import calendar
import re
import time
from numbers import Number
from typing import NamedTuple, List, Union, Callable, Optional
import datetime
from itertools import count, chain
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from import DiscreteVariable, Domain, TimeVariable, Table
from import SqlTable
from Orange.statistics import distribution, contingency, util as ut
from Orange.statistics.basic_stats import BasicStats
from Orange.util import Reprable, utc_from_timestamp
from .transformation import Transformation
from . import _discretize
__all__ = ["EqualFreq", "EqualWidth", "EntropyMDL", "DomainDiscretizer",
"decimal_binnings", "time_binnings", "short_time_units",
class Discretizer(Transformation):
"""Value transformer that returns an index of the bin for the given value.
def __init__(self, variable, points):
self.points = points
def digitize(x, bins):
if sp.issparse(x):
if len(bins): = np.digitize(, bins)
x = sp.csr_matrix(x.shape)
return x
return np.digitize(x, bins) if len(bins) else [0]*len(x)
def transform(self, c):
if sp.issparse(c):
return self.digitize(c, self.points)
elif c.size:
return np.where(np.isnan(c), np.NaN, self.digitize(c, self.points))
return np.array([], dtype=int)
def _fmt_interval(low, high, formatter, strip_zeros=True):
assert low is None or high is None or low < high
def strip0(s):
if strip_zeros and re.match(r"^\d+\.\d+", s):
return s.rstrip("0").rstrip(".")
return s
lows = (low is not None and not np.isinf(low)
and strip0(formatter(low)))
highs = (high is not None and not np.isinf(high)
and strip0(formatter(high)))
assert lows or highs
if lows == highs:
raise ValueError(f"Formatter returned identical thresholds: {lows}")
if not lows:
return f"< {highs}"
if not highs:
return f"≥ {lows}"
return f"{lows} - {highs}"
def _get_labels(cls, fmt, points, strip_zeros=True):
return [
cls._fmt_interval(low, high, fmt, strip_zeros=strip_zeros)
for low, high in zip(
chain([-np.inf], points),
chain(points, [np.inf]))]
def _get_discretized_values(cls, var, points, ndigits=None):
if len(points) == 0:
values = ["single_value"]
to_sql = SingleValueSql(values[0])
return points, values, to_sql
npoints = np.array(points, dtype=np.float64)
if len(points) > 1:
mindiff = np.min(npoints[1:] - npoints[:-1])
if mindiff == 0:
raise ValueError("Some interval thresholds are identical")
mindiff = 1 # prevent warnings
if ndigits is None or len(points) == 1:
values = cls._get_labels(var.str_val, points)
except ValueError: # points would create identical formatted thresholds
if len(values) == len(set(values)):
to_sql = BinSql(var, points)
return points, values, to_sql
mindigits = max(ndigits or 0,
maxdigits = np.finfo(npoints.dtype).precision + 2
for digits in range(mindigits, maxdigits + 1):
# ensure that builtin round is used for compatibility with float formatting
# de-numpyize points p (otherwise np.floats use numpy's round)
npoints = [round(float(p), digits) for p in points]
if len(npoints) == len(set(npoints)):
def fmt_fixed(val):
# We break the loop, pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop
return f"{val:.{digits}f}"
points = list(npoints)
# pragma: no cover
assert False
values = cls._get_labels(
fmt_fixed, points,
strip_zeros=digits != ndigits)
assert len(values) == len(set(values))
to_sql = BinSql(var, points)
return points, values, to_sql
def create_discretized_var(cls, var, points, ndigits=None):
points, values, to_sql = cls._get_discretized_values(var, points, ndigits)
dvar = DiscreteVariable(, values=values,
compute_value=cls(var, points),
dvar.source_variable = var
dvar.to_sql = to_sql
return dvar
def __eq__(self, other):
return super().__eq__(other) and self.points == other.points
def __hash__(self):
return hash((type(self), self.variable, tuple(self.points)))
class BinSql:
def __init__(self, var, points):
self.var = var
self.points = points
def __call__(self):
return f'width_bucket({self.var.to_sql()}, ' \
f'ARRAY{str(self.points)}::double precision[])'
class SingleValueSql:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __call__(self):
return "'%s'" % self.value
class Discretization(Reprable):
"""Abstract base class for discretization classes."""
def __call__(self, data, variable):
Compute discretization of the given variable on the given data.
