Python Script ============= .. figure:: icons/python-script.png Extends functionalities through Python scripting. Signals ------- **Inputs**: - **in\_data (** Input data set bound to ``in_data`` variable in the script’s local namespace. - **in\_distance (Orange.core.SymMatrix)** Input symmetric matrix bound to ``in_distance`` variable in the script’s local namespace. - **in\_learner (Orange.classification.Learner)** Input learner bound to ``in_learner`` variable in the script’s local namespace. - **in\_classifier (Orange.classification.Learner)** Input classifier bound to ``in_classifier`` variable in the script’s local namespace. - **in\_object (object)** Input python object bound to ``in_object`` variable in the script’s local namespace. **Outputs**: - **out\_data (** Data set retrieved from ``out_data`` variable in the script’s local namespace after execution. - **out\_distance (Orange.core.SymMatrix)** Symmetric matrix retrieved from ``out_distance`` variable in the script’s local namespace after execution. - **out\_learner (Orange.classification.Learner)** Learner retrieved from ``out_learner`` variable in the script’s local namespace. - **out\_classifier (Orange.classification.Learner)** Classifier retrieved from ``out_classifier`` variable in the script’s local namespace after execution. - **out\_object (object)** Python object retrieved from ``out_object`` variable in the script’s local namespace after execution. Description ----------- **Python Script** widget can be used to run a python script in the input, when a suitable functionality is not implemented in an existing widget. The script has ``in_data``, ``in_distance``, ``in_learner``, ``in_classifier`` and ``in_object`` variables (from input signals) in its local namespace. If a signal is not connected or it did not yet receive any data, those variables contain ``None``. After the script is executed, ``out_data``, ``out_distance``, … variables from the script’s local namespace are extracted and used as outputs of the widget. The widget can be further connected to other widgets for visualizing the output. For instance the following script would simply pass on all signals it receives: :: out_data = in_data out_distance = in_distance out_learner = in_learner out_classifier = in_classifier out_object = in_object .. note:: You should not modify the input objects in place. .. figure:: images/PythonScript-stamped.png 1. Info box contains names of basic operators for Orange Python script. 2. The *Library* control can be used to manage multiple scripts. Pressing "+" will add a new entry and open it in the *Python script* editor. When the script is modified, its entry in the *Library* will change to indicate it has unsaved changes. Pressing *Update* will save the script (keyboard shortcut ctrl + s). A script can be removed by selecting it and pressing the "-" button. 3. Pressing *Execute* in the *Run* box executes the script (using ``exec``). Any script output (from ``print``) is captured and displayed in the *Console* below the script. If *Auto execute* is checked, the script is run any time inputs to the widget change. 4. The *Python script* editor on the left can be used to edit a script (it supports some rudimentary syntax highlighting). 5. Console displays the output of the script. Examples -------- Python Script widget is intended to extend functionalities for advanced users. One can, for example, do batch filtering by attributes. We used for the example and we filtered out all the attributes that have more than 5 discrete values. This in our case removed only 'leg' attribute, but imagine an example where one would have many such attributes. :: from import Domain, Table domain = Domain([attr for attr in in_data.domain.attributes if attr.is_continuous or len(attr.values) <= 5], in_data.domain.class_vars) out_data = Table(domain, in_data) .. figure:: images/PythonScript-filtering.png The second example shows how to round all the values in a few lines of code. This time we used and rounded all the values to whole numbers. :: import numpy as np out_data = in_data.copy() #copy, otherwise input data will be overwritten np.round(out_data.X, 0, out_data.X) .. figure:: images/PythonScript-round.png The third example introduces some gaussian noise to the data. Again we make a copy of the input data, then walk through all the values with a double for loop and add random noise. :: import random from import Domain, Table new_data = in_data.copy() for inst in new_data: for f in inst.domain.attributes: inst[f] += random.gauss(0, 0.02) out_data = new_data .. figure:: images/PythonScript-gauss.png The final example uses Orange3-Text add-on. **Python Script** is very useful for custom preprocessing in text mining, extracting new features from strings, or utilizing advanced nltk or gensim functions. Below, we simply tokenized our input data from by splitting them by whitespace. :: print('Running Preprocessing ...') tokens = [doc.split(' ') for doc in in_data.documents] print('Tokens:', tokens) out_object = in_data out_object.store_tokens(tokens) You can add a lot of other preprocessing steps to further adjust the output. The output of **Python Script** can be used with any widget that accepts the type of output your script produces. In this case, connection is green, which signalizes the right type of input for Word Cloud widget. .. figure:: images/PythonScript-Example3.png