Induction of rules works by finding a rule that covers some learning instances,
removing these instances, and repeating this until all instances are covered.
Rules are scored by heuristics such as impurity of class distribution of
covered instances. The module includes common rule-learning algorithms,
and allows for replacing rule search strategies, scoring and other
import operator
from copy import copy
from hashlib import sha1
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import chi2
import bottleneck as bn
from Orange.classification import Learner, Model
from Orange.data import Table, _contingency
from Orange.data.filter import HasClass
from Orange.preprocess.discretize import EntropyMDL
from Orange.preprocess import RemoveNaNColumns, Impute
__all__ = ["CN2Learner", "CN2UnorderedLearner", "CN2SDLearner",
def argmaxrnd(a, random_seed=None):
Find the index of the maximum value for a given 1-D numpy array.
In case of multiple indices corresponding to the maximum value, the
result is chosen randomly among those. The random number generator
can be seeded by forwarding a seed value: see function 'hash_dist'.
a : ndarray
The source array.
random_seed : int
RNG seed.
index : int
Index of the maximum value.
ValueError : shape mismatch
If 'a' has got more than 2 dimensions.
2-D arrays are also supported to avoid multiple RNG initialisation.
An array of indices corresponding to the maximum value of each row
is then returned.
if a.ndim > 2:
raise ValueError("argmaxrnd only accepts arrays of up to 2 dim")
def rndc(x):
return random.choice((x == bn.nanmax(x)).nonzero()[0])
random = (np.random if random_seed is None
else np.random.RandomState(random_seed))
return rndc(a) if a.ndim == 1 else np.apply_along_axis(rndc, axis=1, arr=a)
def entropy(x):
Calculate information-theoretic entropy measure for a given
x : ndarray
Input distribution.
res : float
Entropy measure result.
x = x[x != 0]
x /= x.sum()
x *= -np.log2(x)
return x.sum()
def likelihood_ratio_statistic(x, y):
Calculate likelihood ratio statistic for given distributions.
x : ndarray
Observed distribution.
y : ndarray
Expected distribution.
lrs : float
Likelihood ratio statistic result.
x[x == 0] = 1e-5
y[y == 0] = 1e-5
y *= x.sum() / y.sum()
lrs = 2 * (x * np.log(x/y)).sum()
return lrs
def get_dist(Y, W, domain):
Determine the class distribution for a given array of
classifications. Identify the number of classes from the data
Y : ndarray, int
Array of classifications.
W : ndarray, float
domain : Orange.data.domain.Domain
Data domain.
dist : ndarray
Class distribution.
return np.bincount(Y, weights=W, minlength=len(domain.class_var.values))
def hash_dist(x):
For a given distribution, calculate a hash value that can be used to
seed the RNG.
x : ndarray
Input distribution.
hash : int
Hash function result.
return int(sha1(np.ascontiguousarray(x).data)
.hexdigest(), base=16) & 0xffffffff
class Evaluator:
def evaluate_rule(self, rule):
Characterise a search heuristic.
If lower values indicate better results, return negatives to
correctly integrate the sorting procedure.
rule : Rule
Evaluate this rule.
res : float
Evaluation function result.
raise NotImplementedError
class EntropyEvaluator(Evaluator):
def evaluate_rule(self, rule):
tc = rule.target_class
dist = rule.curr_class_dist
x = (np.array([dist[tc], dist.sum() - dist[tc]], dtype=float)
if tc is not None else dist.astype(float))
return -entropy(x)
class LaplaceAccuracyEvaluator(Evaluator):
def evaluate_rule(self, rule):
# as an exception, when target class is not set,
# the majority class is chosen to stand against
# all others
tc = rule.target_class
dist = rule.curr_class_dist
if tc is not None:
k = 2
target = dist[tc]
k = len(dist)
target = bn.nanmax(dist)
return (target + 1) / (dist.sum() + k)
class WeightedRelativeAccuracyEvaluator(Evaluator):
def evaluate_rule(self, rule):
tc = rule.target_class
dist = rule.curr_class_dist
p_dist = rule.prior_class_dist
dist_sum, p_dist_sum = dist.sum(), p_dist.sum()
d_modus = argmaxrnd(dist)
if tc is not None:
p_cond = dist_sum / p_dist_sum
# p_cond = dist[tc] / p_dist[tc]
p_true_positive = dist[tc] / dist_sum
p_class = p_dist[tc] / p_dist_sum
# generality of the rule
p_cond = dist_sum / p_dist_sum
# true positives of class c
p_true_positive = dist[d_modus] / dist_sum
# prior probability of class c
p_class = p_dist[d_modus] / p_dist_sum
return (p_cond * (p_true_positive - p_class) if
p_true_positive > p_class
else (p_true_positive - p_class) / max(p_cond, 1e-6))
class LengthEvaluator(Evaluator):
def evaluate_rule(self, rule):
return -rule.length
class Validator:
def validate_rule(self, rule):
Characterise a heuristic to avoid the over-fitting of noisy data
and to reduce computation time.