Return a new variable with the appropriate domain
(:obj:``) and transformer
raise NotImplementedError(
"Subclasses of 'Discretization' need to implement "
"the call operator")
class EqualFreq(Discretization):
"""Discretization into bins with approximately equal number of data
.. attribute:: n
Number of bins (default: 4). The actual number may be lower if the
variable has less than n distinct values.
def __init__(self, n=4):
self.n = n
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
def __call__(self, data, attribute):
if type(data) == SqlTable:
att = attribute.to_sql()
quantiles = [(i + 1) / self.n for i in range(self.n - 1)]
query = data._sql_query(
['quantile(%s, ARRAY%s)' % (att, str(quantiles))],
with data._execute_sql_query(query) as cur:
points = sorted(set(cur.fetchone()[0]))
d = distribution.get_distribution(data, attribute)
points = _discretize.split_eq_freq(d, self.n)
# np.unique handles cases in which differences are below precision
points = list(np.unique(points))
return Discretizer.create_discretized_var(
data.domain[attribute], points)
class EqualWidth(Discretization):
"""Discretization into a fixed number of bins with equal widths.
.. attribute:: n
Number of bins (default: 4).
def __init__(self, n=4):
self.n = n
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
def __call__(self, data: Table, attribute, fixed=None):
if fixed:
mn, mx = fixed[]
points = self._split_eq_width(mn, mx)
if type(data) == SqlTable:
stats = BasicStats(data, attribute)
points = self._split_eq_width(stats.min, stats.max)
values = data.get_column(attribute)
if values.size:
mn, mx = ut.nanmin(values), ut.nanmax(values)
points = self._split_eq_width(mn, mx)
points = []
return Discretizer.create_discretized_var(
data.domain[attribute], points)
def _split_eq_width(self, mn, mx):
if np.isnan(mn) or np.isnan(mx) or mn == mx:
return []
dif = (mx - mn) / self.n
return [mn + i * dif for i in range(1, self.n)]
class TooManyIntervals(ValueError):
class FixedWidth(Discretization):
def __init__(self, width, digits=None):
self.width = width
self.digits = digits
def __call__(self, data: Table, attribute):
values = data.get_column(attribute)
points = []
if values.size:
mn, mx = ut.nanmin(values), ut.nanmax(values)
if not np.isnan(mn):
minf = int(1 + np.floor(mn / self.width))
maxf = int(1 + np.floor(mx / self.width))
if maxf - minf - 1 >= 100:
raise TooManyIntervals
points = [i * self.width for i in range(minf, maxf)]
return Discretizer.create_discretized_var(
data.domain[attribute], points, ndigits=self.digits)
class FixedTimeWidth(Discretization):
def __init__(self, width, unit):
# unit: 0=year, 1=month, 2=day, 3=hour, 4=minute, 5=second
# for week, use day with a width of 7
self.width = width
self.unit = unit
def __call__(self, data: Table, attribute):
fmt = ["%Y", "%y %b", "%y %b %d", "%y %b %d %H:%M", "%y %b %d %H:%M",
values = data.get_column(attribute)
times = []
if values.size:
mn, mx = ut.nanmin(values), ut.nanmax(values)
if not np.isnan(mn):
mn = utc_from_timestamp(mn).timetuple()
mx = utc_from_timestamp(mx).timetuple()
times = _time_range(mn, mx, self.unit, self.width, 0, 100)
if times is None:
raise TooManyIntervals
times = [time.struct_time(t + (0, 0, 0)) for t in times][1:-1]
points = np.array([calendar.timegm(t) for t in times])
values = [time.strftime(fmt, t) for t in times]
values = _simplified_time_intervals(values)
var = data.domain[attribute]
return DiscreteVariable(, values=values,
compute_value=Discretizer(var, points),
def _simplified_time_intervals(labels):
def no_common(a, b):
for i, pa, pb in zip(count(), a, b):
if pa != pb:
if common + i == 2:
i -= 1
return b[i:]
