X_density def Y_density(self): if not hasattr(self, "_Y_density"): self._Y_density = self.__determine_density(self._Y) return self._Y_density def metas_density(self): if not hasattr(self, "_metas_density"): self._metas_density = self.__determine_density(self.metas) return self._metas_density
[docs] def set_weights(self, weight=1): """ Set weights of data instances; create a vector of weights if necessary. """ if not self.W.shape[-1]: self.W = np.empty(len(self)) self.W[:] = weight
[docs] def has_weights(self): """Return `True` if the data instances are weighed. """ return self.W.shape[-1] != 0
[docs] def total_weight(self): """ Return the total weight of instances in the table, or their number if they are unweighted. """ if self.W.shape[-1]: return sum(self.W) return len(self)
[docs] def has_missing(self): """Return `True` if there are any missing attribute or class values.""" missing_x = not sp.issparse(self.X) and bn.anynan(self.X) # do not check for sparse X return missing_x or bn.anynan(self._Y)
def has_missing_attribute(self): """Return `True` if there are any missing attribute values.""" return not sp.issparse(self.X) and bn.anynan(self.X) # do not check for sparse X
[docs] def has_missing_class(self): """Return `True` if there are any missing class values.""" return bn.anynan(self._Y)
@staticmethod def __get_nan_count(data): if data.size == 0: return 0 dense = data if not sp.issparse(data) else return np.isnan(dense).sum() @classmethod def __get_nan_frequency(cls, data): return cls.__get_nan_count(data) / ( or 1) def get_nan_count_attribute(self): return self.__get_nan_count(self.X) def get_nan_count_class(self): return self.__get_nan_count(self.Y) def get_nan_count_metas(self): if self.metas.dtype != object: return self.__get_nan_count(self.metas) data = self.metas if sp.issparse(data): data = data.tocsc() count = 0 for i, attr in enumerate(self.domain.metas): col = data[:, i] missing = np.isnan(col.astype(float)) \ if not isinstance(attr, StringVariable) else data == "" count += np.sum(missing) return count def get_nan_frequency_attribute(self): return self.__get_nan_frequency(self.X) def get_nan_frequency_class(self): return self.__get_nan_frequency(self.Y) def get_nan_frequency_metas(self): return self.get_nan_count_metas() / ( or 1)
[docs] def checksum(self, include_metas=True): # TODO: zlib.adler32 does not work for numpy arrays with dtype object # (after pickling and unpickling such arrays, checksum changes) # Why, and should we fix it or remove it? """Return a checksum over X, Y, metas and W.""" cs = zlib.adler32(np.ascontiguousarray(self._X)) cs = zlib.adler32(np.ascontiguousarray(self._Y), cs) if include_metas: cs = zlib.adler32(np.ascontiguousarray(self._metas), cs) cs = zlib.adler32(np.ascontiguousarray(self._W), cs) return cs
[docs] def shuffle(self): """Randomly shuffle the rows of the table.""" if not self._check_all_dense(): raise ValueError("Rows of sparse data cannot be shuffled") ind = np.arange(self.X.shape[0]) np.random.shuffle(ind) self.X = self.X[ind] self._Y = self._Y[ind] self.metas = self.metas[ind] self.W = self.W[ind] self.ids = self.ids[ind]
@deprecated("Table.get_column (or Table.set_column if you must)") def get_column_view(self, index: Union[Integral, Variable]) -> np.ndarray: """ An obsolete function that was supposed to return a view with a column of the table, and a bool flag telling whether this column is sparse. The function *sometimes* returns a copy. This happens if the variable is computed or if values of discrete attribute need to be remapped due to different encoding. Note that vertical slicing of sparse matrices is inefficient. :param index: the index of the column :type index: int, str or :return: (one-dimensional numpy array, sparse) """ if isinstance(index, Integral): col_index = index else: col_index = self.domain.index(index) col = self._get_column_view(col_index) sparse = sp.issparse(col) if sparse: # `index` below can be integer or a Variable warnings.warn("get_column_view is returning a dense copy column " f"{index}") col = np.asarray(col.todense())[:, 0] if isinstance(index, DiscreteVariable) \ and index.values != self.domain[col_index].values: col = index.get_mapper_from(self.domain[col_index])(col) col.flags.writeable = False warnings.warn("get_column_view is returning a mapped copy of " f"column {}") return col, sparse def _get_column_view(self, index: Integral) -> np.ndarray: if index >= 0: if index < self.X.shape[1]: return self.X[:, index] elif self._Y.ndim == 1 and index == self._X.shape[1]: return self._Y else: return self._Y[:, index - self.X.shape[1]] else: return self.metas[:, -1 - index] def get_column(self, index, copy=False): """ Return a column with values of `index`. If `index` is an instance of variable that does not exist in the domain but has `compute_value`, `get_column` calls `compute_value`. Otherwise, it returns a view into the table unless `copy` is set to `True`. Args: index (int or str or Variable): attribute copy (bool): if set to True, ensure the result is a copy, not a view Returns: column (np.array): data column """ if isinstance(index, Variable) and index not in self.domain: if index.compute_value is None: raise ValueError(f"variable {} is not in domain") return _compute_column(index.compute_value, self) mapper = None if not isinstance(index, Integral): if isinstance(index, DiscreteVariable) \ and index.values != self.domain[index].values: mapper = index.get_mapper_from(self.domain[index]) index = self.domain.index(index) col = self._get_column_view(index) if sp.issparse(col): col = col.toarray().reshape(-1) if col.dtype == object and self.domain[index].is_primitive(): col = col.astype(np.float64) if mapper is not None: col = mapper(col) if copy and col.base is not None: col = col.copy() return col def set_column(self, index: Union[int, str, Variable], data): """ Set the values in the given column do `data`. This function may be useful, but try avoiding it. Table (or the corresponding part must be unlocked). If variable is discrete, its encoding must match the variable in the domain. Args: index (int, str, Variable): index of a column data (object): a single value or 1d array of length len(self) """ if not isinstance(index, Integral): if isinstance(index, DiscreteVariable) \ and self.domain[index].values != index.values: raise ValueError(f"cannot set data for variable {} " "with different encoding") index = self.domain.index(index) # Zero-sized arrays cannot be made writeable, yet the below # assignment would fail despite doing nothing. if len(self) > 0: self._get_column_view(index)[:] = data else: assert len(self) == len(data) def _filter_is_defined(self, columns=None, negate=False): # structure of function is obvious; pylint: disable=too-many-branches def _sp_anynan(a): return a.indptr[1:] != a[-1:] + a.shape[1] if columns is None: if sp.issparse(self.X): remove = _sp_anynan(self.X) else: remove = bn.anynan(self.X, axis=1) if sp.issparse(self._Y): remove += _sp_anynan(self._Y) else: if self._Y.ndim == 1: remove += np.isnan(self._Y) else: remove += bn.anynan(self._Y, axis=1) if sp.issparse(self.metas): remove += _sp_anynan(self._metas) else: for i, var in enumerate(self.domain.metas): col = self.metas[:, i].flatten() if var.is_primitive(): remove += np.isnan(col.astype(float)) else: remove += ~col.astype(bool) else: remove = np.zeros(len(self), dtype=bool) for column in columns: col = self.get_column(column) if self.domain[column].is_primitive(): remove += bn.anynan([col.astype(float)], axis=0) else: remove += col.astype(bool) retain = remove if negate else np.logical_not(remove) return self.from_table_rows(self, retain) def _filter_has_class(self, negate=False): if sp.issparse(self._Y): if negate: retain = (self._Y.indptr[1:] != self._Y.indptr[-1:] + self._Y.shape[1]) else: retain = (self._Y.indptr[1:] == self._Y.indptr[-1:] + self._Y.shape[1]) else: if self._Y.ndim == 1: retain = np.isnan(self._Y) else: retain = bn.anynan(self._Y, axis=1) if not negate: retain = np.logical_not(retain) return self.from_table_rows(self, retain) def _filter_same_value(self, column, value, negate=False): if not isinstance(value, Real): value = self.domain[column].to_val(value) sel = self.get_column(column) == value if negate: sel = np.logical_not(sel) return self.from_table_rows(self, sel) def _filter_values(self, filter): selection = self._values_filter_to_indicator(filter) return self.from_table(self.domain, self, selection) def _values_filter_to_indicator(self, filter): """Return selection of rows matching the filter conditions Handles conjunction/disjunction and negate modifiers Parameters ---------- filter: Values object containing the conditions Returns ------- A 1d bool array. len(result) == len(self) """ from import Values if isinstance(filter, Values): conditions = filter.conditions conjunction = filter.conjunction else: conditions = [filter] conjunction = True if conjunction: sel = np.ones(len(self), dtype=bool) else: sel = np.zeros(len(self), dtype=bool) for f in conditions: selection = self._filter_to_indicator(f) if conjunction: sel *= selection else: sel += selection if filter.negate: sel = ~sel return sel def _filter_to_indicator(self, filter): """Return selection of rows that match the condition. Parameters ---------- filter: ValueFilter describing the condition Returns ------- A 1d bool array. len(result) == len(self) """ from import ( FilterContinuous, FilterDiscrete, FilterRegex, FilterString, FilterStringList, IsDefined, Values ) if isinstance(filter, Values): return self._values_filter_to_indicator(filter) def get_col_indices(): cols = chain(self.domain.variables, self.domain.metas) if isinstance(filter, IsDefined): if filter.columns is not None: return list(filter.columns) else: return list(cols) if filter.column is not None: return [filter.column] if isinstance(filter, FilterDiscrete): raise ValueError("Discrete filter can't be applied across rows") if isinstance(filter, FilterContinuous): return [col for col in cols if col.is_continuous] if isinstance(filter, (FilterString, FilterStringList, FilterRegex)): return [col for col in cols if col.is_string] raise TypeError("Invalid filter") def col_filter(col_idx): col = self.get_column(col_idx) if isinstance(filter, IsDefined): if self.domain[col_idx].is_primitive(): return ~np.isnan(col.astype(float)) else: return col.astype(bool) if isinstance(filter, FilterDiscrete): return self._discrete_filter_to_indicator(filter, col) if isinstance(filter, FilterContinuous): return self._continuous_filter_to_indicator(filter, col) if isinstance(filter, FilterString): return self._string_filter_to_indicator(filter, col) if isinstance(filter, FilterStringList): if not filter.case_sensitive: col = np.char.lower(np.array(col, dtype=str)) vals = [val.lower() for val in filter.values] else: vals = filter.values return reduce(operator.add, (col == val for val in vals)) if isinstance(filter, FilterRegex): return np.vectorize(filter)(col) raise TypeError("Invalid filter") col_indices = get_col_indices() if len(col_indices) == 1: sel = col_filter(col_indices[0]) else: sel = np.ones(len(self), dtype=bool) for col_idx in col_indices: sel *= col_filter(col_idx) if isinstance(filter, IsDefined) and filter.negate: sel = ~sel return sel def _discrete_filter_to_indicator(self, filter, col): """Return selection of rows matched by the given discrete filter. Parameters ---------- filter: FilterDiscrete col: np.ndarray Returns ------- A 1d bool array. len(result) == len(self) """ if filter.values is None: # <- is defined filter col = col.astype(float) return ~np.isnan(col) sel = np.zeros(len(self), dtype=bool) for