rule : Rule
Validate this rule.
res : bool
Validation function result.
raise NotImplementedError
class GuardianValidator(Validator):
Discard rules that
- cover less than the minimum required number of examples,
- offer no additional advantage compared to their parent rule,
- are too complex.
def __init__(self, max_rule_length=5, min_covered_examples=1):
self.max_rule_length = max_rule_length
self.min_covered_examples = min_covered_examples
def validate_rule(self, rule):
num_target_covered = (rule.curr_class_dist[rule.target_class]
if rule.target_class is not None
else rule.curr_class_dist.sum())
return (num_target_covered >= self.min_covered_examples and
rule.length <= self.max_rule_length and
(True if rule.parent_rule is None
else not np.array_equal(rule.curr_class_dist,
or rule.parent_rule.length == 0))
class LRSValidator(Validator):
To test significance, calculate the likelihood ratio statistic. It
provides an information-theoretic measure of the (non-commutative)
distance between two distributions. Under suitable assumptions, it
can be shown that the statistic is distributed approximately as
Chi^2 probability distribution with n-1 degrees of freedom. As the
score lowers, the apparent regularity is more likely observed due to
def __init__(self, parent_alpha=1.0, default_alpha=1.0):
self.parent_alpha = parent_alpha
self.default_alpha = default_alpha
def validate_rule(self, rule, _default=False):
tc = rule.target_class
dist = rule.curr_class_dist
if self.default_alpha < 1.0:
sig = self.test_sig(dist, rule.initial_class_dist, tc, self.default_alpha)
if not sig:
return False
if self.parent_alpha < 1.0 and rule.parent_rule is not None:
expdist = rule.parent_rule.curr_class_dist
alpha = self.parent_alpha
return self.test_sig(dist, expdist, tc, alpha)
return True
def test_sig(self, obsdist, expdist, tc, alpha):
if tc is not None:
x = np.array([obsdist[tc], obsdist.sum() - obsdist[tc]], dtype=float)
y = np.array([expdist[tc], expdist.sum() - expdist[tc]], dtype=float)
x = obsdist.astype(float)
y = expdist.astype(float)
lrs = likelihood_ratio_statistic(x, y)
df = len(obsdist) - 1
return lrs > 0 and chi2.sf(lrs, df) <= alpha
class SearchAlgorithm:
Implement an algorithm to maneuver through the search space towards
a better solution, guided by the search heuristics.
def select_candidates(self, rules):
Select candidate rules to be further specialised.
rules : list of Rule
An ordered list of rules (best come first).
candidate_rules : list of Rule
Chosen rules.
rules : list of Rule
Rules not chosen, i.e. the remainder.
raise NotImplementedError
def filter_rules(self, rules):
Filter rules to be considered in the next iteration.
rules : list of Rule
An ordered list of rules (best come first).
rules : list of Rule
Rules kept in play.
raise NotImplementedError
class BeamSearchAlgorithm(SearchAlgorithm):
Remember the best rule found thus far and monitor a fixed number of
alternatives (the beam).
def __init__(self, beam_width=10):
self.beam_width = beam_width
def select_candidates(self, rules):
return rules, []
def filter_rules(self, rules):
return rules[:self.beam_width]
class SearchStrategy:
def initialise_rule(self, X, Y, W, target_class, base_rules, domain,
initial_class_dist, prior_class_dist,
quality_evaluator, complexity_evaluator,
significance_validator, general_validator):
Develop a starting rule.
X, Y : ndarray
Learning data.
target_class : int
Index of the class to model.
base_rules : list of Rule
An optional list of initial rules to constrain the search.
domain : Orange.data.domain.Domain
Data domain, used to calculate class distributions.
initial_class_dist : ndarray
Data class distribution in regard to the whole learning set.
prior_class_dist : ndarray
Data class distribution just before a rule is developed.
quality_evaluator : Evaluator
Evaluation algorithm.
complexity_evaluator : Evaluator
Evaluation algorithm.
significance_validator : Validator
Validation algorithm.
general_validator : Validator
Validation algorithm.
rules : list of Rule
First rules developed in the process of learning a single
raise NotImplementedError
def refine_rule(self, X, Y, W, candidate_rule):
Refine rule.