# can't come here (unless a == b?!)
return b # pragma: no cover
if not labels:
return []
common = 100
labels = [label.split() for label in labels]
for common, parts in enumerate(map(set, zip(*labels))):
if len(parts) > 1:
if common == 2: # If we keep days, we must also keep months
common = 1
labels = [label[common:] for label in labels]
join = " ".join
return [f"< {join(labels[0])}"] + [
f"{join(low)} - {join(no_common(low, high))}"
for low, high in zip(labels, labels[1:])
] + [f"≥ {join(labels[-1])}"]
class Binning(Discretization):
"""Discretization with nice thresholds
This class creates different decimal or time binnings and picks the one
in which the number of interval is closest to the desired number.
The difference is measured as proportion; e.g. having 30 % less intervals
is the same difference as having 30 % too many.
.. attribute:: n
Desired number of bins (default: 4).
def __init__(self, n=4):
self.n = n
def __call__(self, data: Table, attribute):
attribute = data.domain[attribute]
values = data.get_column(attribute)
values = values.astype(float)
if not values.size:
return self._create_binned_var(None, attribute)
var = data.domain[attribute]
if isinstance(var, TimeVariable):
binnings = time_binnings(values)
binnings = decimal_binnings(values)
return self._create_binned_var(binnings, attribute)
def _create_binned_var(self, binnings, variable):
if not binnings:
return Discretizer.create_discretized_var(variable, [])
# If self.n is 2, require two intervals (one threshold, excluding top
# and bottom), else require at least three intervals
# ... unless this is the only option, in which case we use it
# Break ties in favour of more bins
binning = min(
(binning for binning in binnings
if len(binning.thresholds) - 2 >= 1 + (self.n != 2)),
key=lambda binning: (abs(self.n - (len(binning.short_labels) - 1)),
if len(binning.thresholds) == 2:
return Discretizer.create_discretized_var(variable, [])
blabels = binning.labels[1:-1]
labels = [f"< {blabels[0]}"] + [
f"{lab1} - {lab2}" for lab1, lab2 in zip(blabels, blabels[1:])
] + [f"≥ {blabels[-1]}"]
discretizer = Discretizer(variable, list(binning.thresholds[1:-1]))
dvar = DiscreteVariable(, values=labels,
dvar.source_variable = variable
return dvar
class BinDefinition(NamedTuple):
thresholds: np.ndarray # thresholds, including the top
labels: List[str] # friendly-formatted thresholds
short_labels: List[str] # shorter labels (e.g. simplified dates)
width: Union[float, None] # widths, if uniform; otherwise None
width_label: str # friendly-formatted width (e.g. '50' or '2 weeks')
# NamedTupleMeta doesn't allow to define __new__ so we need a subclass
# Name of the class has to be the same to match the namedtuple name
# pylint: disable=function-redefined
class BinDefinition(BinDefinition):
def __new__(cls, thresholds, labels="%g",
short_labels=None, width=None, width_label=""):
def get_labels(fmt, default=None):
if fmt is None:
return default
if isinstance(fmt, str):
return [fmt % x for x in thresholds]
elif isinstance(fmt, Callable):
return [fmt(x) for x in thresholds]
return fmt
labels = get_labels(labels)
short_labels = get_labels(short_labels, labels)
if not width_label and width is not None:
width_label = f"{width:g}"
return super().__new__(
cls, thresholds, labels, short_labels, width, width_label)
def start(self) -> float:
return self.thresholds[0]
def nbins(self) -> int:
return len(self.thresholds) - 1
def decimal_binnings(
data, *, min_width=0, min_bins=2, max_bins=50,
min_unique=5, add_unique=0,
factors=(0.01, 0.02, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20),
label_fmt="%g") -> List[BinDefinition]:
Find a set of nice splits of data into bins
The function first computes the scaling factor that is, the power of 10
that brings the interval of values within [0, 1]. For instances, if the
numbers come from interaval 10004001 and 10007005, the width of the
interval is 3004, so the scaling factor is 1000.