val in filter.values: if not isinstance(val, Real): val = self.domain[filter.column].to_val(val) sel += (col == val) return sel def _continuous_filter_to_indicator(self, filter, col): """Return selection of rows matched by the given continuous filter. Parameters ---------- filter: FilterContinuous col: np.ndarray Returns ------- A 1d bool array. len(result) == len(self) """ if filter.oper == filter.IsDefined: col = col.astype(float) return ~np.isnan(col) return self._range_filter_to_indicator(filter, col, filter.min, filter.max) def _string_filter_to_indicator(self, filter, col): """Return selection of rows matched by the given string filter. Parameters ---------- filter: FilterString col: np.ndarray Returns ------- A 1d bool array. len(result) == len(self) """ if filter.oper == filter.IsDefined: return col.astype(bool) if filter.oper == filter.NotIsDefined: return ~col.astype(bool) col = col.astype(str) fmin = filter.min or "" fmax = filter.max or "" if not filter.case_sensitive: # convert all to lower case col = np.char.lower(col) fmin = fmin.lower() fmax = fmax.lower() if filter.oper == filter.Contains: return np.fromiter((fmin in e for e in col), dtype=bool) if filter.oper == filter.NotContain: return np.fromiter((fmin not in e for e in col), dtype=bool) if filter.oper == filter.StartsWith: return np.fromiter((e.startswith(fmin) for e in col), dtype=bool) if filter.oper == filter.NotStartsWith: return np.fromiter((not e.startswith(fmin) for e in col), dtype=bool) if filter.oper == filter.EndsWith: return np.fromiter((e.endswith(fmin) for e in col), dtype=bool) if filter.oper == filter.NotEndsWith: return np.fromiter((not e.endswith(fmin) for e in col), dtype=bool) return self._range_filter_to_indicator(filter, col, fmin, fmax) @staticmethod def _range_filter_to_indicator(filter, col, fmin, fmax): with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): # nan's are properly discarded if filter.oper == filter.Equal: return col == fmin if filter.oper == filter.NotEqual: return col != fmin if filter.oper == filter.Less: return col < fmin if filter.oper == filter.LessEqual: return col <= fmin if filter.oper == filter.Greater: return col > fmin if filter.oper == filter.GreaterEqual: return col >= fmin if filter.oper == filter.Between: return (col >= fmin) * (col <= fmax) if filter.oper == filter.Outside: return (col < fmin) + (col > fmax) raise TypeError("Invalid operator") def _compute_basic_stats(self, columns=None, include_metas=False, compute_variance=False): W = self._W if self.has_weights() else None rr = [] stats = [] if not columns: if self.domain.attributes: rr.append(fast_stats(self._X, W, compute_variance=compute_variance)) if self.domain.class_vars: rr.append(fast_stats(self._Y, W, compute_variance=compute_variance)) if include_metas and self.domain.metas: rr.append(fast_stats(self.metas, W, compute_variance=compute_variance)) if len(rr): stats = np.vstack(tuple(rr)) else: nattrs = len(self.domain.attributes) for column in columns: c = self.domain.index(column) if 0 <= c < nattrs: S = fast_stats(self._X[:, [c]], W and W[:, [c]], compute_variance=compute_variance) elif c >= nattrs: if self._Y.ndim == 1 and c == nattrs: S = fast_stats(self._Y[:, None], W and W[:, None], compute_variance=compute_variance) else: S = fast_stats(self._Y[:, [c - nattrs]], W and W[:, [c - nattrs]], compute_variance=compute_variance) else: S = fast_stats(self._metas[:, [-1 - c]], W and W[:, [-1 - c]], compute_variance=compute_variance) stats.append(S[0]) return stats def _compute_distributions(self, columns=None): if columns is None: columns = range(len(self.domain.variables)) else: columns = [self.domain.index(var) for var in columns] distributions = [] X = self.X if sp.issparse(X): X = X.tocsc() W = self.W.ravel() if self.has_weights() else None for col in columns: variable = self.domain[col] # Select the correct data