X, Y : ndarray
Learning data.
candidate_rule : Rule
Refine this rule.
rules : list of Rule
Descendant rules of 'candidate_rule'.
raise NotImplementedError
class TopDownSearchStrategy(SearchStrategy):
If no base rules are given, an empty starting rule that covers all
instances is developed. The hypothesis space of possible rules is
then searched repeatedly by specialising candidate rules.
def __init__(self, constrain_continuous=True, evaluate=True):
self.constrain_continuous = constrain_continuous
self.storage = None
self.evaluate = evaluate
def initialise_rule(self, X, Y, W, target_class, base_rules, domain,
initial_class_dist, prior_class_dist,
quality_evaluator, complexity_evaluator,
significance_validator, general_validator):
rules = []
default_rule = Rule(domain=domain,
default_rule.filter_and_store(X, Y, W, target_class)
if not base_rules and default_rule.is_valid():
if self.evaluate:
for base_rule in base_rules:
temp_rule = Rule(selectors=copy(base_rule.selectors),
temp_rule.filter_and_store(X, Y, W, target_class)
if temp_rule.is_valid():
if self.evaluate:
# optimisation: store covered examples when a selector is found
self.storage = {}
return rules
def refine_rule(self, X, Y, W, candidate_rule):
(target_class, candidate_rule_covered_examples,
candidate_rule_selectors, domain, initial_class_dist,
prior_class_dist, quality_evaluator, complexity_evaluator,
significance_validator, general_validator) = candidate_rule.seed()
# optimisation: to develop further rules is futile
if candidate_rule.length == general_validator.max_rule_length:
return []
possible_selectors = self.find_new_selectors(
if W is not None else None,
domain, candidate_rule_selectors)
new_rules = []
for curr_selector in possible_selectors:
copied_selectors = copy(candidate_rule_selectors)
new_rule = Rule(selectors=copied_selectors,
if curr_selector not in self.storage:
self.storage[curr_selector] = curr_selector.filter_data(X)
# optimisation: faster calc. of covered examples
pdc = candidate_rule_covered_examples & self.storage[curr_selector]
# to ensure that the covered_examples matrices are of
# the same size throughout the rule_finder iteration
new_rule.filter_and_store(X, Y, W, target_class, predef_covered=pdc)
if new_rule.is_valid():
if self.evaluate:
return new_rules
def find_new_selectors(self, X, Y, W, domain, existing_selectors):
existing_selectors = (existing_selectors if existing_selectors is not
None else [])
possible_selectors = []
# examine covered examples, for each variable
for i, attribute in enumerate(domain.attributes):
# if discrete variable
if attribute.is_discrete:
# for each unique value, generate all possible selectors
for val in np.unique(X[:, i]):
s1 = Selector(column=i, op="==", value=val)
s2 = Selector(column=i, op="!=", value=val)
possible_selectors.extend([s1, s2])
# if continuous variable
elif attribute.is_continuous:
if X.shape[0] == 1:
values = X[:, i]
# choose best thresholds if constrain_continuous is True
values = (self.discretize(X[:, i], Y, W, domain)
if self.constrain_continuous
else np.unique(X[:, i]))
# for each unique value, generate all possible selectors
for val in values:
s1 = Selector(column=i, op="<=", value=val)
s2 = Selector(column=i, op=">=", value=val)
possible_selectors.extend([s1, s2])
# remove redundant selectors
possible_selectors = [smh for smh in possible_selectors if
smh not in existing_selectors]
return possible_selectors
def discretize(X, Y, W, domain):
(values, counts), _, _, _ = _contingency.contingency_floatarray(
X, Y.astype(np.float64), len(domain.class_var.values), W)
cut_ind = np.array(EntropyMDL._entropy_discretize_sorted(counts.T, True))
return [values[smh] for smh in cut_ind]
class Selector(namedtuple('Selector', 'column, op, value')):
Define a single rule condition.
# discrete, nominal variables
'==': operator.eq,
'!=': operator.ne,
# continuous variables
'<=': operator.le,
'>=': operator.ge
def filter_instance(self, x):
Filter a single instance.
x : ndarray
Evaluate this instance.
res : bool
True, if the rule covers 'x'.
return Selector.OPERATORS[self[1]](x[self[0]], self[2])
def filter_data(self, X):
Filter several instances concurrently.
X : ndarray
Evaluate this data.
res : ndarray, bool
Array of evaluations.
return Selector.OPERATORS[self[1]](X[:, self[0]], self[2])
class Rule:
Represent a single rule and keep a reference to its parent. Taking
into account numpy slicing and memory management, instance
references are strictly not kept.