The function next considers bin widths that are products of scaling and
different factors from 20 to 0.01 that make sense in decimal scale
(see default value for argument `factors`). For each width, it rounds the
minimal value down to this width and the maximal value up, and it computes
the number of bins of that width that fit between these two values.
If the number of bins is between `min_bins` and `max_bins`, and the width
is at least `min_width`, this is a valid interval.
If the data has no more than `min_unique` unique values, the function will
add a set of bins that put each value into its own bin.
If the data has no more than `add_unique` values, that last bins will put
each value into its own bin.
data (np.ndarray):
vector of data points; values may repeat, and nans and infs are
filtered out.
min_width (float): minimal bin width
min_bins (int): minimal number of bins
max_bins (int):
maximal number of bins; the number of bins will never exceed the
number of unique values
min_unique (int):
if the number of unique values are less or equal to `min_unique`,
the function returns a single binning that matches that values in
the data
add_unique (int):
similar to `min_unique` except that such bins are added to the list;
set to 0 to disable
factors (list of float):
The factors with which the scaling is multiplied. Default is
`(0.01, 0.02, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20)`,
so if scaling is 1000, considered bin widths are 20000, 10000,
5000, 2000, 1000, 500, 250, 200, 100, 50, 25, 20 and 10.
label_fmt (str or Callable):
A format string (default: "%g") used for threshold labels,
or a function for formatting thresholds (e.g. var.str_val)
bin_definition (list of BinDefinition):
`BinDefinition` is a named tuple containing the beginning of the
first bin (`start`), number of bins (`nbins`) and their widths
(`width`). The last value can also be a `nd.array` with `nbins + 1`
elements, which describes bins of unequal width and is used for
binnings that match the unique values in the data (see `min_unique`
and `add_unique`).
bins = []
mn, mx, unique = _min_max_unique(data)
if len(unique) <= max(min_unique, add_unique):
bins.append(BinDefinition(_unique_thresholds(unique), label_fmt))
if len(unique) <= min_unique:
return bins
diff = mx - mn
f10 = 10 ** -np.floor(np.log10(diff))
max_bins = min(max_bins, len(unique))
for f in factors:
width = f / f10
if width < min_width:
mn_ = np.floor(mn / width) * width
mx_ = np.ceil(mx / width) * width
nbins = np.round((mx_ - mn_) / width)
if min_bins <= nbins <= max_bins \
and (not bins or bins[-1].nbins != nbins):
bins_ = mn_ + width * np.arange(nbins + 1)
# to prevent values on the edge of the bin fall in the wrong bin
# due to precision error on decimals that are not precise
bins_ = np.around(bins_, decimals=np.finfo(bins_.dtype).precision)
bin_def = BinDefinition(bins_, label_fmt, None, width)
return bins
def time_binnings(data, *, min_bins=2, max_bins=50, min_unique=5, add_unique=0
) -> List[BinDefinition]:
Find a set of nice splits of time variable data into bins
The function considers bin widths of
- 1, 5, 10, 15, 30 seconds.
- 1, 5, 10, 15, 30 minutes,
- 1, 2, 3, 6, 12 hours,
- 1 day,
- 1, 2 weeks,
- 1, 2, 3, 6 months,
- 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 years,
and returns those that yield between `min_bins` and `max_bins` intervals.
data (np.ndarray):
vector of data points; values may repeat, and nans and infs are
filtered out.
min_bins (int): minimal number of bins
max_bins (int):
maximal number of bins; the number of bins will never exceed the
number of unique values
bin_boundaries (list of BinDefinition): a list of possible binning.
Each element of `bin_boundaries` is a tuple consisting of a label
describing the bin size (e.g. `2 weeks`) and a list of thresholds.
