Manifold Learning ================= .. figure:: icons/manifold-learning.png Nonlinear dimensionality reduction. Signals ------- **Inputs**: - **Data** A data set **Outputs**: - **Transformed Data** A data set with new, reduced coordinates. Description ----------- `Manifold Learning `_ is a technique which finds a non-linear manifold within the higher-dimensional space. The widget then outputs new coordinates which correspond to a two-dimensional space. Such data can be later visualized with :doc:`Scatter Plot <../visualize/scatterplot>` or other visualization widgets. .. figure:: images/manifold-learning-stamped.png 1. Method for manifold learning: - `t-SNE `_ - `MDS `_, see also :doc:`MDS widget <../unsupervised/mds>` - `Isomap `_ - `Locally Linear Embedding `_ - `Spectral Embedding `_ 2. Set parameters for the method: - t-SNE (distance measures): - *Euclidean* distance - *Manhattan* - *Chebyshev* - *Jaccard* - *Mahalanobis* - *Cosine* - MDS (iterations and initialization): - *max interations*: maximum number of optimization interations - *initialization*: method for initialization of the algorithm (PCA or random) - Isomap: - number of *neighbors* - Locally Linear Embedding: - *method*: - standard - modified - `hessian eigenmap `_ - local - number of *neighbors* - *max iterations* - Spectral Embedding: - *affinity*: - nearest neighbors - RFB kernel 3. Output: the number of reduced features (components). 4. If *Apply automatically* is ticked, changes will be propagated automatically. Alternatively, click *Apply*. 5. Produce a report. **Manifold Learning** widget produces different embeddings for high-dimensional data. ... figure:: images/collage-manifold.png From left to right, top to bottom: t-SNE, MDS, Isomap, Locally Linear Embedding and Spectral Embedding. Example ------- *Manifold Learning* widget transforms high-dimensional data into a lower dimensional approximation. This makes it great for visualizing data sets with many features. We used ** to map 16-dimensional data onto a 2D graph. Then we used :doc:`Scatter Plot <../visualize/scatterplot>` to plot the embeddings. .. figure:: images/manifold-learning-example.png