Those can be easily gathered however, by following the trail of
covered examples from rule to rule, provided that the original
learning data reference is still known.
def __init__(self, selectors=None, parent_rule=None, domain=None,
initial_class_dist=None, prior_class_dist=None,
quality_evaluator=None, complexity_evaluator=None,
significance_validator=None, general_validator=None):
Initialise a Rule.
selectors : list of Selector
Rule conditions.
parent_rule : Rule
Reference to the parent rule.
domain : Orange.data.domain.Domain
Data domain, used to calculate class distributions.
initial_class_dist : ndarray
Data class distribution in regard to the whole learning set.
prior_class_dist : ndarray
Data class distribution just before a rule is developed.
quality_evaluator : Evaluator
Evaluation algorithm.
complexity_evaluator : Evaluator
Evaluation algorithm.
significance_validator : Validator
Validation algorithm.
general_validator : Validator
Validation algorithm.
self.selectors = selectors if selectors is not None else []
self.parent_rule = parent_rule
self.domain = domain
self.initial_class_dist = initial_class_dist
self.prior_class_dist = prior_class_dist
self.quality_evaluator = quality_evaluator
self.complexity_evaluator = complexity_evaluator
self.significance_validator = significance_validator
self.general_validator = general_validator
self.target_class = None
self.covered_examples = None
self.curr_class_dist = None
self.quality = None
self.complexity = None
self.prediction = None
self.probabilities = None
self.length = len(self.selectors)
def filter_and_store(self, X, Y, W, target_class, predef_covered=None):
Apply data and target class to a rule.
X, Y, W : ndarray
Learning data.
target_class : int
Index of the class to model.
predef_covered : ndarray
Built-in optimisation variable to enable external
computation of covered examples.
self.target_class = target_class
if predef_covered is not None:
self.covered_examples = predef_covered
self.covered_examples = np.ones(X.shape[0], dtype=bool)
for selector in self.selectors:
self.covered_examples &= selector.filter_data(X)
self.curr_class_dist = get_dist(Y[self.covered_examples],
if W is not None else None,
def is_valid(self):
Return True if the rule passes the general validator's
return self.general_validator.validate_rule(self)
def is_significant(self, *args, **kwargs):
Return True if the rule passes the significance validator's
requirements (is significant in regard to its parent).
return self.significance_validator.validate_rule(self, *args, **kwargs)
def do_evaluate(self):
Evaluate the rule's quality and complexity.
self.quality = self.quality_evaluator.evaluate_rule(self)
self.complexity = self.complexity_evaluator.evaluate_rule(self)
def evaluate_instance(self, x):
Evaluate a single instance.
x : ndarray
Evaluate this instance.
res : bool
True, if the rule covers 'x'.
return all(selector.filter_instance(x) for selector in self.selectors)
def evaluate_data(self, X):
Evaluate several instances concurrently.
X : ndarray
Evaluate this data.
res : ndarray, bool
Array of evaluations.
curr_covered = np.ones(X.shape[0], dtype=bool)
for selector in self.selectors:
curr_covered &= selector.filter_data(X)
return curr_covered
def create_model(self):
Determine prediction class probabilities.
# laplace class probabilities
self.probabilities = ((self.curr_class_dist + 1) /
(self.curr_class_dist.sum() +
# predicted class
self.prediction = (self.target_class if self.target_class is not None
else argmaxrnd(self.curr_class_dist))
def seed(self):
Forward relevant information to develop new rules.
return (self.target_class, self.covered_examples, self.selectors,
self.domain, self.initial_class_dist, self.prior_class_dist,
self.quality_evaluator, self.complexity_evaluator,
self.significance_validator, self.general_validator)
def __eq__(self, other):
# return self.selectors == other.selectors
return np.array_equal(self.covered_examples, other.covered_examples)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.selectors)
def __str__(self):
attributes = self.domain.attributes
class_var = self.domain.class_var
if self.selectors:
cond = " AND ".join([attributes[s.column].name + s.op +
if attributes[s.column].is_discrete
else str(s.value)) for s in self.selectors])
cond = "TRUE"
# it is possible that prediction is not set yet - use _ for outcome
outcome = (
(class_var.name + "=" + class_var.values[self.prediction])
if self.prediction is not None else "_"
return "IF {} THEN {} ".format(cond, outcome)
class RuleHuntress:
An experimental implementation of the CN2-R algorithm.
class RuleHunter:
def __init__(self):
self.search_algorithm = BeamSearchAlgorithm()
self.search_strategy = TopDownSearchStrategy()
# search heuristics
self.quality_evaluator = EntropyEvaluator()
self.complexity_evaluator = LengthEvaluator()
# heuristics to avoid the over-fitting of noisy data
self.general_validator = GuardianValidator()
self.significance_validator = LRSValidator()
def __call__(self, X, Y, W, target_class, base_rules, domain,
initial_class_dist, existing_rules):
Return a single rule.
The search is guided by search heuristics (evaluators) and
controlled by over-fitting avoidance heuristics (validators).