column from X, Y or metas if 0 <= col < X.shape[1]: x = X[:, col] elif col < 0: x = self.metas[:, col * (-1) - 1] if np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.dtype(object)): x = x.astype(float) elif self._Y.ndim == 1 and col == X.shape[1]: x = self._Y else: x = self._Y[:, col - X.shape[1]] if variable.is_discrete: dist, unknowns = bincount(x, weights=W, max_val=len(variable.values) - 1) elif not x.shape[0]: dist, unknowns = np.zeros((2, 0)), 0 else: if W is not None: if sp.issparse(x): arg_sort = np.argsort( ranks = x.indices[arg_sort] vals = np.vstack(([arg_sort], W[ranks])) else: ranks = np.argsort(x) vals = np.vstack((x[ranks], W[ranks])) else: x_values = if sp.issparse(x) else x vals = np.ones((2, x_values.shape[0])) vals[0, :] = x_values vals[0, :].sort() dist = np.array(_valuecount.valuecount(vals)) # If sparse, then 0s will not be counted with `valuecount`, so # we have to add them to the result manually. if sp.issparse(x) and sparse_has_implicit_zeros(x): if W is not None: zero_weights = sparse_implicit_zero_weights(x, W).sum() else: zero_weights = sparse_count_implicit_zeros(x) zero_vec = [0, zero_weights] dist = np.insert(dist, np.searchsorted(dist[0], 0), zero_vec, axis=1) # Since `countnans` assumes vector shape to be (1, n) and `x` # shape is (n, 1), we pass the transpose unknowns = countnans(x.T, W) distributions.append((dist, unknowns)) return distributions def _compute_contingency(self, col_vars=None, row_var=None): n_atts = self.X.shape[1] if col_vars is None: col_vars = range(len(self.domain.variables)) else: col_vars = [self.domain.index(var) for var in col_vars] if row_var is None: row_var = self.domain.class_var if row_var is None: raise ValueError("No row variable") row_desc = self.domain[row_var] if not row_desc.is_discrete: raise TypeError("Row variable must be discrete") row_indi = self.domain.index(row_var) n_rows = len(row_desc.values) if 0 <= row_indi < n_atts: row_data = self.X[:, row_indi] elif row_indi < 0: row_data = self.metas[:, -1 - row_indi] elif self._Y.ndim == 1 and row_indi == n_atts: row_data = self._Y else: row_data = self._Y[:, row_indi - n_atts] W = self.W if self.has_weights() else None col_desc = [self.domain[var] for var in col_vars] col_indi = [self.domain.index(var) for var in col_vars] if any(not (var.is_discrete or var.is_continuous) for var in col_desc): raise ValueError("Contingency can be computed only for categorical " "and numeric values.") # when we select a column in sparse matrix it is still two dimensional # and sparse - since it is just a column we can afford to transform # it to dense and make it 1D if issparse(row_data): row_data = row_data.toarray().ravel() if row_data.dtype.kind != "f": # meta attributes can be stored as type object row_data = row_data.astype(float) contingencies = [None] * len(col_desc) for arr, f_cond, f_ind in ( (self.X, lambda i: 0 <= i < n_atts, lambda i: i), (self._Y, lambda i: i >= n_atts, lambda i: i - n_atts), (self.metas, lambda i: i < 0, lambda i: -1 - i)): arr_indi = [e for e, ind in enumerate(col_indi) if f_cond(ind)] vars = [(e, f_ind(col_indi[e]), col_desc[e]) for e in arr_indi] disc_vars = [v for v in vars if v[2].is_discrete] if disc_vars: if sp.issparse(arr): max_vals = max(len(v[2].values) for v in disc_vars) disc_indi = {i for _, i, _ in disc_vars} mask = [i in disc_indi for i in range(arr.shape[1])] conts, nans_cols, nans_rows, nans = contingency( arr, row_data, max_vals - 1, n_rows - 1, W, mask) for col_i, arr_i, var in disc_vars: n_vals = len(var.values) contingencies[col_i] = ( conts[arr_i][:, :n_vals], nans_cols[arr_i], nans_rows[arr_i], nans[arr_i]) else: for col_i, arr_i, var in disc_vars: col = arr if arr.ndim == 1 else arr[:, arr_i] contingencies[col_i] = contingency( col.astype(float), row_data, len(var.values) - 1, n_rows - 1, W) cont_vars = [v for v in vars if v[2].is_continuous] if