Thresholds are given as pairs
(number_of_seconds_since_epoch, label).
mn, mx, unique = _min_max_unique(data)
mn = utc_from_timestamp(mn).timetuple()
mx = utc_from_timestamp(mx).timetuple()
bins = []
if len(unique) <= max(min_unique, add_unique):
if len(unique) > min_unique:
bins += _time_binnings(mn, mx, min_bins + 1, max_bins + 1)
return bins
def _time_binnings(mn, mx, min_pts, max_pts):
bins = []
for place, step, fmt, unit in (
[(5, x, "%H:%M:%S", "second") for x in (1, 5, 10, 15, 30)] +
[(4, x, "%b %d %H:%M", "minute") for x in (1, 5, 10, 15, 30)] +
[(3, x, "%y %b %d %H:%M", "hour") for x in (1, 2, 3, 6, 12)] +
[(2, 1, "%y %b %d", "day")] +
[(2, x, "%y %b %d", "week") for x in (7, 14)] +
[(1, x, "%y %b", "month") for x in (1, 2, 3, 6)] +
[(0, x, "%Y", "year") for x in (1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100)]):
times = _time_range(mn, mx, place, step, min_pts, max_pts)
if not times:
times = [time.struct_time(t + (0, 0, 0)) for t in times]
thresholds = np.array([calendar.timegm(t) for t in times])
labels = [time.strftime(fmt, t) for t in times]
short_labels = _simplified_labels(labels)
if place == 2 and step >= 7:
unit_label = f"{step // 7} week{'s' * (step > 7)}"
unit_label = f"{step} {unit}{'s' * (step > 1)}"
new_bins = BinDefinition(
thresholds, labels, short_labels, None, unit_label)
if not bins or new_bins.nbins != bins[-1].nbins:
return bins
# datetime + deltatime is not very useful here because deltatime is
# given a number of days, not years or months, so it doesn't allow
# for specifying a step of 1 month
def _time_range(start, end, place, step, min_pts, max_pts,
_zeros=(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)):
if place == 2 and step % 7 == 0:
startd =*start[:3])
startd -= datetime.timedelta(days=-startd.weekday())
start = [startd.year, startd.month,, 0, 0, 0]
start = list(
+ ((start[place] - _zeros[place]) // step * step + _zeros[place], )
+ _zeros[place + 1:])
end = list(end[:place + 1] + _zeros[place + 1:])
s = [tuple(start)]
for _ in range(max_pts - 1):
start[place] += step
if place >= 3: # hours, minutes, seconds
for pos, maxval in enumerate((60, 60, 24), start=1):
if start[-pos] >= maxval:
start[-pos - 1] += 1
start[-pos] %= maxval
if place >= 2:
md = _month_days(*start[:2])
if start[2] > md:
start[1] += 1
start[2] %= md
if start[1] > 12:
start[0] += 1
start[1] %= 12
if start > end:
return s if len(s) >= min_pts else None
return None
def _month_days(year, month,
_md=(None, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)):
return _md[month] + (
month == 2 and (year % 400 == 0 or year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0))
def _simplified_labels(labels):
labels = labels[:]
to_remove = "42"
while True:
firsts = {f for f, *_ in (lab.split() for lab in labels)}
if len(firsts) != 1: # can be 0 if there are no labels
to_remove = firsts.pop()
flen = len(to_remove)
if any(len(lab) == flen for lab in labels):
labels = [lab[flen+1:] for lab in labels]
for i in range(len(labels) - 1, 0, -1):
for k, c, d in zip(count(), labels[i].split(), labels[i - 1].split()):
if c != d:
labels[i] = " ".join(labels[i].split()[k:])