Search strategy creates and refines rules, whereas search
algorithm maneuvers through the search space towards a better
X, Y, W : ndarray
Learning data.
target_class : int
Index of the class to model.
base_rules : list of Rule
An optional list of initial rules to constrain the search.
domain : Orange.data.domain.Domain
Data domain, used to calculate class distributions.
initial_class_dist : ndarray
Data class distribution in regard to the whole learning set.
existing_rules : list of Rule
Rules found in previous iterations (to avoid duplicates).
best_rule : Rule
Highest quality rule discovered.
def rcmp(rule):
return rule.quality, rule.complexity
prior_class_dist = get_dist(Y, W, domain)
rules = self.search_strategy.initialise_rule(
X, Y, W, target_class, base_rules, domain,
initial_class_dist, prior_class_dist,
self.quality_evaluator, self.complexity_evaluator,
self.significance_validator, self.general_validator)
if not rules:
return None
rules = sorted(rules, key=rcmp, reverse=True)
best_rule = rules[0]
while len(rules) > 0:
candidates, rules = self.search_algorithm.select_candidates(rules)
for candidate_rule in candidates:
new_rules = self.search_strategy.refine_rule(
X, Y, W, candidate_rule)
# remove default rule from list of rules
if best_rule.length == 0 and len(new_rules) > 0:
best_rule = new_rules[0]
for new_rule in new_rules[1:]:
if (new_rule.quality > best_rule.quality and
new_rule.is_significant() and
new_rule not in existing_rules):
best_rule = new_rule
rules = sorted(rules, key=rcmp, reverse=True)
rules = self.search_algorithm.filter_rules(rules)
return best_rule if best_rule not in existing_rules else None
class _RuleLearner(Learner):
A base rule induction learner. Descendants should return a relevant
classifier if called with data.
Separate and conquer strategy is applied, allowing for different
rule learning algorithms to be easily implemented by connecting
together predefined components. In essence, learning instances are
covered and removed following a chosen rule. The process is repeated
while learning set examples remain.
To evaluate found hypotheses and to choose the best rule in each
iteration, search heuristics are used. Primarily, rule class
distribution is the decisive determinant. The over-fitting of noisy
data is avoided by preferring simpler, shorter rules even if the
accuracy of more complex rules is higher.
"Separate-and-Conquer Rule Learning", Johannes Fürnkranz, Artificial
Intelligence Review 13, 3-54, 1999
preprocessors = [RemoveNaNColumns(), HasClass(), Impute()]
def __init__(self, preprocessors=None, base_rules=None):
Constrain the search algorithm with a list of base rules.
Assign relevant functions to regulate the top-level control
procedure (find_rules). Specify when the algorithm should stop
the search (data_stopping, rule_stopping) and how instances
covered are removed/adjusted (cover_and_remove) after finding a
single rule.
Also initialise a rule finder (RuleHunter being one possible
implementation) to control the bottom-level search procedure.
Set search bias and over-fitting avoidance bias parameters by
selecting its components.
preprocessors : list of Preprocess
A sequence of data preprocessors to apply on data prior to
fitting the model.
base_rules : list of Rule
An optional list of initial rules to constrain the search.
self.base_rules = base_rules if base_rules is not None else []
self.rule_finder = RuleHunter()
self.data_stopping = self.positive_remaining_data_stopping
self.cover_and_remove = self.exclusive_cover_and_remove
self.rule_stopping = self.lrs_significance_rule_stopping
# base_rules and domain not accessed using self to avoid
# possible crashes and to enable quick use of the algorithm
def find_rules(self, X, Y, W, target_class, base_rules, domain):
The top-level control procedure of the separate-and-conquer
algorithm. For given data and target class (may be None), return
a list of rules which all must strictly adhere to the
requirements of rule finder's validators.
To induce decision lists (ordered rules), set target class to
None. Best rule conditions are found and the majority class is
assigned in the rule head.
To induce rule sets (unordered rules), learn rules for each
class individually, in regard to the original learning data.
X, Y, W : ndarray
Learning data.
target_class : int
Index of the class to model.
base_rules : list of Rule
An optional list of initial rules to constrain the search.
domain : Orange.data.domain.Domain
Data domain, used to calculate class distributions.
rule_list : list of Rule
Induced rules.
initial_class_dist = get_dist(Y, W, domain)
rule_list = []
# while data allows, continuously find new rules,
# break the loop if min. requirements cannot be met,
# after finding a rule, remove the instances covered
while not self.data_stopping(X, Y, W, target_class, domain):
# generate a new rule that has not been seen before
new_rule = self.rule_finder(X, Y, W, target_class, base_rules,
domain, initial_class_dist, rule_list)
# None when no new, unique rules that pass
# the general requirements can be found
if new_rule is None or self.rule_stopping(new_rule):
# exclusive or weighted
X, Y, W = self.cover_and_remove(X, Y, W, new_rule)
return rule_list
def positive_remaining_data_stopping(self, X, Y, W, target_class, domain):
Data stopping.