cont_vars: W_ = None if W is not None: W_ = W.astype(dtype=np.float64) if sp.issparse(arr): arr = sp.csc_matrix(arr) for col_i, arr_i, _ in cont_vars: if sp.issparse(arr): col_data =[arr.indptr[arr_i]:arr.indptr[arr_i + 1]] rows = arr.indices[arr.indptr[arr_i]:arr.indptr[arr_i + 1]] W_ = None if W_ is None else W_[rows] classes_ = row_data[rows] else: col_data, W_, classes_ = arr[:, arr_i], W_, row_data col_data = col_data.astype(dtype=np.float64) contingencies[col_i] = _contingency.contingency_floatarray( col_data, classes_, n_rows, W_) return contingencies @classmethod def transpose(cls, table, feature_names_column="", meta_attr_name="Feature name", feature_name="Feature", remove_redundant_inst=False, progress_callback=None): """ Transpose the table. :param table: Table - table to transpose :param feature_names_column: str - name of (String) meta attribute to use for feature names :param meta_attr_name: str - name of new meta attribute into which feature names are mapped :param feature_name: str - default feature name prefix :param remove_redundant_inst: bool - remove instance that represents feature_names_column :param progress_callback: callable - to report the progress :return: Table - transposed table """ if progress_callback is None: progress_callback = dummy_callback progress_callback(0, "Transposing...") if isinstance(feature_names_column, Variable): feature_names_column = self = cls() n_cols, self.n_rows = table.X.shape old_domain = table.attributes.get("old_domain") table_domain_attributes = list(table.domain.attributes) attr_index = None if remove_redundant_inst: attr_names = [ for a in table_domain_attributes] if feature_names_column and feature_names_column in attr_names: attr_index = attr_names.index(feature_names_column) self.n_rows = self.n_rows - 1 table_domain_attributes.remove( table_domain_attributes[attr_index]) # attributes # - classes and metas to attributes of attributes # - arbitrary meta column to feature names with self.unlocked_reference(): self.X = table.X.T if attr_index is not None: self.X = np.delete(self.X, attr_index, 0) if feature_names_column: names = [str(row[feature_names_column]) for row in table] progress_callback(0.1) names = get_unique_names_duplicates(names) progress_callback(0.3) attributes = [ContinuousVariable(name) for name in names] else: places = int(np.ceil(np.log10(n_cols))) if n_cols else 1 attributes = [ContinuousVariable(f"{feature_name} {i:0{places}}") for i in range(1, n_cols + 1)] progress_callback(0.4) if old_domain is not None and feature_names_column: for i, _ in enumerate(attributes): if attributes[i].name in old_domain: var = old_domain[attributes[i].name] attr = ContinuousVariable( if var.is_continuous \ else DiscreteVariable(, var.values) attr.attributes = var.attributes.copy() attributes[i] = attr def set_attributes_of_attributes(_vars, _table): for i, variable in enumerate(_vars): if == feature_names_column: continue for j, row in enumerate(_table): value = variable.repr_val(row) if np.isscalar(row) \ else row[i] if isinstance(row[i], str) \ else variable.repr_val(row[i]) if value not in MISSING_VALUES: attributes[j].attributes[] = value set_attributes_of_attributes(table.domain.class_vars, table.Y) progress_callback(0.5) set_attributes_of_attributes(table.domain.metas, table.metas) # weights self.W = np.empty((self.n_rows, 0)) def get_table_from_attributes_of_attributes(_vars, _dtype=float): T = np.empty((self.n_rows, len(_vars)), dtype=_dtype) for i, _attr in enumerate(table_domain_attributes): for j, _var in enumerate(_vars): val = str(_attr.attributes.get(, "")) if not _var.is_string: val = np.nan if val in MISSING_VALUES else \ _var.values.index(val) if \ _var.is_discrete else float(val) T[i, j] = val return T # class_vars - attributes of attributes to class - from old domain class_vars = [] if old_domain is not None: class_vars = old_domain.class_vars