# If the last thing removed were month names and the labels continues with
# hours, keep month name in the first label; "08 12:29" looks awkward.
if not to_remove[0].isdigit() and ":" in labels[0]:
labels[0] = f"{to_remove} {labels[0]}"
return labels
def _unique_time_bins(unique):
times = [utc_from_timestamp(x).timetuple() for x in unique]
fmt = f'%y %b %d'
fmt += " %H:%M" * (len({t[2:] for t in times}) > 1)
fmt += ":%S" * bool(np.all(unique % 60 == 0))
labels = [time.strftime(fmt, x) for x in times]
short_labels = _simplified_labels(labels)
return BinDefinition(_unique_thresholds(unique), labels, short_labels)
def _unique_thresholds(unique):
if len(unique) >= 2:
# make the last bin the same width as the one before
last_boundary = 2 * unique[-1] - unique[-2]
last_boundary = unique[0] + 1
return np.hstack((unique, [last_boundary]))
def _min_max_unique(data):
unique = np.unique(data)
unique = unique[np.isfinite(unique)]
if not unique.size:
raise ValueError("no valid (non-nan) data")
return unique[0], unique[-1], unique
short_time_units = dict(seconds="sec", minutes="min", hours="hrs",
weeks="wks", months="mon", years="yrs",
second="sec", minute="min", month="mon")
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
class EntropyMDL(Discretization):
Discretization into bins inferred by recursively splitting the values to
minimize the class-entropy. The procedure stops when further splits would
decrease the entropy for less than the corresponding increase of minimal
description length (MDL). [FayyadIrani93].
If there are no suitable cut-off points, the procedure returns a single bin,
which means that the new feature is constant and can be removed.
.. attribute:: force
Induce at least one cut-off point, even when its information
gain is lower than MDL (default: False).
def __init__(self, force=False):
self.force = force
def __call__(self, data, attribute):
cont = contingency.get_contingency(data, attribute)
values, I = cont.values, cont.counts.T
cut_ind = np.array(self._entropy_discretize_sorted(I, self.force))
if len(cut_ind) > 0:
# "the midpoint between each successive pair of examples" (FI p.1)
points = (values[cut_ind] + values[cut_ind - 1]) / 2.
points = []
return Discretizer.create_discretized_var(
data.domain[attribute], points)
def _normalize(cls,
X: Union[List[List[Number]], np.ndarray],
axis: Optional[int] = None,
out: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> np.ndarray:
Normalize `X` array so it sums to 1.0 over the `axis`.
X : array
Array to normalize.
axis : optional int
Axis over which the resulting array sums to 1.
out : optional array
Output array of the same shape as X.
X = np.asarray(X, dtype=float)
scale = np.sum(X, axis=axis, keepdims=True)
scale[scale == 0] = 1
if out is None:
return X / scale
if out is not X:
assert out.shape == X.shape
out[:] = X
out /= scale
return out
def _entropy_normalized(cls, D, axis=None):
Compute the entropy of distribution array `D`.
`D` must be a distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0 over `axis`)
D : array
axis : optional int
Axis of `D` along which to compute the entropy.
# req: (np.sum(D, axis=axis) >= 0).all()
# req: (np.sum(D, axis=axis) <= 1).all()
# req: np.all(np.abs(np.sum(D, axis=axis) - 1) < 1e-9)
D = np.asarray(D)
if np.sum(D) == 0:
return 0
Dc = np.clip(D, np.finfo(D.dtype).eps, 1.0)
return - np.sum(D * np.log2(Dc), axis=axis)
def _entropy(cls, D, axis=None):
Compute the entropy of distribution `D`.
D : array
axis : optional int
Axis of `D` along which to compute the entropy.
D = cls._normalize(D, axis=axis)
return cls._entropy_normalized(D, axis=axis)
def _entropy1(cls, D):
Compute the entropy of distributions in `D`
(one per each row).
D = cls._normalize(D)
return _discretize.entropy_normalized1(D)
def _entropy2(cls, D):
Compute the entropy of distributions in `D`
(one per each row).
D = cls._normalize(D, axis=1)
return _discretize.entropy_normalized2(D)
def _entropy_cuts_sorted(cls, CS):
Return the class information entropy induced by partitioning
the `CS` distribution at all N-1 candidate cut points.
CS : (N, K) array of class distributions.