If the minimum number of required covered examples can no longer
be met, return True and conclude rule induction.
This function is inherently linked to the GuardianValidator. If
a different general validator is used, it is imperative that the
minimum number of required covered examples is enforced or this
function overridden. The parameter min_covered_examples must be
accessible, else an exception is raised.
X, Y, W : ndarray
Learning data.
target_class : int
Index of the class to model.
res : bool
Whether or not rule induction will be stopped.
tc = target_class
dist = get_dist(Y, W, domain)
general_validator = self.rule_finder.general_validator
num_possible = dist[tc] if tc is not None else dist.sum()
return num_possible < general_validator.min_covered_examples
def lrs_significance_rule_stopping(new_rule):
Rule stopping.
If the latest rule is not found to be relevant in regard to the
initial class distribution, return True and conclude rule
This function is inherently linked to the LRSValidator. If a
different general validator is used, it is imperative that this
function is overridden.
new_rule : Rule
Evaluate this rule.
res : bool
Whether or not rule induction will be stopped.
return not new_rule.is_significant(_default=True)
def exclusive_cover_and_remove(X, Y, W, new_rule):
Cover and remove.
After covering a learning instance, remove it from further
X, Y, W : ndarray
Learning data.
new_rule : Rule
Remove learning instances covered by this rule.
X, Y, W : ndarray
Learning data subset.
examples_to_keep = new_rule.covered_examples.copy()
if new_rule.target_class is not None:
examples_to_keep &= Y == new_rule.target_class
examples_to_keep = np.logical_not(examples_to_keep)
W = W[examples_to_keep] if W is not None else None
return X[examples_to_keep], Y[examples_to_keep], W
def weighted_cover_and_remove(self, X, Y, W, new_rule):
Cover and remove.
After covering a learning instance, decrease its weight and
in-turn decrease its impact on further iterations of the
To use this function, learner parameter gamma must be set.
Weights are adjusted inplace.
X, Y, W : ndarray
Learning data.
new_rule : Rule
Adjust learning instances covered by this rule.
X, Y, W : ndarray
Adjusted learning data.
examples_to_weigh = new_rule.covered_examples.copy()
if new_rule.target_class is not None:
examples_to_weigh &= Y == new_rule.target_class
if W is None:
W = np.ones(X.shape[0])
W[examples_to_weigh] *= self.gamma
return X, Y, W
def generate_default_rule(self, X, Y, W, domain):
Generate a default rule, which mimics a majority classifier.
Specific to each individual rule inducer, the application of the
default rule varies. To predict an instance, a single default
rule should be considered.
X, Y, W : ndarray
Learning data.
domain : Orange.data.domain.Domain
Data domain, used to calculate class distributions.
default_rule : Rule
Default rule with no selectors that covers all learning
instances and mimics a majority classifier.
rf = self.rule_finder
dist = get_dist(Y, W, domain)
default_rule = Rule(None, None, domain, dist, dist,
rf.quality_evaluator, rf.complexity_evaluator,
rf.significance_validator, rf.general_validator)
default_rule.filter_and_store(X, Y, W, None)
return default_rule
class _RuleClassifier(Model):
A rule induction classifier.
Descendants classify instances following either an unordered set of
rules or a decision list.
def __init__(self, domain=None, rule_list=None):
self.domain = domain
self.rule_list = rule_list if rule_list is not None else []
def predict(self, X):
raise NotImplementedError
def ordered_predict(self, X):
Following a decision list, for each instance, rules are tried in
order until one fires.
X : ndarray
Classify this data.
res : ndarray, float
Probabilistic classification.
num_classes = len(self.domain.class_var.values)
probabilities = np.array([np.zeros(num_classes, dtype=float)
for _ in range(X.shape[0])])
status = np.ones(X.shape[0], dtype=bool)
for rule in self.rule_list:
curr_covered = rule.evaluate_data(X)
curr_covered &= status
status &= np.bitwise_not(curr_covered)
probabilities[curr_covered] = rule.probabilities
return probabilities
def unordered_predict(self, X):
Following an unordered set of rules, for each instance, all
rules are tried and those that fire are collected. If a clash
occurs, class probabilities (predictions) of all collected rules
are summed and weighted.
If no other rules fire, the default rule prediction is used.
Any other empty rules (a fallout most common in the domain of
weighted covering algorithms) are ignored.
