File ==== .. figure:: icons/file.png Reads attribute-value data from an input file. Signals ------- **Inputs**: - (None) **Outputs**: - **Data** Attribute-valued data from the input file Description ----------- The **File** widget :doc:`reads the input data file <../../loading-your-data/index>` (data table with data instances) and sends the data set to its output channel. The history of most recently opened files is maintained in the widget. The widget also includes a directory with sample data sets that come pre-installed with Orange. The widget reads data from Excel (**.xlsx**), simple tab-delimited (**.txt**), comma-separated files (**.csv**) or URLs. .. figure:: images/File-stamped.png 1. Browse through previously opened data files, or load any of the sample ones. 2. Browse for a data file. 3. Reloads currently selected data file. 4. Insert data from URL adresses, including data from Google Sheets. 5. Information on the loaded data set: data set size, number and types of data features. 6. Additional information on the features in the data set. Features can be edited by double-clicking on them. The user can change the attribute names, select the type of variable per each attribute (*Continuous*, *Nominal*, *String*, *Datetime*), and choose how to further define the attributes (as *Features*, *Targets* or *Meta*). The user can also decide to ignore an attribute. 7. Browse documentation data sets. 8. Produce a report. Example ------- Most Orange workflows would probably start with the **File** widget. In the schema below, the widget is used to read the data that is sent to both the :doc:`Data Table <../data/datatable>` and the :doc:`Box Plot <../visualize/boxplot>` widget. .. figure:: images/File-Workflow.png Loading your data ----------------- - Orange can import any comma, .xlsx or tab-delimited data file or URL. Use the :doc:`File widget <../data/file>` and then, if needed, select class and meta attributes. - To specify the domain and the type of the attribute, attribute names can be preceded with a label followed by a hash. Use c for class and m for meta attribute, i to ignore a column, and C, D, S for continuous, discrete and string attribute types. Examples: C#mpg, mS#name, i#dummy. Make sure to set **Import Options** in :doc:`File <../data/file>` widget and set the header to **Orange simplified header**. - Orange's native format is a tab-delimited text file with three header rows. The first row contains attribute names, the second the type (**continuous**, **discrete** or **string**), and the third the optional element (**class**, **meta** or **string**). .. figure:: images/spreadsheet-simple-head1.png Read more on loading your data :doc:`here <../../loading-your-data/index>`.