CS = np.asarray(CS)
# |--|-------|--------|
# S1 ^ S2
# S1 contains all points which are <= to cut point
# Cumulative distributions for S1 and S2 (left right set)
# i.e. a cut at index i separates the CS into S1Dist[i] and S2Dist[i]
S1Dist = np.cumsum(CS, axis=0)[:-1]
S2Dist = np.cumsum(CS[::-1], axis=0)[-2::-1]
# Entropy of S1[i] and S2[i] sets
ES1 = cls._entropy2(S1Dist)
ES2 = cls._entropy2(S2Dist)
# Number of cases in S1[i] and S2[i] sets
S1_count = np.sum(S1Dist, axis=1)
S2_count = np.sum(S2Dist, axis=1)
# Number of all cases
S_count = np.sum(CS)
ES1w = ES1 * S1_count / S_count
ES2w = ES2 * S2_count / S_count
# E(A, T; S) Class information entropy of the partition S
E = ES1w + ES2w
return E, ES1, ES2
def _entropy_discretize_sorted(cls, C, force=False):
Entropy discretization on a sorted C.
:param C: (N, K) array of class distributions.
E, ES1, ES2 = cls._entropy_cuts_sorted(C)
# TODO: Also get the left right distribution counts from
# entropy_cuts_sorted,
# Note the + 1
if len(E) == 0:
return []
cut_index = np.argmin(E) + 1
# Distribution of classed in S1, S2 and S
S1_c = np.sum(C[:cut_index], axis=0)
S2_c = np.sum(C[cut_index:], axis=0)
S_c = S1_c + S2_c
ES = cls._entropy1(np.sum(C, axis=0))
ES1, ES2 = ES1[cut_index - 1], ES2[cut_index - 1]
# Information gain of the best split
Gain = ES - E[cut_index - 1]
# Number of different classes in S, S1 and S2
k = float(np.sum(S_c > 0))
k1 = float(np.sum(S1_c > 0))
k2 = float(np.sum(S2_c > 0))
assert k > 0
delta = np.log2(3 ** k - 2) - (k * ES - k1 * ES1 - k2 * ES2)
N = float(np.sum(S_c))
if N > 1 and Gain > np.log2(N - 1) / N + delta / N:
# Accept the cut point and recursively split the subsets.
left, right = [], []
if k1 > 1 and cut_index > 1:
left = cls._entropy_discretize_sorted(C[:cut_index, :])
if k2 > 1 and cut_index < len(C) - 1:
right = cls._entropy_discretize_sorted(C[cut_index:, :])
return left + [cut_index] + [i + cut_index for i in right]
elif force:
return [cut_index]
return []
class DomainDiscretizer(Reprable):
"""Discretizes all continuous features in the data.
.. attribute:: method
Feature discretization method (instance of
:obj:`Orange.preprocess.Discretization`). If `None` (default),
:class:`Orange.preprocess.EqualFreq` with 4 intervals is
.. attribute:: clean
If `True`, features discretized into a single interval constant are
removed. This is useful for discretization methods that infer the
number of intervals from the data, such as
:class:`Orange.preprocess.EntropyMDL` (default: `True`).
.. attribute:: discretize_class
Determines whether a target is also discretized if it is continuous.
(default: `False`)
def __init__(self, discretize_class=False, method=None, clean=True,
self.discretize_class = discretize_class
self.method = method
self.clean = clean
self.fixed = fixed
def __call__(self, data, fixed=None):
Compute and return discretized domain.
:param data: Data to discretize.
def transform_list(s, fixed=None):
new_vars = []
for var in s:
if var.is_continuous:
if fixed and in fixed.keys():
nv = method(data, var, fixed)
nv = method(data, var)
if not self.clean or len(nv.values) > 1:
return new_vars
if self.method is None:
method = EqualFreq(n=4)
method = self.method
domain = data.domain
new_attrs = transform_list(domain.attributes, fixed or self.fixed)
if self.discretize_class:
new_classes = transform_list(domain.class_vars)
new_classes = domain.class_vars
return Domain(new_attrs, new_classes)