Source code for Orange.projection.pca

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from sklearn import decomposition as skl_decomposition

from import Variable
from import get_unique_names
from Orange.misc.wrapper_meta import WrapperMeta
from Orange.preprocess.score import LearnerScorer
from Orange.projection import SklProjector, DomainProjection

__all__ = ["PCA", "SparsePCA", "IncrementalPCA", "TruncatedSVD"]

class _FeatureScorerMixin(LearnerScorer):
    feature_type = Variable
    component = 0

    def score(self, data):
        model = self(data)
        return (
            np.abs(model.components_[:self.component]) if self.component
            else np.abs(model.components_),

[docs] class PCA(SklProjector, _FeatureScorerMixin): __wraps__ = skl_decomposition.PCA name = 'PCA' supports_sparse = True def __init__(self, n_components=None, copy=True, whiten=False, svd_solver='auto', tol=0.0, iterated_power='auto', random_state=None, preprocessors=None): super().__init__(preprocessors=preprocessors) self.params = vars() def fit(self, X, Y=None): params = self.params.copy() if params["n_components"] is not None: params["n_components"] = min(min(X.shape), params["n_components"]) # scikit-learn doesn't support requesting the same number of PCs as # there are columns when the data is sparse. In this case, densify the # data. Since we're essentially requesting back a PC matrix of the same # size as the original data, we will assume the matrix is small enough # to densify as well if sp.issparse(X) and params["n_components"] == min(X.shape): X = X.toarray() # In scikit-learn==1.4.0, only the arpack solver is supported for sparse # data and `svd_solver="auto"` doesn't auto-resolve to this. This is # fixed in scikit-learn 1.5.0, but for the time being, override these # settings here if sp.issparse(X) and params["svd_solver"] == "auto": params["svd_solver"] = "arpack" proj = self.__wraps__(**params) proj =, Y) return PCAModel(proj, self.domain, len(proj.components_))
[docs] class SparsePCA(SklProjector): __wraps__ = skl_decomposition.SparsePCA name = 'Sparse PCA' supports_sparse = False def __init__(self, n_components=None, alpha=1, ridge_alpha=0.01, max_iter=1000, tol=1e-8, method='lars', n_jobs=1, U_init=None, V_init=None, verbose=False, random_state=None, preprocessors=None): super().__init__(preprocessors=preprocessors) self.params = vars() def fit(self, X, Y=None): proj = self.__wraps__(**self.params) proj =, Y) return PCAModel(proj, self.domain, len(proj.components_))
class PCAModel(DomainProjection, metaclass=WrapperMeta): var_prefix = "PC" def _get_var_names(self, n): names = [f"{self.var_prefix}{postfix}" for postfix in range(1, n + 1)] return get_unique_names(self.orig_domain, names)
[docs] class IncrementalPCA(SklProjector): __wraps__ = skl_decomposition.IncrementalPCA name = 'Incremental PCA' supports_sparse = False def __init__(self, n_components=None, whiten=False, copy=True, batch_size=None, preprocessors=None): super().__init__(preprocessors=preprocessors) self.params = vars() def fit(self, X, Y=None): proj = self.__wraps__(**self.params) proj =, Y) return IncrementalPCAModel(proj, self.domain, len(proj.components_)) def partial_fit(self, data): return self(data)
class IncrementalPCAModel(PCAModel): def partial_fit(self, data): if isinstance(data, if data.domain != self.pre_domain: data = data.from_table(self.pre_domain, data) self.proj.partial_fit(data.X) else: self.proj.partial_fit(data) self.__dict__.update(self.proj.__dict__) return self class TruncatedSVD(SklProjector, _FeatureScorerMixin): __wraps__ = skl_decomposition.TruncatedSVD name = 'Truncated SVD' supports_sparse = True def __init__(self, n_components=2, algorithm='randomized', n_iter=5, random_state=None, tol=0.0, preprocessors=None): super().__init__(preprocessors=preprocessors) self.params = vars() def fit(self, X, Y=None): params = self.params.copy() # strict requirement in scikit fit_transform: # n_components must be < n_features params["n_components"] = min(min(X.shape) - 1, params["n_components"]) proj = self.__wraps__(**params) proj =, Y) return PCAModel(proj, self.domain, len(proj.components_))