X : ndarray
Classify this data.
res : ndarray, float
Probabilistic classification.
num_classes = len(self.domain.class_var.values)
probabilities = np.array([np.zeros(num_classes, dtype=float)
for _ in range(X.shape[0])])
num_hits = np.zeros(X.shape[0], dtype=int)
total_weight = np.vstack(np.zeros(X.shape[0], dtype=float))
for rule in self.rule_list[:-1]:
if rule.length > 0:
curr_covered = rule.evaluate_data(X)
num_hits += curr_covered
temp = rule.curr_class_dist.sum()
probabilities[curr_covered] += rule.probabilities * temp
total_weight[curr_covered] += temp
default_rule = self.rule_list[-1]
weigh_down = num_hits > 0
apply_default = num_hits == 0
probabilities[weigh_down] /= total_weight[weigh_down]
probabilities[apply_default] = default_rule.probabilities
return probabilities
class _BaseCN2Learner(_RuleLearner):
Base CN2 Learner used to extend CN2 rule induction algorithms.
def __init__(self, preprocessors=None, base_rules=None, beam_width=5,
constrain_continuous=True, min_covered_examples=1,
max_rule_length=5, default_alpha=1.0, parent_alpha=1.0):
super().__init__(preprocessors, base_rules)
rf = self.rule_finder
rf.search_algorithm.beam_width = beam_width
rf.search_strategy.constrain_continuous = constrain_continuous
rf.general_validator.min_covered_examples = min_covered_examples
rf.general_validator.max_rule_length = max_rule_length
rf.significance_validator.default_alpha = default_alpha
rf.significance_validator.parent_alpha = parent_alpha
def fit_storage(self, data):
raise NotImplementedError
class CN2Learner(_RuleLearner):
Classic CN2 inducer that constructs a list of ordered rules. To
evaluate found hypotheses, entropy measure is used. Returns a
CN2Classifier if called with data.
"The CN2 Induction Algorithm", Peter Clark and Tim Niblett, Machine
Learning Journal, 3 (4), pp261-283, (1989)
def __init__(self, preprocessors=None, base_rules=None):
super().__init__(preprocessors, base_rules)
self.rule_finder.quality_evaluator = EntropyEvaluator()
def fit_storage(self, data):
X, Y, W = data.X, data.Y, data.W if data.has_weights() else None
Y = Y.astype(dtype=int)
rule_list = self.find_rules(X, Y, W, None, self.base_rules, data.domain)
# add the default rule, if required
if not rule_list or rule_list and rule_list[-1].length > 0:
rule_list.append(self.generate_default_rule(X, Y, W, data.domain))
return CN2Classifier(domain=data.domain, rule_list=rule_list)
class CN2Classifier(_RuleClassifier):
def predict(self, X):
Following a decision list, for each instance, rules are tried in
order until one fires.
X : ndarray
Classify this data.
res : ndarray, float
Probabilistic classification.
return self.ordered_predict(X)
class CN2UnorderedLearner(_RuleLearner):
Construct a set of unordered rules.
Rules are learnt for each class individually and scored
by the relative frequency of the class corrected by the Laplace correction.
After adding a rule, only the covered examples of that class are removed.
The code below loads the *iris* dataset (four continuous attributes
and a discrete class) and fits the learner.
.. literalinclude:: code/classification-cn2ruleinduction1.py
"Rule Induction with CN2: Some Recent Improvements", Peter Clark and
Robin Boswell, Machine Learning - Proceedings of the 5th European
Conference (EWSL-91), pp151-163, 1991
name = 'CN2 unordered inducer'
def __init__(self, preprocessors=None, base_rules=None):
super().__init__(preprocessors, base_rules)
self.rule_finder.quality_evaluator = LaplaceAccuracyEvaluator()
def fit_storage(self, data):
X, Y, W = data.X, data.Y, data.W if data.has_weights() else None
Y = Y.astype(dtype=int)
rule_list = []
for curr_class in range(len(data.domain.class_var.values)):
rule_list.extend(self.find_rules(X, Y, W, curr_class,
self.base_rules, data.domain))
# add the default rule
rule_list.append(self.generate_default_rule(X, Y, W, data.domain))
return CN2UnorderedClassifier(domain=data.domain, rule_list=rule_list)
class CN2UnorderedClassifier(_RuleClassifier):
def predict(self, X):
Following an unordered set of rules, for each instance, all
rules are tried and those that fire are collected. If a clash
occurs, class probabilities (predictions) of all collected rules
are summed and weighted.
X : ndarray
Classify this data.
res : ndarray, float
Probabilistic classification.
return self.unordered_predict(X)
class CN2SDLearner(_RuleLearner):
Ordered CN2SD inducer that constructs a list of ordered rules. To
evaluate found hypotheses, Weighted relative accuracy measure is
used. Returns a CN2SDClassifier if called with data.