self.Y = get_table_from_attributes_of_attributes(class_vars) # metas # - feature names and attributes of attributes to metas self.metas, metas = np.empty((self.n_rows, 0), dtype=object), [] if meta_attr_name not in [ for m in table.domain.metas] and \ table_domain_attributes: self.metas = np.array([[] for a in table_domain_attributes], dtype=object) metas.append(StringVariable(meta_attr_name)) names = chain.from_iterable(list(attr.attributes) for attr in table_domain_attributes) names = sorted(set(names) - { for var in class_vars}) progress_callback(0.6) def guessed_var(i, var_name): orig_vals = M[:, i] val_map, vals, var_type = values, variable = val_map, vals, orig_vals, var_type, {}, name=var_name) M[:, i] = values return variable _metas = [StringVariable(n) for n in names] if old_domain is not None: _metas = [m for m in old_domain.metas if != meta_attr_name] M = get_table_from_attributes_of_attributes(_metas, _dtype=object) progress_callback(0.7) if old_domain is None: _metas = [guessed_var(i, for i, m in enumerate(_metas)] if _metas: self.metas = np.hstack((self.metas, M)) metas.extend(_metas) self.domain = Domain(attributes, class_vars, metas) progress_callback(0.9) cls._init_ids(self) self.attributes = deepcopy(table.attributes) self.attributes["old_domain"] = table.domain = progress_callback(1) return self def to_sparse(self, sparse_attributes=True, sparse_class=False, sparse_metas=False): def sparsify(features): for f in features: f.sparse = True new_domain = self.domain.copy() if sparse_attributes: sparsify(new_domain.attributes) if sparse_class: sparsify(new_domain.class_vars) if sparse_metas: sparsify(new_domain.metas) return self.transform(new_domain) def to_dense(self, dense_attributes=True, dense_class=True, dense_metas=True): def densify(features): for f in features: f.sparse = False new_domain = self.domain.copy() if dense_attributes: densify(new_domain.attributes) if dense_class: densify(new_domain.class_vars) if dense_metas: densify(new_domain.metas) t = self.transform(new_domain) t.ids = self.ids # preserve indices return t def groupby(self, columns: List[Variable]) -> "OrangeTableGroupBy": """ Group Table by variables defined in the columns list. Behaviour is similar to Pandas groupby. Parameters ---------- columns List of variables used to determine the groups Returns ------- GroupBy object of type OrangeTableGroupBy which holds information about groups. """ return, columns)
def _dereferenced(array): # CSR and CSC matrices are constructed so that is a # view to a base, which prevents unlocking them. Therefore, if # sparse matrix doesn't own its data, but its base array is # referenced only by this matrix, we copy it. This doesn't # increase memory use, but allows unlocking. if sp.issparse(array) \ and is not None \ and sys.getrefcount( == 2: # 2 = 1 real + 1 for arg = return array def _check_arrays(*arrays, dtype=None, shape_1=None): checked = [] if not len(arrays): return checked def ninstances(array): if hasattr(array, "shape"): return array.shape[0] else: return len(array) if array is not None else 0 if shape_1 is None: shape_1 = ninstances(arrays[0]) for array in arrays: if array is None: checked.append(array) continue if ninstances(array) != shape_1: raise ValueError("Leading dimension mismatch (%d != %d)" % (ninstances(array), shape_1)) if sp.issparse(array): if not (sp.isspmatrix_csr(array) or sp.isspmatrix_csc(array)): array = array.tocsr() = np.asarray( array = _dereferenced(array) has_inf = _check_inf( else: if dtype is not None: array = np.asarray(array, dtype=dtype) else: array = np.asarray(array) has_inf = _check_inf(array) if has_inf: array[np.isinf(array)] = np.nan warnings.warn("Array contains infinity.", RuntimeWarning) checked.append(array) return checked def _check_inf(array): return array.dtype.char in np.typecodes['AllFloat'] and \ np.isinf( def _subarray(arr, rows, cols): rows = _optimize_indices(rows, arr.shape[0]) if arr.ndim == 1: return arr[rows] cols = _optimize_indices(cols, arr.shape[1]) if isinstance(rows, slice) or isinstance(cols, slice): return arr[rows, cols] else: # rows and columns are independent selectors, # so they need to be reshaped to produce an open mesh return arr[np.ix_(rows, cols)] def _optimize_indices(indices, size): """ Convert boolean indices to integer indices and convert these to a slice if possible. A slice is created from only from indices with positive steps and valid starts and ends (so that invalid ranges will still raise an exception. An IndexError is raised if boolean indices do not conform to input size. Allows numpy to reuse the data array, because it defaults to copying if given indices. Parameters ---------- indices : 1D sequence, slice or Ellipsis size : int """ if isinstance(indices, slice): return indices if indices is ...: return slice(None, None, 1) # a very common case for column selection if len(indices) == 1 and not isinstance(indices[0], bool): if indices[0] >= 0: return slice(indices[0], indices[0] + 1, 1) else: return slice(indices[0], indices[0] - 1, -1) if len(indices) >= 1: indices = np.asarray(indices) if indices.dtype == bool: if len(indices) == size: indices = np.nonzero(indices)[0] else: # raise an exception that numpy would if boolean indices were used raise IndexError("boolean indices did not match dimension") if len(indices) >= 1: # conversion from boolean indices could result in an empty array begin = indices[0] end = indices[-1] steps = np.diff(indices) if len(indices) > 1 else np.array([1]) step = steps[0] # continuous ranges with constant step and valid start and stop index can be slices if np.all(steps == step) and step > 0 and begin >= 0 and end < size: return slice(begin, end + step, step) return indices def _selection_length(indices, maxlen): """ Return the selection length. Args: indices: 1D sequence, slice or Ellipsis maxlen: maximum length of the sequence """ if indices is ...: return maxlen elif isinstance(indices, slice): return len(range(*indices.indices(maxlen))) else: return len(indices) def _select_from_selection(source_indices, selection_indices, maxlen): """ Create efficient selection indices from a previous selection. Try to keep slices as slices. Args: source_indices: 1D sequence, slice or Ellipsis selection_indices: slice maxlen: maximum length of the sequence """ if source_indices is ...: return selection_indices elif isinstance(source_indices, slice): assert isinstance(selection_indices, slice) r = range(*source_indices.indices(maxlen))[selection_indices] assert min(list(r)) >= 0 # .indices always returns valid non-negative integers # when the reversed order is used r.stop can be negative, for example, # range(1, -1, -1)), which is [1, 0], but this negative indexing # is problematic with slices stop = r.stop if stop < 0: stop = None return slice(r.start, stop, r.step) else: return source_indices[selection_indices] def assure_domain_conversion_sparsity(target, source): """ Assure that the table obeys the domain conversion's suggestions about sparsity. Args: target (Table): the target table. source (Table): the source table. Returns: Table: with fixed sparsity. The sparsity is set as it is recommended by domain conversion for transformation from source to the target domain. """ conversion = DomainConversion(source.domain, target.domain) match_density = [assure_array_dense, assure_array_sparse] target.X = match_density[conversion.sparse_X](target.X) target.Y = match_density[conversion.sparse_Y](target.Y) target.metas = match_density[conversion.sparse_metas](target.metas) return target class Role: Attribute = 0 ClassAttribute = 1 Meta = 2 @staticmethod def get_arr(role, table): return table.X if role == Role.Attribute else \ table.Y if role == Role.ClassAttribute else \ table.metas