In this setting, ordered rule induction refers exclusively to
finding best rule conditions and assigning the majority class in the
rule head (target class is set to None). To later predict instances,
rules will be regarded as unordered.
A weighted covering algorithm is applied, in which subsequently
induced rules also represent interesting and sufficiently large
subgroups of the population. Covered positive examples are not
deleted from the learning set, rather their weight is reduced.
The algorithm demonstrates how classification rule learning
(predictive induction) can be adapted to subgroup discovery, a task
at the intersection of predictive and descriptive induction.
"Subgroup Discovery with CN2-SD", Nada Lavrač et al., Journal of Machine
Learning Research 5 (2004), 153-188, 2004
name = 'CN2-SD inducer'
def __init__(self, preprocessors=None, base_rules=None):
super().__init__(preprocessors, base_rules)
self.rule_finder.quality_evaluator = WeightedRelativeAccuracyEvaluator()
self.cover_and_remove = self.weighted_cover_and_remove
self.gamma = 0.7
def fit_storage(self, data):
X, Y = data.X, data.Y.astype(dtype=int)
W = np.copy(data.W) if data.has_weights() else None
rule_list = self.find_rules(X, Y, W, None, self.base_rules, data.domain)
# add the default rule, other
# TRUE rules are insufficient
rule_list.append(self.generate_default_rule(X, Y, W, data.domain))
return CN2SDClassifier(domain=data.domain, rule_list=rule_list)
class CN2SDClassifier(_RuleClassifier):
def predict(self, X):
In contrast to the classic CN2 algorithm, all applicable rules
are taken into account even though CN2SD induces ordered rules.
For each instance, all rules are tried and those that fire are
collected. If a clash occurs, class probabilities (predictions)
of all collected rules are summed and weighted.
If no other rules fire, the default rule prediction is used.
Any other empty rules (a fallout most common in the domain of
weighted covering algorithms) are ignored.
X : ndarray
Classify this data.
res : ndarray, float
Probabilistic classification.
return self.unordered_predict(X)
class CN2SDUnorderedLearner(_RuleLearner):
Unordered CN2SD inducer that constructs a set of unordered rules. To
evaluate found hypotheses, Weighted relative accuracy measure is
used. Returns a CN2SDUnorderedClassifier if called with data.
A weighted covering algorithm is applied, in which subsequently
induced rules also represent interesting and sufficiently large
subgroups of the population. Covered positive examples are not
deleted from the learning set, rather their weight is reduced.
The algorithm demonstrates how classification rule learning
(predictive induction) can be adapted to subgroup discovery, a task
at the intersection of predictive and descriptive induction.
"Subgroup Discovery with CN2-SD", Nada Lavrač et al., Journal of Machine
Learning Research 5 (2004), 153-188, 2004
name = 'CN2-SD unordered inducer'
def __init__(self, preprocessors=None, base_rules=None):
super().__init__(preprocessors, base_rules)
self.rule_finder.quality_evaluator = WeightedRelativeAccuracyEvaluator()
self.cover_and_remove = self.weighted_cover_and_remove
self.gamma = 0.7
def fit_storage(self, data):
X, Y, W = data.X, data.Y, data.W if data.has_weights() else None
Y = Y.astype(dtype=int)
rule_list = []
for curr_class in range(len(data.domain.class_var.values)):
X, Y, np.copy(W) if W is not None else None,
curr_class, self.base_rules, data.domain))
# add the default rule
rule_list.append(self.generate_default_rule(X, Y, W, data.domain))
return CN2SDUnorderedClassifier(domain=data.domain, rule_list=rule_list)
class CN2SDUnorderedClassifier(_RuleClassifier):
def predict(self, X):
Following an unordered set of rules, for each instance, all
rules are tried and those that fire are collected. If a clash
occurs, class probabilities (predictions) of all collected rules
are summed and weighted.
If no other rules fire, the default rule prediction is used.
Any other empty rules (a fallout most common in the domain of
weighted covering algorithms) are ignored.
X : ndarray
Classify this data.
res : ndarray, float
Probabilistic classification.
return self.unordered_predict(X)
def main():
data = Table('titanic')
learner = CN2Learner()
classifier = learner(data)
for rule in classifier.rule_list:
print(rule.curr_class_dist.tolist(), rule, rule.quality)
data = Table('iris.tab')
learner = CN2UnorderedLearner()
learner.rule_finder.general_validator.max_rule_length = 2
learner.rule_finder.general_validator.min_covered_examples = 10
classifier = learner(data)
for rule in classifier.rule_list:
print(rule, rule.curr_class_dist.tolist())
if __name__ == "__main__":